What’s Better Than Willpower? Grit.

Photo by Robert Baker on Unsplash

Hey there!

I’ve had a few discussions in this video series with you on how to get started, how to keep going, how to make things stick.

What about how to resist the backwards slide? The dropping of great habits? Going for that bagel or doughnut when you’ve sworn off carbs and sugar?

Turns out it’s got a great name: grit. Angela Duckworth wrote a whole book on Grit. And Jessica Stillman, writing in Inc. Magazine, recently listed 10 ways to be gritty and put grit to world-class use.

Link to Inc. article: https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/10-strategies-that-work-better-that-willpower-for-resisting-temptation.html

Hope this helps!



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  1. Couldn’t agree more. It’s like the difference between talent and perseverance. Talent will get you started; perseverance will bring home the bacon!

  2. David, just wanted you to know that I posted a link to this episode to a FB Group that I belong to, “Low Carb Support Group – Ditch The Carbs.”

    This is the text of the link:

    “I’m an audiobook producer/narrator and this video is by one of my voiceover gurus. Although the content is slanted toward this area, it is general enough to be of value to others because temptation and falling off the wagon are common occurrences, https://www.youtube.com/watch… You may have seen David on the TV series “Heroes” and elsewhere. His filmography is here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0492712/

  3. Great minds David. Giving 10% of everything to your agent is 100% the right thing to do. I have always done the same. I believe it is a manifestation of grit.