Yet Another 365 Day Challenger: Miss Brittani Ebert

Hey there, hero!
Video #300 is dedicated to another performer doing a one-a-day challenge this year.
And this one is simply lovely, and disarmingly simple: a postcard each day that arrives physically in someone’s snail-mailbox.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
Hey there, it’s David H Lawrence the 17th. And this is video number three hundred of the 365 day one video a day challenge
and earlier this year. I featured A really lovely guy from Australia.
Who was doing this a similar challenge? He was doing a new children’s story.
every day for a year and yet another
One A Day Challenge popped up in my physical mailbox. I got a thank you postcard from Brittany Ebert and Brittany was a
client of mine and maybe
I don’t know.
810 years ago and I followed her. She does a really good job of keeping people aware of what she’s doing as an actor here
in Los Angeles.
Printed on here on this postcard printed across the top and of course covered by post office junk. I think it was it what
it says is I am completing my own.
365 thank yous.
the year
A simple Act of daily gratitude changes changed my life and you are on it that’s printed and then it’s his dear blank and
she’s written in David. I wish to thank you for
And here’s what she has written here on here. She says I wish to thank you for all of your great Insight in class back in
the day at AIA the artist Institute of America or something or or
I don’t know what day I stood for, but it was one of those places where I took workshops, and of course from your
e-newsletter. I hope you’re still producing reels for your clients as you’re on my list. Thank you for reading have a
Divine day sincerely Brittany now.
this is
This is great and I’ll tell you why because it takes just as much discipline to send out a new postcard every day to sit
down and write thoughts that aren’t.
You know cookie cutter and our sincere and call back to you. No memories of somebody’s relationship with someone and
really letting me know how much you appreciate what they’re doing. I feel like
That’s goes into every little bit of video that I do everyday that little bit of I want to make your life better and I
really appreciate Britney because she’s awesome, she’s really smart she’s really active she is dedicated to the world of
performance and clearly she is on a mission to make her life’s work making other people’s lives better through
storytelling and so for those types of people I can’t say enough good things end.
To send me this postcard and actually have it show up and to have it have a message that is so potent. And so
Simple to me is lovely and I hope I don’t think it’s going to be very hard for her to finish this challenge. I hope what
she’s getting from. It is the same thing. I’m getting from doing any videos and that is
an amazing sense of service and accomplishment and Joy from giving
Knowledge and support and things to people every single day this year. So if you unsubscribe from this list because you’re
getting these everyday now, you know why I’m doing them or severe unsubscribe from this list, then you’re not watching
this video. If you want to subscribe to the list of somebody forward to this to you and you want to subscribe to the list
go ahead and fill out the form at the bottom of the page. If you’re on video, it says get on the list and let
me know what your challenges are. Let me know if I’ve been able to help you with some of those challenges. Let me know if
you need help with a challenge because I’m constantly looking for Content. I actually have more
Pieces of things that I can use for a video than I have videos left for the year, you know, I’ve been keeping sort of a
basket full of ideas and I have well over a hundred I’m not going to get to all of them at least not by the end of the
year, but again at the beginning of the year will switch to once a week on Wednesdays.
Give me a squirrel call it once a week on Wednesdays.
But let me know in the comments below up. There’s anything I could do for you. Thank you. Again Britney Ebert. I really
appreciate it. Love you, sweetie. Very sweet. Very nice. Thank you so much. And yes, I do do demo, so I’m looking forward
to working with you. I’m David H Lawrence to 17th, and thank you so much for watching and I will talk to you tomorrow.
That was cool of her! I enjoy seeing these other folks doing a 365-day challenge, mainly because I also have been doing one over on my Facebook page this year. (And cross-posted to Twitter and my blog.) I’ve been watching a new-to-me movie every day and then writing about it on that same day.
These challenges may sound easy on the surface (especially mine), but it can be harder than you think. I’ve managed to get in a movie every day, although there were a couple of close calls, and I’ve usually published on schedule*. I’m already thinking about what I may want to try for 2020!
*Barring FB technical issues… and a couple of days I just plum forgot to write before I went to bed.
I love “Once a Week on Wednesdays”! And as much as I am not looking forward to your daily videos ending, I am looking forward to you keeping up with your videos weekly. What will I do with my other 6 days of the week?
I also LOVE snail mail! There is nothing sweeter than getting a card or a note in the mail from a friend or business acquaintance. Brittani has just pleased 300 people this year with 65 more to go.
Think of all the happiness you and she share with others.
I’ve love these videos and have been thinking of doing a 365-challenge for our non-profit in 2020. We just changed our name and are re-branding so this would be a great way to add content. Plus, I can narrate each day and work on my editing skills. It is a big task but a fun one. I’ll share information and learn along the way. Win-win!