There’s FOMO. But What About BAATU? Or BEATU? Wait, What?

Hey there, hero!

We’ve chatted before about FOMO, or the Fear Of Missing Out.

But today, I want to talk about a darker version, a more limiting version of that same feeling.

I call it BAATU. Let me explain.

Hope this helps!



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  1. I had a BAATU moment when using Zoom for the first time hooked up to a mic and Audacity. A lot of unknowns in front of me. I had no choice but to move forward to quickly figure our how to navigate so I could participate in my coaching class. Now, I feel accomplished and know I can do it successfully with the next Zoom class. Sometimes BAATU is a great motivator!

  2. I thought maybe this was being afraid of Black Spire Outpost, but that’s on Batuu – rather than BAATU. 😉 Anyway, I think I skew a little towards BEATU.

  3. I loved this video. I too have tremendous excitement about new experiences. I think I have FOBO too. I’m working on finishing all the classes I have in my list. I’m almost done which will make me very proud.