MOO “Networking For People Who Hate Networking” Tip #5: Schedule Guarding

Photo by Mark Leishman on Unsplash

Hey there, hero!
One last networking tip from the printer of all things business, MOO, for you, and I saved a great one for last.
Networking is a practice, a pursuit, that has a goal. And part of your goal should be to better yourself.
If you’re finding that you’re not meeting the right kind of people at the networking events you’re going to, I have some harsh, tough love to shower on you.
Link to MOO stuff:
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
Hey there, it’s David H Lawrence the 17th. I am just getting ready to go over to the union hall for meeting of the
Steering committee the audiobook narrator steering committee. I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be on this
committee. Hopefully I will be
But we just had elections. We have some new people in charge. So they’re going to be reassigned and committees before
right now. I’m on my way.
And it’s going to be a networking opportunity for me and bring it a lot of my mood cards and bringing a lot of my my
But it is a quality event.
And that’s what I wanted to talk to you about today.
Sometimes we do things in an effort to move our journey forward to toward success.
and we figure that any motion any movement any plan any meeting anything that we do is going to be productive if it’s j
Something rather than nothing and I’m here to tell you that that’s just not true. In fact when you feel as though
You have gone to events. We talked about this in the previous video. You’ve gone to a men’s wear. Nothing really big
happened. You didn’t meet anybody who was useful to you or interesting to you or someone you could serve and you feel l
it was a waste of your time. Then I would urge you to make sure you do your homework and investigate what the event is
about. Who’s going to be there what level their journey is at?
And do this guard your schedule?
Schedule Garden is one of those things that is really tough for people to do because they don’t want to come off as jer
If I go I can’t go because your meeting is an important enough for me or your networking event isn’t isn’t good enough
me. That’s not the point. The point is are you doing things that are productive?
Going to something where you’re simply going to come away from it having put in as much as you possibly can still come
away with it.
Thinking yeah, that was still a waste of time. I tried my best. I really did. It just didn’t work out so
I would ask you to make sure that you look at the guest list make sure that you look at the people that are sponsoring
event make sure you understand what the purpose of the event is is the event just to socialize is it too is it sponsore
by a vodka company? I mean you don’t look at what the events?
Purpose is and what the expectations are of both the organisers the speakers if there are any and the people that are
attending and I mentioned a couple times there times when I’ll go to these Union meetings not this one cuz this is a
committee meeting but I’ll go to Union events that are open to all members and I’ll see the same people there over and
over and over again and usually they serve free food and free drinks and I have to ask myself sometimes is that why
they’re here?
Because I’ll ask them what they think about what’s going on. I’ll put into play all the things that I’ve talked about i
these in these last few videos that I’ve talked about. What do you want to get out of this? What are you looking for?
What’s your story?
And I’m surprised at how many people are just simply unaware of what the whole event is about and why they should even
So that’s all I’m asking you to do is to just do your homework to maximize your chances at it being a productive event
it actually moving your journey forward toward success that make sense. Let me know in the comments below. Let me know
this means anything special to you if this means anything that is helpful to you or if it’s something you already knew
like other day, would you tell me stuff? I already know. I understand that. I appreciate that. But some people don’t kn
this stuff yet.
I just want to be on my list and get notified when these daily videos come out then go ahead and fill out the form that
says get on the list. We love to have you. I’m David H Lawrence xvii. I thank you so much for watching and I will talk
you tomorrow..
I am still working a full-time “bread trade“ for now, but I look forward to the day (soon!) when I will be able to dive headfirst into networking (and everything else connected w/VO). Until then, I will chronicle these videos in my mind, for future reference. Great stuff!
Great video! You’re so right about needing to be intentional and selective. We need to say no sometimes so we can say yes to other things in our lives.
I like your comment about doing your homework about any event your going to. I experienced the downside of NOT doing my homework in the past, and I know I missed out on some important opportunities. Thanks David.
I am not sure how you find these networking opportunities….
I’ve found a couple of local ones through
Right off the bat, this was speaking to me. Our recent event at my theater company at which you graciously spoke and shared your expertise could have been more productive for all of us. I now know that, as the event planner myself, I relied on my past experience with our similar event last year, thinking that because of its success, I simply didn’t need to put as much effort into curating our audience. Sure, I sent out all the emails, posted on social media, etc., but I failed in the area of personal communication which always makes a huge difference. I know from those who attended the event that they really enjoyed the presentation and got a lot out of it, but that group should have been at least four times its size. I have some friends who’ve had lots of success in the voiceover world and to whom I might have reached out to engage their support but I sat back and just let the event happen. It’s great to hold an event that has the potential to excite and motivate people, but that can only happen when the effort is made to get those people in the room! Thanks, David. I know this isn’t really addressing the area of choosing events wisely, but it’s related and got me thinking. Thanks for all you do, and all you’ve done for me!
Anytime you want to take the time to prepare for another event, let’s do it. Grab some testimonials from people who came last year and this year, and use those.