Let’s Do It Again: Ask Me Anything II, Electric Boogaloo

Image courtesy Public Domain Pictures

Hey there, hero!
Earlier in this series of videos, I held an AMA.
That’s an Ask Me Anything session.
Let’s do it again – it’s been 4 months or so, and lots of things have changed.
In the 290th video in the next week or so, I’ll be looking through all the comments you’ve left for the first 289 videos, and grabbing any really good questions you might have and answering them.
You can also “ask me anything” via email: just send your question to me, at [email protected], with the letters AMA in the subject line.
I’ll try to answer all the questions I get – and it can be about anything you want to know about: VO, acting, on-camera presence, internet marketing, productivity, radio, TV, film, even the process and products I use to put out these videos.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
and I want to give you an opportunity
one more time in this series of 365
videos that we’re doing this year to ask
me anything now we did this earlier in
the year and we got some great questions
on everything from how do I make these
videos – voiceover questions – acting
questions – marketing questions and
literally anything you want if it’s too
personal I’ll politely decline but for
the most part what I’d like to do for
the 290 ahthe video really okay yeah
that’s how many we’ve done so far for
the 290th video which is in a couple of
days I will open it up to anything you
want so starting with today’s video give
me your comments in the comments below
any questions that you might have I’ll
also go back through the videos that
we’ve done so far this year between I
think we did the AMA in March or April I
don’t remember when it was but it was
maybe a hundred videos in so maybe it
was April but I there been plenty of
things that have happened since then you
want to know anything about orthrus
arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder you
know I’ll give you the layman’s view if
I can but anything you want to know
anything that’s a burning question for
you about being a performer about being
a voice-over talent about making videos
about making audio you know marketing
you know I went through the whole list
but I’d like to give you the opportunity
to do that so in the comments below this
video let me know if you have any
questions I’ll answer as many as I
possibly can I will also as I said go
back through the comments in the videos
between now and when we did the AMA the
first time and I want to thank my friend
Dean Cameron who always adds whenever he
does something where he says name of
ooh he follows it with electric boogaloo
because it’s funny and so we’ll call
this ama to ask me anything – electric
give me your comments below ask me
questions anything you like I’ll remind
you a few times before we get to that
but start asking your questions now
I’ll assemble the best ones I’ll get as
many as I can into the next series and
we’ll do another one before we wrap up
the the whole year I can’t believe we we
only have like I don’t know 70 videos
left to go you know okay I didn’t think
this was gonna be as fun or as easy or
as I mean yeah there’s been a little bit
of a slog but you know like answering
questions and and coming up with things
that are helpful to people in their
careers it’s turned out to be pretty
cool there has been a downside to it
though and I’ll share that with you
later on but for now questions for the
AMA – electric boogaloo Cup put them in
the comments below if you want to join
my list even further down the page
there’s a box that says get on the list
we’d love to have you on the list so we
can share with you when these videos
come out and what they’re all about I’m
David H Lawrence the 17th I thank you so
much for watching and I will talk to you
Thanks for inviting us to ask. I want to improve how I stay connected with clients; new ones and those I have worked with in the past. It’s easy to work together and move on, losing touch. I want to nurture the good relationships that were built from working together and in doing so, keep that door open for new opportunities. So, my question for you David is how do you care for the working relationships you build with your clients?
great Q.
In your opinion, what is the single most important thing a person should know, or do, when starting their first podcast?
The first thing to know is that there are over 500,000 podcasts being produced in the world right now…some say more like 750,000. After that, if you still insist on shouting into the grand canyon, make sure your audio is GREAT. The rodecaster makes it the easiest – or a simulcrum of that piece of gear – and a passion for great audio. Once you have that , make sure the content is “meaty”. Don’t try to stretch out a segment into 20 minutes, if it can be covered in 5. One of the top top podcasts right now clocks in @ 10 min. It isn’t easy to do.
I’m sure the Rodecaster is great, but I need six channels. My podcast is going to be five or six people playing Dungeons and Dragons for 3-4 hours, which I’ll probably break down into hour long chunks.
the more i watch these, the more i have some to respect for your commitment.
Amazing accomplishment.
some coaches say “anyone can be successful in VO”. Agree? or is there SOME talent needed.
Not many fat strippers, ya know?
Why are there so few viewings? Surely folks have figured out that this is fantastic content?
Why are most of the P to P sites so…dodgy?
First, I absolutely love these daily videos as they are incredibly helpful and insightful. Going to miss them everyday.
Anyway, my question: How do you handle clients that are a bit slow to pay? After 60, 90+ days days and you still haven’t received your money what do you do and how do you address the client?
Thanks for the video and thanks for the opportunity to ask my question.
Can you discuss a little about trade or stage names. I’ve heard you should register a trade name or stage name in the state/city/town/counties you plan on or are doing business with. What knowledge do you have on this topic, maybe include a link or site with trustworthy info. Thanks!
I recently heard you on George Witham and Dan Lenard’s Voice Over Body Shop to avoid the voice over demo mills. I’ve heard many other folks say the same thing, so many that I wonder if some of those very demo mills say it to deflect suspicion. The problem is, no one ever identifies the bad players. Can you give us some tips on how to separate the wheat from the chaff?