Did Drew Carey Name-Check Me On Live With Kelly and Ryan?

Hey there, hero!
OK…I’ve gotten enough notes from fans of Kelly Ripa and Ryan Secrest’s show on ABC here in the US that I’m just going to address it.
Recently, Drew Carey was a guest on the show, and gave a certain David Lawrence a shout out.
And all who have written want to know…
“Was that YOU he was talking about??”
Hope this helps!
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well hey there hero it’s David H
Lawrence the 17th and I have gotten
somewhere between two dozen and three
dozen emails this week saying hey are
you the David Lawrence that Drew Carey
was talking about on live with with
Kelly and and and and Ryan are you yeah
it’s me
here’s what happened did you write jokes
at one point for a radio show a friend
of mine David Lawrence hi David how you
doing buddy
my friend David Lawrence was a radio DJ
morning guy and like afternoons whatever
like I always move in every couple years
like one of those dude yeah
and I was working as a waiter in
Cleveland and I wasn’t making much money
and I was Maloney my finances to him and
he always thought it was funny and he
thought he said to me and so do you
think of any jokes for my radio show
I’ll pay you and I said really how much
they’ll go so I’ll give you 10 or 15
dollars a joke and I thought well I
could make an extra 100 hundred fifty
bucks a week that’d be great but I
didn’t know how to write jokes I went to
the library and I found a book on how to
write like you know a radio type like
pop culture jokes for my friend and then
I gave something like a local guy in
Cleveland and stuff like that for there
for like a couple months that’s all yeah
so you know I love drew I been a friend
of his for decades and I really did
think he was extraordinarily funny in in
the early 80s when he was first
attempting comedy and the funny thing is
he was attempting comedy before I even
know how to write jokes and so like I’ll
go to a party at his house and he’ll
walk around with me introducing me going
he’s the guy that got me started in
comedy and and all that it was it’s just
you know it’s been a great relationship
it certainly led to me working on The
Price is Right for a while which was
fantastic what a what a love that was
that was when my mom decided I had made
it in show business is what when I got
to be the announcer on The Price is
Right for filling work for about a month
yes that’s it and I can tell you that I
get a great deal of joy not because he
brags on me every so often but because I
was able to make a
difference in the life of somebody who
went on to do great things and he’s a
perfect example of how I feel about all
the heroes that take classes for me
doing voiceover and that I work with on
camera it’s just being able to make that
kind of a difference in someone’s life
just by being kind or by being
supportive or being there at the
beginning and believing in them you
never know what’s gonna happen you know
you just never know and I wonder if
you’ve had that kind of an experience
where you’ve been you know supportive or
generous to someone without really
worrying about getting anything in
return and if it’s come back to you in
spades tell me about that in the
comments below if you would I’d really
appreciate that and if you want to be on
my list I’d really appreciate that as
well I just go all the way down to the
bottom of the page if you’re on vo
heroes comm and go ahead and fill out
that form and we’ll get you on the list
it’ll be great I I really appreciate you
I thank you so much I’m David H Lawrence
the 17th and I thank you so much for
watching and I will talk to you tomorrow.
Great story! I love it!
Great story, I have always been a fan of Drew. I recently cut 3 Christmas spots with an eleven year old girl, who reads the news for her school. The parents said that she was the only family member that wasn’t too country. As I am sure you remember radio commercials with kids are either amazing or hideous. Once I helped her out of her shell she nailed them, most people tear up during the third one. I told her and mom anytime she wants to record something to give me a call. I think we might have a television star in the making.
This is what it’s all about. I love the success sharing here and a story of an enduring friendship.
Cool story. Thanks for helping people!
Very cool!
You are truly an inspiration, David! You are the perfect example of putting goodness out into the Universe, and how that ripple effect creates positive change for so many. (You helped Drew, he’s helped thousands of people in so many ways, it’s such a wonderful example of positive momentum.)
I’ve been fortunate enough to have it happen to me. I know an artist who is very young and who needed a job. A friend ws writing a book, I got the two of them together, and she got the illustration gig — and it paved the way to better things for her. She’ now has the confidence to draw AND write, and she has three screenplays out to various celebrities. I’m very proud of her. I love encouraging people, to get them motivated to walk the path toward success, regardless of what they consider ‘success.’ I’ve been a mentor, too, and the enjoyment I’ve received from that far outweighs the efforts I’ve put into it. Funny how the Universe works — a simple gesture can mean so much to someone.
Awsome to show how one can help others without reward or guarantee.