Us-Speak Versus Them-Speak

Chart by Statista

Hey there, hero!

A recent survey ranked the least favorite office jargon.

And it reminded me of something I learned a long time ago, that has served me well:

When speaking with your clients, speak in their language, not your language.

And this isn’t just about their jargon and your jargon.

It’s much more about their dreams, not your dreams.

Hope this helps!



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  1. To make sure you follow through not to become so encumbered with all other things that you only get halfway through on projects or you leave projects go too long and then they disappear go away or can’t be accomplished that’s the advice I would give remain focused get things done and then step into the next time and thing

  2. I like the idea here. Spare the client the technical stuff and speak to them in their language so they understand and feel better about working with you. Great advice.

    The number one thing I’d tell myself would probably be, “Don’t listen to people that say you have to use ProTools or you won’t be taken seriously in VO.” Second to that would be, “Don’t listen to people that say you can’t use a usb mic for VO.”

    Thanks for the video David.

  3. As someone who worked for a lot of different employers, I made it a point to pick up their lingo and use their phrases.
    As someone who had to explain technical things to non-technical people and then make technical solutions out of it, I had to put myself in their shoes and then make up an explanation–usually a metaphor–that couches what they need to understand in everyday lingo.
    Like you, I have pet peeves. I hate to hear ‘drink the Kool-Aid’ because I’m old enough to know exactly where that phrase came from. I also sometimes cringe quietly inside when I hear a metaphor like this used the wrong way.
    What would I tell my beginning self? Do the same amount of work, and give up those nights and weekends that you needed to do–but stop beating yourself up about it. Stress less, and it’ll be okay.

  4. This makes sense. I liken it to stepping out of yourself and assisting others. Regarding what I would tell myself when starting a new job? There is much more to it than you see on the surface. I have looked at people working jobs thinking “I can do that” and find when I got the job that yes I can do it but it is much more complex than I imaginged and for some reason am always surprised at that.