There’s FOMO. But What About BAATU? Or BEATU? Wait, What?

Hey there, hero!
We’ve chatted before about FOMO, or the Fear Of Missing Out.
But today, I want to talk about a darker version, a more limiting version of that same feeling.
I call it BAATU. Let me explain.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
and in an earlier video I had kind of
looked at the idea of FOMO if you don’t
know what FOMO fo m o is it’s an acronym
that stands for fear of missing out it’s
what makes us by the last six pack on
the Shelf of that Pepsi Max because it’s
not going to be there you know I’m gonna
miss out or it makes us concern that if
we don’t join a group or if we don’t
join a class that we might be missing
out on something really awesome so we
join an awful lot of things that we
never quite take advantage of just to
relieve that FOMO that we have and
there’s FOMO everywhere I mean it’s a
it’s a thing right but to me the thing
that you know III don’t really worry so
much about FOMO I mean there’s an awful
lot of things that I’ve resigned myself
to the fact that I’m never going to be
able to take advantage of or be involved
with or experience or be a part of
there’s just too much stuff going on in
the world right but what I fear more and
what I want to help you with is
something else that I call baa – baa –
baa T you and there it’s kind of the
opposite of FOMO it’s not the fear of
missing out batu stands for being
anxious about the unknown and it’s sort
of where FOMO is the hey I want to be
involved I want to know what’s going on
you know I don’t want to think that
somebody else is gonna be able to have
more fun than I do or know more than I
do or have more success than I do
baa to being anxious or afraid about the
unknown is this notion that I don’t want
to try something new I don’t want to do
something different I don’t want to open
myself up to new
experiences I don’t want to try a new
category of voice work or trying new
okay maybe if you’re an audiobook
narrator something very specific yeah I
only do nonfiction books because I don’t
I don’t think I’d be good at that
fiction you don’t know you don’t know
what you big you you can’t safely
predict I’ve said this so many times
none of us can safely predict how good
or bad we will be at anything and so
this being afraid about the unknown or
being anxious about the unknown has held
people back because if you don’t go for
it you can’t fail at it right but what
I’m here to tell you is you also can’t
succeed at it so when you feel that
thing coming on saying huh that’s
different that’s not something that I’m
all that familiar with I don’t I don’t
know what could possibly happen here
that anxiety that you feel or that fear
that you feel being afraid of the
unknown now it has a name bottu not a
great name but it’s a name you know
someone somebody else will come up with
something better great but for me for
it’s kind of a watchword and it’s
something that I hope if you feel it
coming on you can notice it say okay I
get that’s what it is and choose to risk
it choose to say I know it’s unknown but
I feel like there might be some fun
there I actually I don’t I don’t have
this bot to usually usually I’m the
goofball in the corner that has B to be
a to being excited about the unknown
because for me the unknown is filled
with possibility and if there’s one
thing that I would love for you to have
is just a little bit of the tincture of
B ah – the tincture you know that that’s
like the little drops that used to put
on your tongue the tincture
if you can convert that anxiety that
fear to excitement it’s very similar to
what happens when I help people get over
stage fright
converting the fear the anxiety to
excitement and anticipation right so
there’s FOMO but can you convert your
bot to 2 B 2 or B a 2
what what is wrong with you David anyway
let me know in the comments below what
you think about all this because it
could be holding you back
it could be propelling you forward it’s
your choice I’d love to know what you
think leave me a comment below if you’re
watching on viajeros comm if you want to
be on my list so you can see when these
videos come out of somebody’s forwarded
this to you and you’re watching on vo
heroes com go down to the box that says
the very bottom of the page it says get
on the list
and if you do that you’ll be on the list
so there you go I hope you have be a – B
I hope you have excitement not anxiety
or fear that’s my wish for you I’m David
H Lawrence the 17th I thank you so much
for watching and I will talk to you
tomorrow .
I had a BAATU moment when using Zoom for the first time hooked up to a mic and Audacity. A lot of unknowns in front of me. I had no choice but to move forward to quickly figure our how to navigate so I could participate in my coaching class. Now, I feel accomplished and know I can do it successfully with the next Zoom class. Sometimes BAATU is a great motivator!
Previously known as FOTU (Fear of the Unknown), or–in TAPUA (The Age Preceding Ubiquitous Acronymery)–xenophobia.
Yet again, DHLXVII – this REALLY resonated with me. Yep. Sigh… (Thank you Stuart Gauffi, as well!)
I thought maybe this was being afraid of Black Spire Outpost, but that’s on Batuu – rather than BAATU. 😉 Anyway, I think I skew a little towards BEATU.
For those of you who have no idea what Natalie’s referring to:
BAATU Barrada Nicto?
I loved this video. I too have tremendous excitement about new experiences. I think I have FOBO too. I’m working on finishing all the classes I have in my list. I’m almost done which will make me very proud.