Your Lock. Their Key. Who Knew?

Hey there, hero!
I was supposed to have an hour long session with one of my Pros today, helping him prepare for his commercial demo recording session.
It was cut short, because I realized he was really resonating with another one of our coaches.
Karen-Eileen Gordon.
And he really was surprised that there was a learning connection there…because they are nothing like each other.
And it reminded me that being alike isn’t a metric for success.
Here’s what I mean.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
well hey there hero it’s David H
Lawrence the 17th and I just had a very
short session with one of my heroes who
was telling me how great one of our
coaches is and how much her style we’re
talking about Karen Eileen Gordon
resonates with him and that he didn’t
think it would because she has sort of a
woowoo Birkenstock hippie you know out
there I love her for all of this this is
not a negative at all and he’s not like
that at all so when she coaches people
on voiceover if she does it from a
different perspective than say I do I’m
very pragmatic and I’m very
matter-of-fact I’m Anna I’m a process
person she’s an options person for sure
and she’s awesome I love her for all of
this stuff and he said you know I really
didn’t think I was going to like her
because that’s not me and what it
reminded me of is that we sometimes make
the mistake of looking at someone else’s
style versus our style and immediately
assuming that it wouldn’t be a fit and I
get you know what this particular hero
was talking about because I love her and
I’m not like that
and I have to tell myself all the time
that everybody has something to
contribute and you never know how
somebody’s key is going to fit in your
particular lock so when you are
presented with the personal style of
somebody versus your own personal style
or the teaching style or the
communication style of someone just give
it a shot give it a chance because you
never know what golden nuggets are gonna
come from difference and from contrast
from being unlike what you are you know
they say opposites attract
they also say two peas in a pod so you
know I always always look just as an
aside I love the the competing sayings
like look before you leap and he who
hesitates is lost
you know they they’re there you know but
anyway what I’ve noticed is that if I
just simply and I invite you to consider
this if I just simply allow people to be
themselves without any judgment in my
mind if I just let them be them and
enjoy them for what they are and just
you know look and go what could you know
this is great I this is not me this is
not how I am but that’s okay what can I
learn here what what will add to my joy
what will add to my life and it works
also when people really rub you the
wrong way because often what happens is
we’re looking at things about them that
we don’t like about ourselves a lot in
here to unpack but what I mostly wanted
to say was how much I love Karen Eileen
Gordon and her style of coaching and how
just you know proud I am of her and what
she’s been able to accomplish and the
fact that she’s on my team and serving
all of my pros
it’s just awesome so in general though
this whole idea of oh he or she isn’t
like me I can’t learn from them may not
necessarily be true tell me what you
think though I’d love to know what you
think maybe this is like you know you’re
totally rejecting this or maybe it’s
like oh yeah maybe maybe one of your
favorite teachers from high school or
middle school or elementary school or
college wasn’t like you but somehow it
got through to you I don’t know let me
know in the comments below
okay especially if you’re watching this
on vo heroes com
that’s where we have the great
conversation also if you want to be on
our list slide all the way down to the
bottom of the page get on the list and
you will be on the list I’m David H
Lawrence the 17th I thank you so much
for watching and
we’ll talk to you tomorrow.
Almost too much to unpack in just a few minutes. I’d love for you to get the chance to unpack the details of some of this. It’s important to many of us when the details are revealed, things suddenly become clear. It’s like a complicated math problem and seeing it being worked through brings realization that allow us to do problems of a similar nature. Thanks again!
Yeah, I think it just takes some time to absorb all the content. If this post was edible, we’d call it a Super-Food! 😉 Nutritionally dense!
Tell me what details you’re missing so I can fill in the gaps.
I worked with Karen-Eileen during one live workout and it was a surprise because she took over at the last minute for another coach. Her style was unique and I was somewhat taken aback by it at first. As the session went on, I realized that her exuberant style was fun, and that she had a lot of great incites to offer using her own unique style of coaching. I really enjoyed my session with her.
After that, I made it a point to participate in a live workout with each of the other coaches to explore their own unique style of teaching. What I found is that all of the VOHeroes coaches have something a little different to offer, and I feel very fortunate to be part of this tribe.
As we all learn differently, this makes complete sense. You know, some people are audio-learners, some are visual, some are sensory, etc. Some like to have a strict coach, and others like a laid back style.
I learned this lesson, similar to your example, with a Rock and Pop choir I was in for about a year, not that long ago. The guy who had originally invited me to join, and was going to be the musical director, got another job offer after the first night, and left. He was replaced by a super nice bohemian gal who taught so differently that I didn’t know how I was going to learn from her (there was always a little lesson up front, a warm up, and then the singing). But wouldn’t you know it, after about 6 rehearsals I was suddenly spontaneously hearing harmonies to all the songs on the radio, something I had never been able to do before. And all because of Suzanne, the choir director. Had I not had her insight and super chill way of learning, this wouldn’t have happened.
Good for you David for having different coaches with various styles….someone for everyone!