How Am I Doing? I’m Gobsmacked. That’s How Am I Doing.

Photo by Sebastian Voortman from Pexels

Hey there!

So…I’ve been asked a lot yesterday and today via text, email and phone…

“How’d the surgery go? How are you doing?”

And the answer is that the surgery happened yesterday. I’m ready for weeks or even months of immobility and rehab after my shoulder surgery.

That’s not what will happen, though.

Hope this helps!



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  1. There’s a childlike merriment in your voice and manner that really conveys your veritable glee at your quick recovery! I am SO, so happy to hear you’re recovering so well, and I can’t wait to get back to work with you again soon! Now, as my father says, do what you’re s’posed to! Speedy healing!

  2. Nice LBJ moment. 😉 Glad to hear that you’re doing so well. Avoid using the oxy if you don’t need it (burn the script if you haven’t filled it yet). Tylenol or Aleive should be more than enough. Ask your doctor about topicals or pain patches instead. You’re still on the prayer list. Take care, and don’t overdo it.

  3. So glad to hear you’re doing well. I think the fact you prepared for the absolute worst, helps in having the outcome you have had. May it continue to progress in a great way.

  4. Happy tears!!! I’m so relieved and elated for you, David!! This IS a gift!! Take your time and recover fully!! Thank you for sharing this with us.

  5. This is FANTASTIC! I am so happy for your good news. You should, however, watch a few movies and some television! Why waste a perfectly good excuse? LOL!

  6. I’m SO happy to hear your great experience. It’s interesting how we can imagine the biggest things that can go wrong, and psych ourselves out. Then the experience actually turns out to be just the opposite – positive, miraculous, even. Not at all what we worried about.
    I wonder how/why we do this in other aspects of our lives – including our VO careers?
    Food for thought, and another life lesson to be considered.
    We appreciate you showing us another side of your humility and the wonderful person you are.
    Happy thoughts, vibes, and prayers for a healthy healing journey.
    Thank you for all you do,

  7. I’m so happy you’re healing so well! I had my third child this past year, and I expected to be on near bedrest for a month like my first 2. My second required over a year of physical therapy for painful nerve damage that had a slight chance of never healing. It did, thank goodness! So I had my baby #3 and that same day I was walking around my hospital room carrying him around like it was no big deal! I even elected to go home a day early to be with my 3 & 2 yr old and husband. I had never in a million years thought recovery from the birth of a child that easy was ever an option! Congrats on an amazing recovery. I very much look forward to recording my demo with you in June but if you need to reschedule, please don’t hesitate, I completely understand!

  8. This is great news, David! I’m so glad your recovery is moving along so much faster than you thought it would! I hope you are still able to take it easy and relax. 🙂 Also – Thank you for offering the 4 month payment plan! It has turned out to be a birthday gift from my awesome husband. I signed up and am looking forward to getting started with VO2GOGO Pro!

  9. Hi David! So glad you’re having a wonderful experience. I, too, had arthroscopic surgery and was prepared for the worst after seeing the videos and reading the info. 10 days and three bandaids later, I am also gobsmacked at how far I’ve come! Congratulations on your continued healing and let’s hear it for modern technology and robotic surgery!

  10. David, so pleased to hear it went very well for you. I too was praying for you and will continue to pray for quick healing and total mobility again. Yippee!!!!!

  11. David,

    How wonderful that you are feeling so good after your surgery! If you feel fatigued, listen to your body and rest. Good job doing your exercises already! You won’t regret it.

    I am so happy for you.


  12. Hooray!! This is absolutely GREAT news!!!! Love how excited you are about everything!!! I’m giggling right along with you!

  13. David, I had gotten busy and had not been keeping up with your “daily chats” so was unaware of your upcoming surgery.
    That being said, I am so happy for you and how you “dodged the bullet” here. So many times we do a number on ourselves mentally about an upcoming event, overthink it and over-plan for all the possible
    Now celebrate your good fortune and go ease someone else who may need a few words of it forward.
    And whatever you do… pay attention before you step out in traffic and don’t get taken out by a speeding car or truck!! You don’t want to explain that one at the “Pearly Gates” LOL…
    Regards Jon

  14. Glad you’re doing well. Looks like you may have a speedy recovery. Thankfully I was able to avoid surgery due to physiotherapy and stubbornness to do a little more exercises everyday. Yes you will start small and gradually you will be able to do more exercise. I too had a shoulder problem in which I had a labral tear and fracture hyoid bone which is deep in the shoulder which is attach to the clavicle I believe. I could only lift my arm up as high as you can or it was a little higher but in time got full range of motion. Anyways hope this is a little encouraging and I’m glad you’re so well after surgery. Hope it’s a speedy recovery in which it appears it may be.

  15. I had something similar when I had my knee replacements. The first one in 2013 was incredibly painful. But I eventually got through it. In 2015 I was dreading the second one but was pleasantly surprised by the changes in procedures in just that short time. I was in PT within a week and back to work months earlier.

    Ain’t technology and research grand?!?

    Now, be a good boy and do what the therapists say and you’ll be fine. * grin *

  16. So glad you’re doing so well. Coming through something like this is such a relief that it’s invigorating. Congrats on a great outcome. I’m sure you will have a spectacular recovery. Do those exercises and therapy!

  17. Glad to hear your surgery went so well. You look great, you sound great, and your happiness over your recovery is fun to see. Regarding your request for a comment, I’ll state again how getting the part after my first on camera audition was a fantastic surprise that I didn’t expect. Thanks for the video David.

  18. I’m so glad your procedure went smoothly and you are managing your pain without heavy duty pain-killers. You look great! Keep on being gobsmacked!

  19. Great news!!! I’m so happy that all the love and prayers are working and I’m wishing you a speedy recovery, which it seems like you’re having already! Take good care of yourself and don’t be a hero! We want you on a fast, yet steady mend.