One Step Further In “There’s No Shame In Not Knowing”

Hey there, hero!
I couldn’t wait to get home the night I shot this video.
Something struck me at an organizational meeting for a volunteer group I’m in that I think every performer needs to hear.
It should help you when you…simply don’t know what someone is asking you.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
well hey there hero it’s David H
Lawrence the 17th and I just got back
from an organizational meeting of a
volunteer organization that I’m part of
that has this initiative of members
helping members so what they’re gonna do
is they’re gonna have office hours every
week a couple times a week where members
can call in and ask tech questions about
the things in their lives that are
puzzling to them it’s so it’s kind of
like a mutual beneficial support system
for members of this organization and
they brought me in to talk about how to
look on camera how to sound on the phone
how to do things over Skype and over
over zoom how to put people at ease how
to help them support them and one of the
things that came up was one of the guys
raised his hands and another woman said
me too what happens when you don’t know
the answer and I said well I did a video
on that and the video is as you recall
if you’ve seen it there’s no shame in
not knowing in fact you know people
don’t know and I get that it’s hard to
say I don’t know because it you’re
admitting you’re not perfect
you’re admitting that maybe they made a
mistake in putting you on the tech
support team shouldn’t you know
everything come on how can you say I
don’t know but people don’t they don’t
know everything and I said the best
thing to do is just say hey I don’t know
and then I said something else that
prompted this video I said just say hey
I don’t know but let’s let’s find it
together oh my gosh it was like bells
were going off it’s like not only is
there no shame in saying I don’t know
but one step further from that is take
pride in the idea of I don’t know and
wow this is an opportunity for learning
and an opportunity for discovery and
it’s an opportunity to share with people
how to find out so what we set up was
this process where if they were sharing
their screen on zoom’ taking the member
that is asking for help showing them on
the screen
how to go to Google and look for things
how to form search queries how to how to
you know really do a good job of
searching when you don’t know the answer
so to take that whole idea of there’s no
shame in not knowing one step and even
two steps further take it from not
knowing give yourself the permission of
not being ashamed at all but kind of
being prideful and and you know proud of
the fact and happy about the fact you’ve
got a challenge now you can go look for
something this is great its exploration
its discovery but then one step beyond
that take the person that you’re helping
on the journey with you showing them how
you if you were presented with this
which you just were would go about
finding the answer because it’s it’s
that whole instead of fishing for
somebody teaching them how to fish
you’re actually showing them how to
solve the problem
is that right so I wanted to get home as
quickly as I couldn’t do this video so
I’m I did great so don’t feel don’t feel
bad about not knowing take a little bit
of pride in that right be proud of that
and then take it one step beyond that
and say here let’s go find out together
let’s take a look at how to do this you
know and it’s like any good teacher when
presented with a problem that they don’t
know the answer to instead of going I’m
gonna make something up because I’m the
teacher and I I’m in a I’m in a
respected position and if I if I’m at
all you know shown not to know
everything then people will stop
respecting me and not trusting my
answers to the things that I do know
know I don’t know let’s go find out
together what do you think of this are
you I know you’re probably not as
excited about this as I am but it was
just such an interesting moment it was
such an interesting feeling I even
paused as I was talking I’m like huh
okay yeah so let’s do this so tell me
what you think about that comment below
the video
I’d love to know what you have to say
especially if you’re watching on V o
heroes those of you that are commenting
on YouTube I get to them eventually but
not as often and not as quickly as I get
to them on V o heroes because that’s
where the conversation is usually pretty
nice and respectful and that’s I insist
so leave me a comment below on V o
come where this this video can be seen
and also if you want to get on my list
I’d love to have you please get on my
list scroll all the way down to the
bottom of the page there’s a little form
you can fill out that says get on the
list and we’ll put you on the list cuz
that’s what you do when you fill out the
form is is get on the list
anyway I’m David H Lawrence the 17th I
thank you so much for watching and I
will talk to you tomorrow.
I LOVE it when you get so excited about something that could make a difference to people’s lives!! This is great encouragement. Thank you!
I love this. I teach kids fencing classes, and I’ve been doing it for a while, so I do know a lot, but whenever something comes up that I don’t know, I admit that I’m not sure and I’ll find the answer for them. That dedication to making sure they get the right info, I believe, instills far more confidence than making something up that they will eventually find out is incorrect. Once that happens, they’ll never trust you again and start looking for a new teacher.
I love when someone says: “I don’t know but will find out.” or something like that. It shows they have a great deal of confidence in themselves. They don’t have to be perfect. Demonstrating that is impressive.
This was a core part of our training when I was at Apple. Never once was someone upset after hearing that as a response. And they always walked away feeling empowered about how to use the tech to find their own solutions.
Yeah, I actually do this a lot in my day job. People really appreciate it. And in the process, you become the “go to guy,” who no one is afraid to go to, because you won’t resent their not knowing; you’ll turn it to an opportunity!
Such a great idea for our nonprofit! Thank you. This is great.