MOO “Networking For People Who Hate Networking” Tip #4: Time Wasters

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Hey there, hero!
I have another of MOO’s networking tips for you, and this one’s a common one.
Ever leave an event, thinking, “Wow. What a waste of time that was.”
Here’s how to make that happen less.
Link to MOO stuff:
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
and I’m in the middle of a series of
videos here while certainly for the
whole year one day every every day
brand-new for those of you new to the
list you may not know that I’ve gotten
some pushback from people via email
going why are you sending out so many
emails they don’t know that I’m in the
middle of this challenge but in this
particular little mini series of videos
maybe five or six of them I’m sharing
with you some really great pointers for
making the most out of networking events
especially if you don’t like networking
events right and it came from muqaam
where I buy all of my business cards all
my coaches cards all my other sort of
corporate printed stuff and they do a
great job of publishing to their client
base tips and tricks and strategies and
tactics to help them do things better
and they certainly do a great job of
this notion of upping your game because
their whole thing is about upping your
game making your logo stand out and
everything on their products so there’s
a link for muqaam below this video if
you you’re in the market for that sort
of thing
but this this next tip that they gave in
this blog post really rich blog post
filled with great stuff was about that
moment when you go home you get in your
car after an event you go wow that was
sure a waste of time you know you’re
talking to the the rearview mirror and
you’re like wow that was a waste of time
you know I’m here to tell you that if
that’s the case it’s on you you’re never
going to get as much out of an event as
you put into it right you’re never gonna
get more out of an event that you put
into it and part of that is not making
judgments about the people that you see
there and the conversations that you
over here but actually opening yourself
up being open-minded and looking for
those golden nuggets that you can never
predict will either be there or not be
there now are there gonna be events that
you go to that just weren’t appropriate
for you yeah probably
but for the most part if you’re going to
do your research and you’re going to
have a mission when you go I’m gonna
meet people who can help me I’m gonna
meet people I can help I’m gonna meet
potential clients I’m gonna meet people
who I can be a potential client ooh
there’s a great tip in this section of
the MU post that says jot your
intentions down on a text file on your
screen then screenshot it with your
phone and make it your lockscreen
you know you’re gonna check the time
right every time you check the time
you’re gonna be reminded of what your
mission is and give it your best shot
don’t just go there look around and then
want to go home right just don’t do that
you can do better than that and you
never know what’s going to happen I
can’t tell you how beautiful it’s been
when those unexpected golden nuggets
lying right there on the floor in a
conversation with somebody that I didn’t
expect to happen have happened so give
it your best shot
and don’t be afraid to start up cold
conversations using the other tips that
we’ve talked about in this series with
people you don’t even know you never
know who you’re gonna meet
it’s so awesome tell me if this makes
sense to you in the comments below or
tell me if you’ve got a way of making
sure that you’re on point with the
mission that you have when you go to a
networking event or you go to a workshop
or a meet-and-greet I mean I know that
there are lots of you that just don’t
like that process right so leave me a
comment below if you want to be on the
list and get notified when these new
videos come out go ahead and use the
forum on the box on the very bottom of
the page that says get on the list we’d
love to have you I’m David H Lawrence
the 17th I thank you so much for
watching and I will talk to you tomorrow.
Awesome perspective. For me, I try to remember that I can be someones “unexpected help” at networking events, if I make myself available for it. I try not to go in just thinking, “ok, what’s in this for me”. This makes these times more exciting, otherwise I end up being like that person who says the event was a waste, as you mentioned. Thanks for these David!