Performers SHOULD NOT Upgrade to MacOS Catalina (As of November 2019)

IMPORTANT UPDATE (watch this more recent video on the subject):
Hey there, hero!
I can’t be any clearer about this.
This video is a cautionary tale as I take arrow after arrow in the back leading as your guide.
I had no choice – the new Mac Mini I’m using for my new studio had Catalina pre-installed, with no ability to downgrade back to an earlier MacOS.
Please watch this, and stay safe.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there hero its davidich Lawrence the
17th and I have some really important
news it’s bad news and it’s meant for
Macintosh users and it’s meant for
Macintosh users who have a new Mac and
have been forced to use the operating
system catallena which is brand new just
released earlier in September as we
record this video in the beginning of
November sort of middle ish beginning of
Catalina’s a fairly brand new operating
system and it’s a revolutionary
operating system along the lines of the
jump if you remember way back in the day
from system 6 to system 7 or the jump
from system 9 to system 10 which then
became Mac OS 10 and all of the sub
versions of that the last few versions
have been warning you that catallena is
going to be a huge huge change and it’s
a fundamental change it’s called a
64-bit operating system and without
getting too complicated most of the
software that hasn’t been updated to
operate under the 64-bit system won’t
work it simply won’t work very similar
to what happened with system 6 to system
7 system 6 software that wasn’t updated
wouldn’t work with system 7 and so on
and one of the biggest ones is
unfortunately audacity audacity has not
yet been upgraded to catalina there is a
workaround that if you’re really
technically savvy you can take care of
but it involves the terminal app and it
involves restarting from the terminal
app if you ever quit audacity it’s not a
pretty thing I’m actually dealing with
it downstairs in my new setup I’m
setting up a new space using the upgrade
that I talked to you about before of the
camera and the system and all that sort
of thing and I got the new Mac Mini
because the MacBook is no longer being
produced and the new Mac Mini is
Catalina and so I’ve been dealing over
the last couple of days I thought I was
going to be up and running pretty
quickly and I knew that audacity didn’t
work with Catalina but I had no idea of
all of the other pieces of software that
I rely on on a fairly regular basis that
don’t work on Catalina or to work really
poorly or work with all these
workarounds so the point of this video
is I know that many of the people in my
tribe use audacity and before you think
yourself I knew I should have used Pro
Tools well Pro Tools isn’t compatible
with Catalina either so my word to you
my message to you and again this is
being recorded and released in early
November 2019 so by the time you listen
or watch this video to what I’m saying
this may have changed but for right now
at least for the next six months to a
year please do not upgrade
despite the Macintosh operating system
exhorting you to on a fairly regular
basis do not upgrade to Catalina you
will not be able to use many of the
pieces of software you will be able to
use audacity as of now you certainly
won’t be able to use level ATAR as of
now although I hear things that level
ATAR is being repackaged and will keep
you up to date on that but the point is
if you have mojave or if you have El
Capitan or if you have leopard Snow
anything below Catalina stay there don’t
go to Catalina I can’t make it any
clearer for you jumping from 32-bit to
64-bit is going to put you in a world of
hurt if you use any of the tools that
most people use in the world of
performance so having said all that have
you done that already and have had
issues yeah I don’t really know of a way
to downgrade let me know in the comments
below if you have that issue because I
know that it max one of
coaches is former next and Apple
employee and he sometimes can work magic
so if you’re already a member of our pro
community talk to max about it in the
Pro connect section but for those of you
all around the world that are watching
these videos as of early November 2019
please don’t make the mistake of
upgrading to Mac OS Catalina it will
ruin your day that’s all I have for you
today I appreciate you watching I’m
David H Lawrence 17th I thank you and I
will talk to you tomorrow.
I upgraded, and immediately has many, many issues. I called Apple and they walked me thru using on of my old back ups (please tell me you have a current one – mine was 6 months old) to reinstall Mojave. It took me 2 days to get all back to normal. Mostly because of my older backup.
Great info, but yes, sadly a little too late. I upgraded right when Catalina came out, not knowing about the huge shift. Many of the Applications I used, including Rosetta Stone and Finale, Are no longer an option. According to Apple support, you can downgrade back to Mojave if you have a recent time machine back up. Stupidly, I do not
Oh gawd! It’s been hell in a hand basket. Basically, I learned how to go through the terminal to work audacity (it’s not as crappy as one would think but it is inconvenient). I will say this has forced me to know my apps and software better and I’m choosing to be thankful for that instead of cry over Catalina. Hah!
Thanks for the heads up. My 9 year old MacBook Air has become sluggish and I see it’s end of life care coming soon. I’ve been looking at the Mac Mini, now I’ll avoid it like the plague and look for a non-Catalina MacBook.
Of course, we should all remember Rule #1 of Mac users; never take the beta or gen 1 upgrades on anything. Wait for the bug fixes and updated version so you know what you’re getting yourself into. Difficult to do when all the new Macs come with the demon software.
Gasp! Thanks for the warning, and for taking the hit, however unwillingly. I only just updated my elderly (late 2012) iMac to Mojave and I lost my even MORE elderly Photoshop CS5. I don’t even know if Catalina would run on my machine, but I’m not in any hurry to find out. Yikes!
Thanks for the warning and wisdom. I have not upgraded but so glad I saw this from you. As always, you lead from the front and care for your tribe. Best to you David!
So bummed that I didn’t have this info earlier. I did the upgrade, and then a week later heard from Finale that I shouldn’t do it….and now your video…..aaargh! Can I help at least my Finale program ??