Where To Find Related PDFs For Audiobooks on Audible

Photo by Nicole Honeywill on Unsplash

Hey there!

Books are written for the eye. And some of the things you read and see on paper don’t make sense when you’re listening.

Like “the photo below…” or “like the drawing on page 73…” or “Look at the chart above…”

But…did you know that if an audiobook’s meaning would be a little more clear to the listener if they could see the photo, the drawing or the chart, you can create what Audible calls a “related PDF” (it used to be called a “companion PDF”) that listeners can download right along with the audiobook itself?


Here’s how to find and download that PDF. (Details below the video.)

The button to download the related PDF (for any audiobook that has one) is displayed in the entry for the book in your Library on Audible. Log in at Audible.com, and go here (or just drop down the Library menu to My Books):


There, search for the audiobook in your Library for which you want to find the related PDF.

In the case of one of my audiobooks, Secrets of Screen Acting, the entry will look like this on Audible.com (click on the image to enlarge it):

Notice the View PDF link to the right there?

Click on that button, and your related PDF will be displayed, and you can then download the file with your browser’s download function.

Not all books have a related PDF (if not, there won’t be a View PDF link), but that’s how to find it for the ones that do.

Hope that helps!

Hope this helps!



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  1. Side note: In the video, you use your “Secrets of Screen Acting” audiobook as the example. Well, JUST this past weekend, I was doing an 8-mile run, with my iPod on “shuffle,” when suddenly I hear your voice launch into one of the episodes of “Secrets of Screen Acting.” So delightful to have you join me as I ran through Griffith Park. And — for all you actors out there — if you don’t know about this project, I HIGHLY recommend it. It’s a very large collection of bite-sized interviews between David and a British director (Patrick Tucker). Each 10- or 15-minute interview deals with a very specific aspect of acting on-camera. It’s absolutely brilliant, and very useful. Get it! And David, thanks for running with me. :))