The Workflow For Producing These Videos (So Far) Part 2

Photo by Lukas from Pexels

Hey there!

By far, one of the most common questions I’ve gotten over the past few months is what process and tools I use to create these videos.

Actually, the process itself changed over the time that I’ve been doing them, and that’s a terrific gift for me – helping me improve the process to get faster and better at doing these videos. And I’m sure it will change between now and the end of the year’s challenge.

So, in this second step, I’m going to show you how I use tools to quickly set up the blog post, the content presentation, the settings on YouTube and the scheduling for the future.

Here’s Part 2 of how I’m doing it – covering the settings and scheduling of the video and blog post.

Hope this helps!



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  1. Great stuff, David. Now I’m going to save you an editing step.
    You can do a columnar selection in BBEdit by holding down Option while you drag a selection. So you don’t have to copy and paste into a spreadsheet to isolate the captioning text, then copy and and paste into WordPress. Just Option-drag the captions as a column in BBEdit, then copy and paste into WordPress.
    (NOTE: if the columnar selection in BBEdit doesn’t work, turn off soft wrapping.)
    Geeks unite!

  2. That was fascinating! Thank you for sharing. I am bookmarking these so I can look at them later when I don’t have 3 classes going on at once and can focus on it more completely.

  3. That’s a lot of work, even if you’ve gotten fast with it over time. Thanks for putting all this effort into these great videos. Much appreciated David.