Thank You For All Your Help

Hey there, hero!
So here we are – the last video of the 365 I challenged myself to create throughout this year.
I have so many people to thank, but mostly…I want to thank you.
Without your engagement, this challenge would have gotten real old real fast.
But you helped me so much.
Here’s how.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
well hey there hero it’s David H
Lawrence the seventeenth and it’s hard
to believe but here we are 365 videos in
one year one a day the challenge that I
set out for myself as I said in the show
notes below this video or above this
video it depends on where you’re
watching it this would have gotten real
old real fast if people weren’t engaged
and contributing and agreeing and
disagreeing and all that that I’ll get
to in just a second I just want to thank
you I want to thank you for your help
there are a couple people I want to
thank overtly first of all all my
coaches Trevor Jay Rodney Karen Eileen
Gordon Max and Victoria and Tory I want
to my support team of steena and Steve
they were both really instrumental in
helping me get the formatting and
everything done the folks at the folks
at is it Telestream yeah Telestream for
creating ScreenFlow oh thank you so much
and Adrienne for helping me get set up
with a new look and a new feel which
will switch to at the beginning of the
contributors Betsy the lovely Betsy
would send me stuff all the time many of
the writers at medium and the other
blogs and magazines and resources that i
ha’n’t on a regular basis but mostly I
want to thank you for your help because
your engagement and your support and
your alignment agreement and also on
alignment disalignment disagreement
challenging me that was that was really
great and the encouragement that you
gave me throughout the year many many
times people would say I can’t believe
you’re doing a new video every day that
is so useful again if you hadn’t engaged
and you hadn’t made comments and you
hadn’t reacted there’s a very good
chance that I would have done this for
about a week and then said yeah you know
what nobody gives a rat so but you did
and I thank you so much for that
starting tomorrow
January 1st if you’re watching these in
order if you just stumbled upon these
did one every day for the year of night
of 2019 but starting tomorrow we’ll
switch over to a weekly schedule we’ll
call them once a week on Wednesday and
it’ll be just as useful I promise it’ll
be up-to-date and current and I hope
will aid you in increasing your chances
for success in what is a very capricious
very irrational business leave me a
comment below if you’d like I really
appreciate it I really appreciate your
connection this year I’m David H
Lawrence 17th I thank you so much for
watching and I will talk to you next
You’re welcome. Thank you for bringing us along for the ride.
Thank you, David! It has been a pleasure learning from you. I look forward to Wednesday’s in 2020! All the very best for an amazing year. Kirsten
When I first saw that you were going to do this video a day challenge I thought it was crazy. I guess I still do but I enjoyed coming along on the once a day journey. I ended up learning a lot and feel like you are an old friend. Thanks so much, congratulations, and I am looking forward to your once a week wisdom. Cheers!
Congrats David. What an achievement. Very happy you followed through and you’ve certainly shared some helpful, wise and thought provoking ideas throughout the year. Your emails in the inbox were a welcome visit each morning and I enjoyed watching or reading the “raw you tune captioning” regularly. Looking forward to 2020 and thankful for what you did with this challenge. Cheers!
Thank you David! Not sure how you did it but every day’s video was full of useful information and watching your video was part of my morning ritual. I will miss not having them every day but look forward to Wednesdays! Congrats on completing your challenge so successfully!
Yeah! Congrats. You did a fantastic job. I know it wasn’t easy. So glad these are available to look back on. Great content. Thank you.
WOW…amazing….and well done.
Good thing it wasn’t a leap year or you would have been missing one….LOL…
Looking forward to the weekly video…
Thank you so much David for all the great information you shared with us all. Have a Happy New Year.
Cylinda McAlister
Thank you for all the great information. I watched every video. You have been of great service to your tribe and we thank you for it.
Thank you so much for these videos! They were relevant, interesting and challenging
to me. I appreciate your giving heart and always wanting to help others move forward.
What an inspiration and amazing support you’ve provided this year! There were days when you knew just what to say when I needed to hear it, and I will always be grateful for that. Thank you so much for all you’ve done, and will continue to be there for all of us.
Congratulations on completing your challenge! It was my challenge to listen to every one of your videos and I DID IT! I certainly had the easier challenge but YAY for us! Your guidance, advice and ideas were inspirational all year long. Thank you David!!
365! Congratulations, David! And once more – because I can’t thank you enough – THANK YOU!
You have been amazing and inspiring through this 365 day challenge. I am going to miss seeing you every day but if I need to I know I can always go back and watch the videos again. Thank you for doing them. You really helped me a lot. A Happy and Healthy New Year to you!
Thank you David!!
Thanks for this year of Heroics!
Looking forward to hearing from you on Wednesdays!
Thank you so much David for your 365 videos!!! I should have thanked you earlier, but I was always in my car listening & would forget to comment by the time I reached my destination. I listened to you almost every day and learned so much! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and loving personality!!!
Dear Mr. DHLVIII –
Is there a precedent? Maybe Casey Neistat – he did one a day for a year? did he make it? fact check me there…may I suggest TWICE a week as a compromise? Twice a Week on Tuesdays’s and Thursdays?
In time, more than now, you will look back and say ” what? did I really do that?”….and, yes, you did.
A legacy of, (pardon the steal from Mr. Carlin), ‘brain droppings’.
A compendium of wisdom and guidance that transcends VO and extends into the universe. Selfless, generous, far reaching, pointed, searching, challenging…and the rest… a guide to performing and the facets required to walk that path of attainment. People you have never met, will never talk to, will never comment – they will benefit from this gift of yourself. I profited from the episodes – as did all the others who watched. All in varying ways, according to their point on their path…..and I look forward to reaching back into the archives and reviewing a few…( make a searchable database of titles for easier reference?)
Thank you so much!
We’re doing one per week now, on Wednesday.
And you already have a search option. Click on the magnifying glass on the menu bar for the site, and put in your search term, say, “ivy lee method” and watch what happens.
Thanks, David. I certainly learned a lot from you over this past year. It was a great undertaking by you and I’m so glad that you did share with us. I know that my skills and my business will be better this year because I’m taking what you shared and using it. Looking forward to learning more in 2020!