I’m So Thankful…For You.

Hey there, hero!
Short and sweet today…I simply want to take a few minutes, on video, so the whole world will know…
…how thankful I am for you.
Allow me a few moments of on-camera you-gratefulness.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
and here in the United States it’s
Thanksgiving Day as we record this video
and as you’re watching it hopefully when
it comes out and I have a lot to be
thankful for I have a lot to be thankful
for the gratitude that I feel this year
is leaps and bounds ahead of some of the
years that I’ve had in my life and one
of the things that I’m most thankful
about is you and I’m not trying to be
goofy or you know imperious or righteous
or anything I really woke up this
morning with an amazing amount of joy in
thinking how fortunate I am and how
lovely it is to have you and the other
members of my audience watching these
videos supporting me in what I’m trying
to accomplish trusting that I have some
solutions for you some advice for you
some processes and procedures that might
be helpful to you but mostly I know how
valuable your time and attention is and
you’ve given me scads of that we’re
coming up toward the end of the year got
about a month left in doing these videos
and I’m gonna miss it I’m still gonna do
it once a week we’re gonna call it once
a week on Wednesday but what really has
been the difference has been you the
response that I get the interactions
that I get sorry
the comments that I get the love that I
feel just the joy the friendship I
really appreciate it and I wanted to
take a moment to say thank you and I
hope that you pass it on I hope you have
someone in your life that makes you as
joyous and happy and thrilled as I do
with you and if you do let them know
tell them don’t wait tell them now tell
them more often please let them know
that they make a difference in your life
I’m letting you know that you make a
difference in my life thank you so much
I’m David H Lawrence xvii Happy
Thanksgiving if you’re here in the
States and happy day to you around the
world if you’re not I will talk to you
Thank you, David. It’s always good to see someone’s genuine side — even an actor’s!
Really loving that new setup, BTW. The first couple of videos you released from it gave me some concern, UTI the tweaks you’ve made in the lighting really have it cooking, now.
Talk with you soon,
—David W.
Dang autocorrect. That was supposed to be “but” the tweaks! ?
Thank you. Teacher and friend.
It’s a day to be thankful/grateful for the good and the bad. It all adds up to who we are.
Have a great and positive day!
You get what you give, David. Better sit down, because you should be having a firehose of good Karma coming at you.
Thanks, and all my best.
Thank you so much David and Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. I to have been very blessed and have enjoyed all of your great advice and sharing all you know to help me be a better voice over artist.
God Bless.
Cylinda McAlister
Happy Thanksgiving and many, many thanks to you! It has been a honor to learn from you and to get to know your awesomeness! I am also thankful for you and your tribe.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving ? ? David and tribe! I am forever grateful to you for the wealth of knowledge, experience and wisdom you have shared in the two short years I have known you.
Thank you for all you do. I am grateful you are in my life
Happy Thanksgiving all the best
Chuck J
Thank you for this video David. Thank you for your kindness, generosity of heart, kicks in the pants, support and thoughtfulness. You have been an important part of my VO journey and as a result of my life. One day, when you’re at a conference and see a crazy middle-aged white haired woman running at you full tilt with arms wide, you’ll know who it is. In the meantime I send you a virtual hug. Bless you!! Kirsten
David, I feel much gratitude for you in my life:) Heartfelt thanks for your kindness, generosity, wisdom, and encouragement!
Happy Thanksgiving:)
Thank you, David for all that you’ve done. You’ve created an amazing tribe and it continues to grow.
I am extremely thankful to have met you, all the coaches and all the other Pro members that complete this wonderful family.
Thanks again!
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well David! I’m thankful that I found you and your program and that I’m now part of this wonderful tribe. And great job on the 365 day challenge! You’re in the home stretch. I’ve seen every video. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to Once A Week On Wednesday 🙂
Thanks for being you David. Even tho I am not a hero – you are mine forever.
Oh, but you ARE my hero. I so appreciate your long term kindness and support!
Hi David,
Thanks, David, for all your help & guidance. And well done for the 365 Challenge – hope it won’t entirely go away at the end of the year? Although we don’t have Thanksgiving here in the U.K. the turkeys are only safe until Christmas 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving, David.
Very glad that we know each other. You’re a great guy with a lot to give… and generous to boot!
Hope you have very happy holidays and a great 2020 ahead 😉
I missed this video on Thanksgiving Day, but my appreciation for you is as strong today as the day I made my first audiobook with your help. And I am thankful for you David for all you do for others too and how much you genuinely care for people. Your platform is a place where you serve and your tribe are individuals you care for. So glad to be among them. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Best to you.
Grateful for you as well. Thank you for all you do!