With Royalty Share Plus, ACX Makes Hybrid Stipends Official

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash
Hey there!
Everything old is new again, right? I’ve been teaching you, in the ACX Masterclass and in VO2GoGo, that you can negotiate a per-finished-hour stipend with your rights holder, in addition to your official royalty share deal.
That separate “hybrid stipend” (something I’ve been calling it since I created it in 2011 and has become an industry term) always had to be negotiated separately, outside ACX, and wasn’t protected by your ACX producer/rights holder contract.
That all ends today, and a beautiful new option is available to you, officially, on ACX.
Link to ACX’s blog post about Royalty Share Plus:
Link to join the ACX Masterclass 2019 Summer class, starting next week (registration open just until Friday at 9p PT):
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
I’m really really really excited because
ACX has kind of made official something
that I have been teaching my clients and
students to do God ever since we’ve been
doing the a sex masterclass and
certainly with the a CX classes and the
vo to go go pro curriculum since ACX was
around right after they started it
became clear to me that the two options
that they give you for how to make money
with with doing your books either
royalties share or or / finished our
being mutually exclusive I thought you
know why not a combination of the two
and what I’ve been teaching people to do
is something called hybrid stipends
where you negotiate a royalty share deal
officially on a CX and then on the side
you reach an agreement with the rights
holder to pay you a sum of money to
produce the book over and above the
royalty share deal and just today as I’m
recording this ACX made it official so
now you don’t have to worry about making
a separate deal you can actually make
that kind of deal on a CX as we speak
it’s called royalty share plus and they
just sent out a note to everybody and
put up a post on their blog about it you
do have to go to your account on a CX I
don’t think it’s official that you have
to notify rights holders that this is
something that you’re willing to do but
it’s a good idea to do so just so that
when they search for you they know that
you’re open to that kind of deal like
who wouldn’t be right so in the blog
post that you got if you’re already on a
CX or when you create your account for a
CX make sure that you check the radio
button that says that you’re open to
both royalties share and royalty share
plus or if you only want to do royalty
share plus then check that box as well
that’s that’s all I wanted to say we’re
going to talk more about this you know
we’re doing the a CX master class
starting this coming
one day as I record this and so if you
want to get in on that the registration
is open through Friday I’ll give you a
link below where you can you can do that
we’re gonna update the class right now
it’s like it’s like every two years a CX
gives us a great gift for the master
class two years ago they opened
everything up to the Irish and to the
Canadian markets and so we were able to
update the class for that and this year
royalty share plus really good stuff
will give you strategies on how to do
that and I’ve got some inside
information on how the union is going to
be coming to terms very quickly with
audible they’e both sides want to do it
they didn’t have to work out the details
on making sure that this is union
covered yeah and also another big
company find away is creating something
very similar so this is all good news
for audiobook narrators if you’d like to
join my tell me by the way comments what
do you think about all this this is
great I mean to me it’s great maybe it
means nothing to you but give me a
comment below let me know what you think
about this if you’d like to join my
youtube channel go ahead and click on my
head there if there’s no head look for a
subscribe button somewhere on the page
and if you’d like to see the latest
video I’ve done click on that frame and
YouTube will play it for you I’m David
Lawrence David H Lawrence 17th so happy
to talk to you and I will talk to you
Hi David. Yes…this is great news. IMO – ‘twould be great if all narration contracts
were union-based.
I am SO excited about this new development. I was working with an author on putting together a stipend hybrid and just like magic ACX provides it. As soon as I let her know what they are offering, she snagged it up and sent me the contract! Whoo-hoo! What a gift, indeed!
As always, thank you for your guidance, David, as we traverse our audio book journeys.
Wahoooooo! So happy about this and the union part is an extra bonus. Yeah!
So much good news! Very happy to hear about all this!
Sounds great! I changed my ACX profile accordingly. Thanks for the video David.