Wait, Vices Can Be Good For Your Health?

Photo by Jair Lázaro on Unsplash
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I saw that there was a new book out called The Good Vices, by Harry and Erik Ofgang. And I got excited about what that might entail.
Turns out it’s all about moderation, but when moderated, the things that are supposedly universally bad for you are actually essential to your health.
Here’s what I mean.
Link to The Good Vices: https://vo2gogo.com/get-thegoodvices
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
I just found out about this great book
that I want to tell you about it’s
called the good vices the good vices as
I’m recording this video it’s not
available yet but I got my hands on some
advanced material from it it’s by dr.
Harry off gang and Eric Hoffman dr.
Harry is a doctor a medical doctor and
his son I think it’s his son Eric is a
health journalist and what this book is
about is really fascinating it’s about
things that are normally considered bad
for you that actually can be great for
you and I’m talking about moderation and
I’m talking about things that don’t
immediately cause medical problems so
for example I’m a type 2 diabetic right
I can’t have large amounts of sugar my
blood sugar goes up I can’t have
carbohydrates but I can’t have coffee
and what we’re finding out is new things
all the time about things that at one
point coffee was considered bad all that
caffeine and everything now it’s
considered possibly a help in the
treatment of type 2 diabetes and
Alzheimer’s eggs we’re supposed to be
really bad for you
bacon and you know these things done to
excess are not so great but here let me
read a little bit front for you he
writes that over the years mainstream
medical studies at respected
institutions have repeatedly shown that
many of the foods and behaviors that
we’ve been warned to avoid all our lives
may not really harm us and when consumed
or engaged in properly they may actually
be beneficial the list of good vices
includes beverages like coffee which
research as I said suggests can lower
the risk of type 2 diabetes and possibly
protect from Alzheimer’s disease and
dementia we don’t know yet
foods like chocolate and whole milk raw
cheese lifestyle choices like sleeping
late and laughing a lot downright
shocking practices like going to the
doctor less and war
being less and avoiding many prescribed
but often unnecessary medical procedures
God did I just go through that with my
shoulder oh my god I have worried myself
sick over this thing and if I hadn’t I
think I would have been even better
about the recovery than I have been and
I’ve been just fantastic about it
because once I started seeing that some
of the things that I was worrying about
I didn’t need to worry about anymore it
kind of got better for me now look
tobacco hard drugs they’re not in that
category they’re not in the category of
these things might be helpful and I
don’t know where you fall down on
cannabis you know I don’t know I don’t
do it but I know people who do being
happy is the point and if the occasional
use of some of these things doesn’t harm
you medically and it makes you happy
then you should consider doing it it’s a
good vice now I’ve given you a link to
the book below the video here or above
the video wherever you are on the page
if you’re on YouTube it’s below the
video if you’re on vo2 Go Go it’s above
the video and I’ve already put in my
pre-order for it it’s already been
turned into an audiobook by my friend
Jonathan Ross so I’m really excited
about this and I think that it’s a whole
line of thinking that can be
extraordinarily helpful to you so for
example you tell me what’s your hidden
vais my hidden Vice is playing casual
video games on my phone things where you
kind of match Domino’s up by patterns or
you do crossword puzzles or you fit
pieces together or things like that
that’s my that’s my and watching Judge
Judy right
in terms of foods I love I love omelets
I love omelets I love I stay away from
the things that I know I love but I
can’t really do because I’ll feel it
medically like carbs it’s just something
I can’t do but there are so many other
things that I can do and you know I can
once a day you want to know a good vice
that I have twice a day I take three in
the morning and two at night these
little gummies that are magnesium that’s
how I take my magnesium because I was
taking these pills that were like you
know five feet long was hard to drop
these horse pills down but now with this
magnesium it’s like taking a little bits
of candy now and then and it gets me
through I don’t have to worry about
going and finding a Hershey bar anymore
and I don’t use it to get my chocolate
fix or my sugar fix but I know that I’m
not killing myself by doing it and I
think that’s the point the word is
moderation so if there was a subtitle
for this book I’m sure there is a
subtitle for it but if there was it
would be things in moderation can
actually be to your benefit so what’s
your hidden Vice what’s the thing that
you do to stay sane and be happy and and
make your emotions better and make your
overall countenance better let me know
in the in the comments below I’d love to
I’d love to find out if you’d like to
know when these videos come out you can
join my youtube channel my head should
be over there if it isn’t look for a
subscribe button somewhere and if you
want to see the latest edition I’ve done
click on that frame YouTube will play it
for you I’m David H Lawrence the 17th I
thank you so much for watching and I’ll
talk to you tomorrow.
To me, my greatest “vice” is indulging in my natural tendency to worry. THAT’s what’ll kill you early! 😉
Deluxe Dark Chocolate Covered Raisins by Setton Farms. Usually I have a couple of snackcidents each day when I wasn’t planning to eat any, but then I do. Thanks for the video David.