Things Are Going To Go Terribly Wrong. Guaranteed.

Hey there, hero!
You’d think a company as revered and experienced as Disney is could get through a launch of a product without much difficulty.
I mean, hey…they launch tentpole movies the way Mike Trout launches homers to deep right.
But for them, and for you, things will go wrong. Like they did last Tuesday.
Here’s how to make that kick-in-the-gut easier to recover from.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey they’re here oh it’s David H
Lawrence the 17th and I’m making another
test recording in the test bed here at
the palatial Lawrence estate eventually
we’re gonna move this all upstairs into
my recording studio and do the stuff
from there but just thought I’d do it
one more time mostly because I was
sitting here playing with some gear and
working some things out and I took a
break to grab a bite to eat and to go
through some new articles and one of the
things that kept coming up over and over
and over again in the articles that I
was reading was this post analysis of
Disney’s problems the other day if you
missed it they launched Disney Plus and
things didn’t go perfectly smoothly for
them and it reminded me of something
that came up for me over the weekend
that I shared as a big take away from
going to launch con which was a an event
that I try to go to whenever I possibly
can each year and this year was the
first time in a couple of years that I
was able to and they asked what were
your big takeaways from the training
that you were getting this weekend and I
will tell you that the idea that it’s
gonna be messy and things are guaranteed
to not be perfect things are guaranteed
to go wrong wasn’t more evident than it
was for Disney this past week when they
launched now this was a big deal for
them they spent billions of dollars on
the production the creation and the
marketing and the execution of Disney
Plus which is their streaming platform
and you would think a company like
Disney that has huge divisions Pixar and
and a Marvel and now Fox as well as
Disney itself they’re used to big scale
projects but you know they had like by
the middle of the day on Tuesday I read
that they had 7800 comments on sites
like down detector comm which is where
you go if you’re thinking maybe the site
that you want to go to that’s down for
you is only down for you but you can
find out that it’s down for everybody so
when a big site goes down that’s a place
to go down detector
come 7,200 comments about people not
being able to get to the the site to
sign up this is a big deal for them and
the fact that it went wrong is a big
deal for them as well but I do know this
I do know that Disney is one of those
companies that plans for these things
that has backups for these things and
even when they don’t even when it’s
something totally unexpected and totally
unpredictable and totally unrecoverable
instantly like changing something real
quick and everything goes back to normal
they still can pivot and shave and hone
and refine and make it work and I’m here
to tell you that the same thing is true
for you things are gonna go wrong things
are gonna be messy you have to have that
bias for action not get discouraged and
think to yourself okay how do I change
this how do I fix this so that it
doesn’t happen again
so that I can make it up to the people
that I you know dis inconvenienced when
things didn’t go perfectly right don’t
worry about it so much I know that you
want everything to be perfect and some
of you will sit there and plan and plan
and plan I can’t do it yet because I
don’t know anything I don’t everything
in place I don’t have my B plan and my C
plan and my D plan in place you can do
this whatever it is that you want to do
when you want to do auditions when you
want to join a casting site when you
want to get new equipment when you want
to do things that are a challenge to you
things are gonna go wrong just relax
lean into it know that that’s the case
just knowing that things are guaranteed
to go wrong in some way shape or form
especially with complex projects just
knowing that that’s the case can make
recovering from that that much easier so
I just wanted to share that with you
today it’s not just you it’s not just me
it’s Disney and a lot of companies like
Disney so again if you have a comment
about this if there’s something you’ve
experienced that
you you really utterly didn’t see coming
and smacked you in the face and you
fixed it tell me about it in the
comments below I’d love to know and if
you’d like to join my list I’d love to
have you just go all the way down to the
bottom of the page if you’re on vo
heroes com
fill out the form called get on the list
and we’ll get you on the list I’m David
H Lawrence xvii thank you so much for
watching and I will talk to you tomorrow.
How true. Whenever I plan a home improvement or fix it project, I always allow most of the day—even when the project itself should only take an hour.
Even when the project itself goes smoothly and easily, I will inevitably find something attached to it, related to it, or just near it has broken or is about to break. It almost never fails.
If I get through a project only having to go back to the home improvement store once (it has been as many as five times,) I consider that a win.
Oh, and just like having a plan when things go sideways, have a plan for success. It amazes me how many folks are so surprised by their successes they don’t know what to do next.
Makes me think of my upcoming podcast. I hope it goes off without a hitch but I’m mentally prepared in case I hit any snags. If I do, I’ll do my best to pivot, readjust, and forge ahead.
Talk about your timing: after I watched this, I went to work on editing a chapter for my first audiobook, and Audacity tells me that there was a bug or some such thing, and that chapter got replaced by another one! I had to re-record that chapter last night. I only lost a little time, but still…