The More Accurate And Agile You Are, The More Profitable You’ll Be

Hey there, hero!
I was presented with yet another example of a perfectionist client getting in their own way.
Letting that perfection get it the way of progress. Of success. Of shipping.
And when you’re a perfectionist, you don’t want to be told to stop being a perfectionist.
So…how about I appeal to your wallet?
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
well hey there hero it’s David H
Lawrence the seventeenth and I’ve spoken
a few times anyway about the idea of
perfection getting in the way of
shipping and I’ve gotten some pushback
I’ve gotten some some comments
especially from people who’ve been in
the business for a long time and this is
how they do things they really work
auditions to the bone and try to get
every ounce out of each audition as they
can and they’ll push back and they’ll
say I don’t want to send something in
that isn’t absolutely gorgeous isn’t
absolutely wonderful and I’m right there
with you I don’t want to send anything
in that isn’t down I’m just saying get
to it faster and if I can’t appeal to
you from a position of giving you back
more time right if you get to the good
stuff faster if you make bolder choices
faster you’re going to get back time as
a reward let me appeal to your cheap-ass
self okay for lack of a better term if
you are making bolder choices faster if
you are more agile with your work if
you’re more accurate with your work and
you’re getting to the good stuff quicker
you’re gonna be more profitable you’re
gonna make more money in the end you’re
going to be able to audition for more
things in the same amount of time or
less and if you book at the same ratio
that you would if you took a long time
to do each audition then you’re
naturally gonna make more money in a
shorter amount of time so if I can
appeal to that part of you and that
makes the difference well then great
that’s fantastic but the the notion of
the more accurate you are and the more
decisive and bold you are when it comes
to making your choices the more money
you’ll make is is what I kind of live my
life by if I can get things done with
great quality in a shorter
time that to me is a huge win and I hope
it is for you too and I know what the
problem is the problem is many of us
want things to be absolutely spot-on
perfect and that is a noble goal but
it’s not a logical one and it’s not an
achievable one not everything you put
out is going to be perfect number one
and this notion of good enough to get it
out the door good enough to show whoever
the the casting entity is whether it’s
an actual casting director or direct to
a client or direct to a new a new
requester or voice seeker on a paid
casting site you just want to give them
as much as you can to let them know you
can do this job that you got this that
you’ve got their back that you’re able
to do it and the notion that a perfect
audition as opposed to a very good
audition is going to make all the
difference in the world you know that’s
that’s a subject that may or may not be
true may or may not be true but my point
for this particular video is consider
just consider the notion that getting
the job out the door in a good-enough
forms a p– that it’s clear what you’re
capable of doing as opposed to the
absolute most polished perfect awesome
option and and final product that you
can which will necessarily take more
time which would you rather be counting
on because again there’s no guarantee
that that perfect audition is gonna be
perfect for the person watching may be
perfect for you but it doesn’t
necessarily mean it’s going to be
perfect for the person that’s seeking
your help in getting their voice work
done or their on-camera work done so the
the main point of this video is if you
can bring yourself to get to your bold
and meaningful and perfectly engaged as
opposed to perfectly executed audition
and choice to serve the story the faster
you can do that the more money you’ll
make there it is bottom line the quicker
you are the more accurate you are in the
shortest amount of time the more money
you’ll make so would you like to make
more money yeah me too
so tell me what you think of this I know
that some of you like me maybe who are a
bit of a perfectionist it’s gonna be
hard to let go but when I started to do
that when I started to think you know
what this is good enough I’ve got a
bunch of other things to get to and I’d
like to get to those right when I
started doing that things started to
fall into place for me they really did
so tell me what your thoughts are scroll
down below this video leave me a comment
tell me what – tell me what your
thoughts are as I harangue you about
being faster so you can make more money
if you want to be on my list I’d love to
have you go all the way down to the
bottom of the page if you’re on vo
heroes calm and fill out the form that
says get on the list and you’ll get on
the list it’ll be awesome I’m David H
Lawrence 217th I thank you so much for
watching and I will talk to you tomorrow.
Good to know, thank you!!
This ties in very well with episodes 47 and 48, Ready-Shoot-Aim and MVP. Great advice! I’m detecting a trend here. 🙂
I’ll be honest: This is one of my major challenges. Can’t tell you how many times I feel like I’ve pushed through too fast, and submitted something that wasn’t my best/wasn’t what they were looking for. But then if I work on it longer, not only does it take more time, but it doesn’t seem to make it much better, either. Seems like either I connect with the job, or I don’t. If I do, one or two takes is enough; if I don’t, no number of takes will make up for it.
If that’s true, then I guess I should just do the two or three, and if I’m not really happy, or don’t feel like I’ve ‘connected’ with it, walk away.
Yes. The more accurate you are: the more engaged, the more specifically supporting the story you’re being asked to tell, and the quicker you can get to that by making bold choices and recognizing when they work – the better. Thank you. Good advice.
I love your new setup David! Very clear and a wonderful frame up.
I like this concept. Will work on it this year. Thank you.