Don’t Want To Toot Your Own Horn?

Hey there, hero!

At WOVOCon a few weeks ago, I met with a lovely voice over talent from the UK.

Being from the UK, she was incredibly polite, shy and very very concerned about tooting her own horn…and we had a chat about that. Maybe you might relate.

Link to payment plan for ACX Master Class that closes today:

Hope this helps!



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  1. Great video. I am often concerned that people may view my telling of my latest accomplishment as bragging, or on the other hand, insignificant compared to what others in my field have done. But a better perspective is to show what I have done to simply inform people that this is what I do. Then maybe I can help someone else who could use my services.

  2. I’ll keep it short. My first radio job was for a privately owned, NY-market, 37KW ERP FM station, that had a big anniversary celebration (50 years in the 1980s!). At a big gathering of the faithful (a few hundred people in a big auditorium, plus the broadcast audience) the station manager made reference to a new on-air voice that he really appreciated, and which he knew would prefer to remain nameless. He was right! I was most comfortable operating “behind the scenes.” Today, I still prefer to be quietly performing unseen, but I do recognize the need for some self-promotion; but it doesn’t come naturally. Many people I’ve worked with even in corporate jobs over the years have told me I need to do more of it!

    1. aaahhh.. radio…the sweet blanket of anonymity… Later in this life i developed the skill of holding an audience of 200+ , with minimal walkouts, for an hour at a time. Just me and a mic… As an introvert, it was misery. But, no-speaky, no money…

      It is a great point that, for this tribe – that we all need to do some promotion. or wither on the vine… for me, it is baby steps…even with all my accomplishments. I find a “promotion mentor” has been crucial as a buffer between my irrational fears, and the successful use of the very powerful tools we have at our fingertips. Power should be used carefully – ask kevin hart… Impostor syndrome abounds! Walk into the light! Be the best you can be for your clients, and the rest will follow…( thanks DHLVII. great topic).

  3. As a Brit, I emphasize with her! I was brought up not to boast about my accomplishments, to let others do that, and I still find it hard to publicize my audiobook work. I’ve also discovered that my ‘BBC’ English voice is either received as enjoyable or snooty to listen to!! One listener/reviewer recently wrote in no uncertain terms that I had to stop talking down as if I were speaking to children! Ah well, can’t win them all!

  4. I’m working on this. In fact, I did this successfully just last night about a recent project I completed. This does not come naturally and I find it easier to do if I know that it is something they would actually be interested in whether or not I’m involved. It was well received though, and I was then asked if I had other projects as well. I’ll keep working on this. It is still difficult.

  5. You *really* made me think about how I am approaching my creative career, David. So, I will do my best to shift from it being a DIS-service if I’m NOT sharing my successes. That will be a tough one, but with this video, I feel like it’s a necessary change I must make. THANK YOU.

  6. I’m learning how to promote. It is hard to want to shine because I’ve always gotten the message to hold back and not shine. I’m working on it daily. I’m also trimming the fat and removing those that are not supportive. That energy can crush your soul.