My Tribe Is The Best Tribe Ever

Hey there, hero!
Short and sweet today.
I’m so proud of the community we’ve created.
I just want to brag on them for a few minutes.
Hope you’ll understand. And maybe follow their example the next time someone asks a question in a discussion group.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
Hey there, it’s David H Lawrence the 17th. And this is no earth-shattering video. We’ve done some really big things this
year. This is just
a humble short
I am so proud of my tribe video.
And here’s what I mean by that. We have a private Discussion Group in an hour.
Bo Heroes Community called proconnect
it’s designed so that all of the pros in my vo Heroes voice over Community the people that take
Classes with me courses with me be able to get coaching for me and my other coaches they have an opportunity to share
their challenges their questions their findings their answers.
Their opinions their thoughts in a community that safe and is filled with others of like mind and also our coaches and me.
So today there was a question posted in the Pro connect community.
That I didn’t even get a chance to answer.
You know, I try to make sure that I’m on top of all the questions that people ask especially if it’s about the coursework
and today one of our newest Pros Patrice.
Who just joined? I think it was about a month ago. I wrote this. She posted this. Hi. I have some questions concerning our
coaching sessions. Now what we do once a month is we do work out tonight. I’m pretty sure that’s what she’s referring to
is our monthly workouts were people
The Gather online
With your hair in Los Angeles, they gather in person and we discussed the classes. We dive deep. We do Explorations. We
work on mic with clips and with coaching from either me or the coaches that are here in Los Angeles at their online then
coaches from all across the country. All of our coaching team is involved.
And I think that’s what she’s asking about. Anyway, she says questions concerning coaching session. When asked to download
course notes it right here on my phone. When asked to download course notes what core
When asked to select select clips from your view copy which Clips my session is tomorrow Thursday and being new at this.
I’d like to be prepared experienced Heroes a little help.
Thanks now.
Before I even had a chance to know that this had been posted.
2 Pros stepped up with really great answers Corey Trombley jumped in and said, hey there Patrice. I’ll see if I can help a
bit until someone provides a better response.
Very humble. Thank you Corrie. That’s really nice. Your course could be whatever course or lesson you focused on that week
or previous weeks for instance.
Voicing trailers and promos is it course?
With its own unique lessons and each course will have notes and clips.
copy samples
For you to download and have on hand for your workout you pick your on my practice samples from those clips, and then he
said hope that helps.
I love that.
Cheers, Patrice says thanks Cory that helps a lot and then Christopher Buckner jumped in.
Who is in another Corrine or Christopher have been Pros for all that long? They both been Pros for about 1/2 years or so?
Christopher says as a follow-on after you click on the course in the list of courses. Look under the main description
underwear reads 0% complete while it depends on whether you’ve completed the class or not, but we’re your progress meter.
Is that absolutely correct?
You’ll see a course button and a materials button click the materials button. There will be two links want to download
clips and want to download the slides.
You choose your script for the life coaching sessions from the clips. If you taking three classes, you could choose one
clip from each class. So you have three clips for the live session or you could choose three script.
From the same class. Hope that helps you can actually choose any clips from any course.
That you want if you want to work on commercials that month, but that month didn’t have any commercials courses that you
took you could do that.
Patty says thanks Christopher. I didn’t know I can pick up variety or explanation was very helpful. And I just had to
follow on with thank you both for helping your fellow Pros out. That’s what it’s all about. I am so thankful for how this
community has grown and
I really am thankful.
And I want to say publicly.
I set out.
To create a community not just to teach people voice over not just to teach people performance.
but also to
nurture them and to
support them
And to help guide them.
helping their own careers Blossom and flourish
but also
Take advantage of the fact that I seem to attract people.
who are
and awesome in a way that
Can bring a tear to my eyes it is now.
There is a lot of hate.
I come first.
In a lot of discussion groups online many discussion groups in our business somehow.
love being destructive
a habit of being
Less than supportive a habit of hate search the group first before you post.
Or that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.
I can’t control what other people do I can’t control how they create that kind of.
Toxic environment in their groups what I can do.
is make sure that
I grow a community.
That isn’t like that.
I am so proud of Corey and of Chris and a Patrice for asking that question.
I’m just proud of all the people that are in the group and I love working.
with this with this group of people that we’ve assembled and it feels as though
It’s going to be that way for a long time.
I mean, I’m going to be launching again in the spring. We’ll do another.
Another registration you can join the program anytime you want but I I want you to join in the spring and fall
registration. So you save some money.
What I really can’t wait is for you if you’re not yet a pro with me.
Feel the love and support of all the other people that have decided that our tribe is the right tribe to be with.
And if they’re going to help you.
No matter what.
So again, thank you, Corrie.
Thank you, Chris.
And thank you for trees. And thank you. Everybody else. Who’s a member of
The proconnect group if you want to leave me a comment. That’s fine. If you want to join the list, that’s fine. I just
wanted to get this off my chest cuz I was just bursting with pride.
I’m David H Lawrence 17. Thank you so much for watching.
I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
Mr. DHL17. Excellent and relevant video, and thank you for sharing your emotions. In a decidedly self-centered way I started ‘Voices Anonymous’, yet somehow I also attract good people. Your presence and contribution is much appreciated.
I have been with you and your coaching for over 5 years and you have been the fearless leader of the tribe. The main thing you have shared (besides your top notch coaching) has been your 100% encouragement and support. You are genuinely excited when any of us advance in the pursuit of our endeavors!
You lead by being such a fine example and sincerely want everyone to win!
Thank you for being my coach and for being a friend, David
@david, you get what you give—and you give a lot.
It’s about leadership, David — you have set the tone for behavior and attitude towards others in every group you start. the rest of us simply follow your lead — thank you for setting the bar,
It was my pleasure to help a new Hero. We’ve all been there learning something new, I’m just happy I could be of assistance to Patrice and any other future Heroes who may have the same questions.
As everyone has commented, David, it all starts with you.
I’m honored to be a member of your Tribe and look forward to all we’ll learn and achieve as a community.
All so very true. The environment set by the leadership becomes contagious, be it positive or negative. It is a delight to have a tribe wherein encouragement is the norm (even for those of us who are only marginally related). David, all the tribes you lead have this in common–that should be a clue, and a great source of pride for you.
Your kind words are appreciated David. I’m happy to be of service, to you, Patrice, and all our pros. You set an awesome example for our tribe and we are equally proud of you 🙂
David, your compassion is why I signed up for VOHeroes and this video is a great demonstration of it. I’ve only been on board for a month or so and due to personal and professional constraints, I haven’t been as active as I wanted to be. The clouds seem to be lifting and this video was like a ray of light peeking through. Thank you for reminding me why I signed up in the first place. You’re a good man, a good educator, and great mentor.
You are absolutely right. Last month I attended my first workout. I was very nervous. Max and Victoria were really nice and I found that there were extremely supportive peers (I am sure more experienced than I) who made it a point to cheer me on and make me feel comfortable! I was so thankful for their support more than they will ever know! So I thank you David, Max and Victoria and my VOHeroes peers for all your kind words and support!
Yet another inspiring post, David. Your heartfelt response is wonderful to experience. Although not a Pro member yet (it is definitely on my to do list as soon as certain elements fall into place…) I am a devotee of your posts, and am continually wowed by your expertise, commitment, and your generosity of spirit. So thank you!!!
They say “your vibe attracts your tribe”. Thank you for all you do! I truly appreciate your giant heart and desire to share with others.