News Flash: You’ll Get Better At Something If You Do It More Often

Hey there, hero!
I’ve been doing these videos for 340 days straight now.
And the other day, in a private coaching session with a client, a fairly obvious thing came up.
If you want to get better at something, start doing it more often.
Here’s why that sometimes escapes us.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
well hey there hero it’s David H
Lawrence the seventeenth and sometimes
the smallest tiny little reminders can
make all the difference in the world and
today I want to remind you of one tiny
little thing and it came up when I was
discussing the various skill sets that
you need to develop with a potential
client somebody was calling me saying
hey why should I study with you what you
know I I know I’m not very good at this
and I know I’m not very good at that and
I suck at this and I’m I’m okay at that
and I’m like how do you know all these
things well you know I tried it once or
twice and I wasn’t good at it and I said
I’m imagining that there are a lot of
things that you do well that you
probably tried more than just once or
twice and it led us to a conversation
about how sometimes we’re really hard on
ourselves about our skill at a
particular thing or our expertise at it
and we haven’t really given it a chance
I mean there are people that like oh I
don’t make I don’t make good voices for
animation I could never do that I can’t
do fiction audiobooks I can’t create
characters and my question is always how
do you know that I mean what kind of
effort have you given to allowing that
to actually occur and it just sort of
led to the whole notion of we sometimes
really give ourselves no leeway
whatsoever to be good at something when
we don’t give ourselves the chance to
repeat the process we we kind of sell
ourselves short when we try it once so
we try it twice maybe even three times
we don’t really give much of an effort
to those last two because the first time
was so horrible and it doesn’t quite
work and so when people say how did you
get so good at what you do I mean what
you do you’re really really good at
you’ve had great success at it and I
just say I glad they’re in SREP eat you
know I do it over and over and over and
over this this whole years worth of
videos was nothing if
an effort to get better at doing videos
right and doing it over and over and
over again 365 times I think this is 338
or 3 maybe more than that maybe three
four I don’t know I don’t know all I
know is it’s a lot and boy have I
learned so much from what these
repetitious options have done for me
this this idea of getting better at
something when you do it more often and
when we’re doing auditions when we’re
getting ready to go on set or to go in
studio or to narrate an audio book or to
do any of the millions of things that we
have the opportunity to get better at
doing it over and over and over again
makes all the sense in the world and the
funny thing is it feels to me anyway I
don’t know if this is the way it is for
you and I’d love to know if you’d give
me a comment below the first few times I
do something is filled with um
is this working am I even close is there
anything going on here that’s that I’m
gonna be able to use later on and then
what happens after that is you get
validation it’s like yeah that’s that’s
actually working ok let’s let’s try some
other let’s try it again let’s see if we
can make it even better I mean you know
I can only say to you that the value of
repetition is vastly underrated the
value of repetition is so important I
mean I’m thinking about it as I’m
watching football how do these guys know
how to execute that trick play so well
why because they do it over and over and
over again in practice so I just have a
favor to ask of you the next time you
think I’m not so good at that ask
yourself have you given yourself a
chance to do it over and over and over
to repeat yourself I’m imagining and I
know this is probably you know duh but
I’m imagining that you’ll get better at
things the more often you do them tell
me what you think leave me a comment
below this video if you’re watching on
vo heroes
I’d love to know what your thoughts are
and if you’d like to be on my list to
find out when we switch over from doing
these daily to doing these once a week
on Wednesdays coming up at the end of
the month I’d love to be able to tell
you and I’d love to have you know when
those happen fill out the form
get on the list it’s at the bottom of
the page if you’re on vo heroes com I’m
David H Lawrence xvii I thank you so
much for watching and I will talk to you
I’ve been a martial artist for 25 years. I have a 5th degree black belt. I have the rank of master. There are martial arts techniques that I am very skilled with because I’ve done them over and over for decades. Repetition has been key to developing skill in my art.
Thank you for this video. I needed to hear this today! I danced 7 days a week, 3 or more hours a day for 20 plus years and I wonder why I got good at it? When I stopped dancing professionally I felt like nothing would ever fill that space. I felt like I lost my mojo completely. The new skills I tried never got the same amount of time and effort so they never measured up to dancing. You just opened my eyes to the problem. Give the new skills I want the same devotion I gave dance and see what happens. Thank you so much. This is the best gift ever! You have no idea how much this video helped me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
The last year of VO training has totally changed what I thought I could do to what I am doing. Thanks