0013: What Will Be Your King Lear? (+ How To Stop Zoombombing)

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Want to be a better VO talent, actor or author? Here’s how I can help you…

Show notes

Hey there, hero!

[NOTE: This episode begins with a timely bonus public service announcement to show you how to stop Zoombombing – how to set Zoom’s settings so that you can’t easily be Zoom-bombed. If you don’t know what that is, or don’t care to find out how to stop porn from being shown to all the attendees in your Zoom meeting, you can fast-forward to 4:50 to the actual episode content.]

Throughout history, we’ve been asked to “shelter in place,” and as humans, it never took long before boredom and loneliness set in. The big one was the bubonic plague, which popped up several times, the Spanish Flu, SARS, even 911.

In a recent episode, I gave you a challenge to make use of social distancing to develop skills, take classes, read books, and generally amp up your personal skill set to catch an updraft and get back in the swing of things once everything settles back to normal with COVID-19.

And what you may not know is that some of the world’s most amazing concepts were created while the creators were under quarantine. Here are some smashing examples, along with a challenge for you.


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  1. Bless you and your good heart, David, and thank you for encouraging people during this pandemic to look at it positively, or as positively as possible, and to take this opportunity to make the best of it and make ourselves better. Thank you.

  2. I love these videos that are focused on staying productive during this worrisome time. They help my anxious brain to use its energy to create rather than to worry. I’m not sure if this is my King Lear but I’m pouring a great deal of my time and energy into writing content for my Dungeons and Dragons campaign/podcast. Thanks for the positive vibes David. They are very much appreciated 🙂

  3. Hello David,
    Thanks for the welcome video. It was a lovely break from what I am involved with right now.
    I am frantically busy moving all of my four College courses to Remote Teaching, ready for Monday, March 30, 2020 when the classes resume!
    Canvas will be the platform for everything, e.g. grade book, lectures, discussion groups, quizzes, exams, projects, attendance, ConferZoom, taking videos with my iPhone and compressing them, etc.
    I will have to catch up with creating my world changing inventions/books/plays/music compositions, etc. later!
    So sorry to disappoint everyone!
    Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy.
    Yours truly, in haste!

  4. As always, thought provoking and useful! I’m glad you have kept doing these videos even though it’s now only once a week. I thoroughly enjoyed the daily versions last year. I never commented much then as I would watch them on You-Tube as the last thing I did before going to bed. Something for sure more uplifting and useful than the late tv news! Thanks David!!!!

  5. Hi David,

    My friend forwarded this to me and I was so appreciative of your insights and also your cogent and empathetic delivery. I just wanted to thank you.
    My good wishes to you and yours?

    1. Yes. LA schools as well. The issue is also misunderstood as Zoom was never meant for low-trust public anyone-welcome meetings. It was meant for small workgroups with high levels of mutual trust. And they set their default setting according to the latter’s needs and convenience, not school classrooms. Zoom says that have associates working with any school system to clarify the issues around this.

  6. Thanks for the info about ZOOM and for the encouraging words (sounds like a song!) as well. I so appreciate your videos, David. Keep it up!