People Can’t See You If There’s Something In The Way

Hey there, hero!
After leading an on-mic workout for my Pros, and a long day’s work on my business, I thought I’d catch up on episodes of The Voice I’m behind on.
And Blake Shelton, in coaching his pros, came up with words that are game-changers.
And here’s how you can put his words to work.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
well hey there hero I’m recording this
late on a Friday night I’m David H
Lawrence the 17th and I’m catching up on
episodes of The Voice so don’t tell me
what’s going on because I’m still back
on the first couple of nights of the
battle rounds that were recorded back in
so I’m watching it and today was a day
that I did a workout with a number of my
clients and I’m Anna themed kind of
emerged that while I was watching the
episode of The Voice Blake Shelton put
into words and it was it was awesome it
was awesome and the phrase that he was
using when he was coaching one of his
singers that really is soft and sweet
and was paired up in this battle round
with a woman with a really big bold
brassy voice and the advice to him was
or the advice to them from him was do
what you need to do to be yourself and
if it’s nerves shake the nerves but if
it’s you keep it you and remember and
this was the phrase that really touched
me people can’t see you if there’s
something in the way people can’t see
you if there’s something in the way now
what does that mean to us as performers
if we suit up if we become that
announcer or big-time performer or
strangely voiced version of ourselves
that moment when we step onstage or
behind the mic or in front of the camera
and we think to ourselves well we can’t
just we can’t I can’t just be myself
nobody’s gonna pay for that that’s not
professional that’s um but the truth of
the matter is is that what Blake was
saying and what I said this morning a
couple times to my clients as they
assumed the announcer position when they
started doing their work was bring you
to the party just put yourself out front
no matter what the breakdown says no
matter how
scared you might be to do that no matter
how nervous that makes you no matter how
unsure you are because every time you do
that every time you just put you in
position you’re removing whatever
obstacles it it provides for the
audience connecting directly with you so
as we’ve talked about a number of times
when when people get up in front of the
microphone you’ve you’ve seen them yeah
are you ready
you know get into some characters some
sort of gear but put on some sort of
armor right and so when he said that it
made me think yeah it’s really important
for you to just be you the most
successful people in the world are
people that are just being themselves
just being themselves great examples my
friend drew Carey
he is never anything but himself I’ve
known him since we were teenagers and
what you see is the most truly authentic
version of Drew Carey ever it’s not
something that he puts on he’s like that
all the time and he’s just an example
when you look around and all the people
that have really made it that you would
trade places with an artbeat they’re
just being themselves that’s what makes
them special and that’s what really
propels them towards success now the
converse of that is that if you’re not
willing to take that risk you’re gonna
find something to put between you and
the audience you’re gonna find something
to protect yourself you’re gonna find
some armor to wear or some character to
assume or some vocal persona to grab on
to some announcer II radio ish or
whatever you think is the right thing to
do on on microphone as opposed to being
you you’re gonna find that and put it in
place so you don’t have to risk being
vulnerable being yourself you don’t have
to risk
criticism or insult or judgment right
it’s a tough part I get it but my
invitation to you is the more you take
that chance the more you shed the
artificiality that you can put up so
that people can’t see you the closer
you’re going to be to that amazing
comfort moment when it’s like you know
what I can just do this I got this
because I’m just being me I’d love to
know what you think people can’t see you
if there’s something in the way tell me
what you think about that scroll down
below this video leave me a comment tell
me how that resonates with you if it
does if it means something to you and
your career I’d really love to know I’d
love to hear what you have to say and if
you want to be on my list and knowing
these videos are coming out we’re
getting ready to wrap the year up yeah I
know what video is this this is number
334 who knew right go ahead and fill out
the form at the bottom of the page if
you’re on vo heroes com get on the list
and we’ll get you on the list I’m David
H Lawrence 17th I hope this helps and I
thank you so much for watching and I
will talk to you tomorrow.
My gosh. That so reminds me of the Jim Dial character on the Murphy Brown series. His character was so stilted you suspected he was in a perpetual state of constipation. I’m glad it doesn’t have to be, and indeed shouldn’t be, like that in voice work.
It definitely resonates with me. It’s difficult sometimes to get out of my own way, but I’m working on it 🙂
How do you do it? What does your day look like? I ask because you read, watch, and gather so much information and then share it with us. It is amazing. I’m still trying to get through my 900 plus saved emails. I’d love to know how you manage your day. Thanks
Just being “ME” is so hard to get out. You feel like you are being displayed naked… Always hard work…
This is so profound. It doesn’t just apply to how you come off professionally. It’s how you live your entire life