VOHeroes 101
A VOHeroes Welcome
1. Quick check...are you sure you're in the right course? -
The VOHeroes Mission and Ethos2. Why become a client's VO...hero?
2.1 The history of VOHeroes.com
2.2 The VOHeroes definition of success
Strategy and Tactics3. Strategy: the four keys
4 Tactics: The VOHeroes Pro Toolkit
4.1 VOHeroes Courses: instruction and theory
4.2 VOHeroes Workouts: monthly real-world practice
4.3 VOHeroes Coaches: mentorship and guidance
4.4 The VOHeroes coaching philosophy
4.5 VOHeroes ProConnect LIVE: business building and accountability
4.6 VOHeroes ProConnect: discussion and mutual support
4.7 VOHeroes Labs: reference videos
4.8 VOHeroes Articles: podcasts, blog posts and more
Courses5. VOHeroes Courses
5.1 The VOHeroes Pro Core Curriculum
5.2 All courses (and your courses)
5.3 How to take VOHeroes courses
5.4 How to navigate any VOHeroes course
5.5 Sections, lessons and topics
5.6 Accessing course materials and Workout clips
5.7 Tracking your course progress
5.8 Taking and passing quizzes1 Quiz
5.9 Earning certificates
5.10 The VOHeroes leaderboard
5.11 Extension and bonus courses
Workouts6. Your two types of VOHeroes Workouts
6.1 The monthly VOHeroes Workouts: practice your voice over skills
6.2 How to find and register for a Workout
6.3 How to set your Zoom and Audacity preferences for all Workouts
6.4 How to get the most out of Workouts
6.5 Want more than one workout in a month? The Additional Workout
6.6 How to register for ProConnect LIVE
6.7 How to participate in ProConnect LIVE
6.8 How to listen to the Workout and ProConnect LIVE recordings
The VOHeroes Site7. A visual tour of VOHeroes.com
7.1 The Toolbar menu bar
7.2 Your Account Menu on the Toolbar
7.3 Adding and updating your profile and cover photo
7.4 Setting your VOHeroes nickname
7.5 How to manage your email address and password
7.6 The Sidebar menu bar
Getting Support8. How to search VOHeroes.com site content
9. How to communicate: Pro Connect, Messaging and Notifications
9.1 How to use the ProConnect discussion group
9.2 How to follow ProConnect discussions
9.3 How to use Messages
9.4 How Notifications work
10. How to get help and support
10.1 How to whitelist VOHeroes email addresses
10.2 How to get help with your VOHeroes account
10.3 How to get help with voice over-related issues
10.4 How to filter VOHeroes email notifications into folders
10.5 How to be a world-class complainer
The VOHeroes Pro Membership11. Managing your VOHeroes Pro membership
11.1 Joining the VOHeroes Pro membership
11.2 Whatās included in the Pro membership
11.3 Graduating and becoming a VOHeroes Pro Emeritus
11.4 Purchasing individual VOHeroes courses
Other VOHeroes Services: producing demos, private coaching and more12. How to get your demos produced by VOHeroes
12.1 The VOHeroes demo production process
12.2 Listen to demos of our demos
12.3 How VOHeroes demos are priced
12.4 How to know if you are ready to produce a specific demo
13. How to get private one-on-one VOHeroes coaching
14. The VOHeroes Affiliate Partner program
15. Congratulations!
Participants 1190
5.11 Extension and bonus courses
In addition to the core VOHeroes Pro curriculum, there are other courses that you may have access to, depending upon your membership status.
When I create a course that is a bit outside the boundaries I’ve set for the Pro curriculum, but that I think would make sense for voice talent to be aware of, I’ll add that to the extension (or extracurricular) course group.
As an example, we have a course called Believe, that was created specifically as a 21-day jumpstart course to tackle the limiting beliefs that performers often have, and replace those limiting beliefs with enabling ones.

The course is a bit different from our usual courses, in that it was recorded across a three week period, with live students participating, and it was all done on video instead of the typical section/lesson/topic approach we use with the core curriculum. Believe is made available as part of the VOHeroes Pro curriculum, or can be purchased separately.
Another example is the course I was asked to create for a private client, called Creating World Class Commercial Copy. This course was commissioned by the public affairs office of Miami-Dade County, and was designed to teach their employees how to write effective copy for their broadcast announcements and PSAs.

As I created the course, I did so in a way that would help my Pros understand that writing process as well. Understanding how commercials are written and constructed, what their goals are and how they lead a listener or viewer to a solution, totally changes how a voice talent will approach voicing that copy. This course is only available to VOHeroes Pros.
Other courses are added from time to time to the extension curriculum, so watch the Courses page for those opportunities.
All right…you’ve been learning tons in the courses. And we’re going to take a look at how we help you put all that learnin’ into practice: it’s time to go deep into our monthly Workouts.
Where are these courses located? I’ve searched the site and could not find them.
They will be appearing in your Course list over the next couple of months. They are currently being ported from the last platform I used and developed them on.
Awesome! Thank you.
So interesting in “Creating World Class Commercial Copy.” When I took a VO class years ago, my teacher had me write some of my own copy. Can’t wait check this class out. Thanks David for all the goodies!
I love the Mindset of Believe and am inspired to also checkout Creating World Class Commercial Copy! Two areas right up my alley! Thanks David!