The Gear I Recommend…And Use Myself

Hey there, hero!
I’ve been asked many many many many times what gear I use for my work on mic, on camera and to run my business.
A long time ago, I decided to keep a running list of those items, and I just recently updated that list because one of my coaches had a microphone cable fail, and asked what cable I recommended as a replacement.
So…after I got her squared away, I added that cable to my gear list.
I thought you might like to know all the things I use and recommend as well.
For all of my gear, start here:
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there hero it’s David H Lawrence the
17th and I wanted to share something
with you that was prompted by one of my
coaches Karen Eileen Gordon she called
me the other day and she goes hey what’s
the name of that USB cable that goes
between the at2020 USB plus and your
computer I know the the two ends of the
plug the cord have different plugs on
them but I don’t know what they’re
called and so we kind of went through a
whole rigmarole about USB a versus USB B
versus USB C and then protocols USB 1
and 2 and then USB 3 in terms of speed
way more detail than she wanted she just
wanted to know what the cable was and it
reminded me that recently I completed
the transfer from vo to go go over to vo
heroes of my recommended gear and
software and books and I’m gonna keep
expanding this as time goes on I had
thought the other day that I should also
add what classes I take and what’s
software services I use online anyway
let’s take a look at it it’s really
simple it’s on the my gear page so it’s
vo hero’s comm slash my – gear and if
you look at the the different options
that you have the first is the gear I
used in my voiceover practice then the
the second is the gear that I use on
camera and then the third is the
software that I use backup pod you know
editing sound software etcetera
podcasting gear because it’s a little
bit separate in terms of what
microphones you use and like there’s a
mixer and there’s you know it’s all
kinds of stuff then there’s also
adapters and cables and this is where
the the cable for her microphone is it’s
that USB a 2 USB B replacement cable and
then I also have accessories and
furniture and I
have books that I really like things
that have been helpful to me and then
vocal health I have a tab for vocal
health as well the main the main page is
the voiceover gear which has my computer
the microphone the mic sock my monitor
for the new Mac Mini my trackball that I
use the keyboard that I use the hub that
I use the earbuds the headphones even
the backup disks and the external hard
drive disks are on this page and all of
the pages have that level of depth in
terms of if I find something I really
like and I’m using it in my practice I’m
gonna share it with you on those pages
so again it’s vo heros dot-com slash my
gear and when you go there you can
select any of those ones that you want
and hopefully that’s helpful to you all
of the links to the gear lead to Amazon
usually Amazon if it’s not available at
Amazon I’ll lead you somewhere else and
I will tell you that all of those links
are affiliate links I get a little taste
when you when you click but you don’t
pay any extra the Amazon just rewards me
for sending you over there but know that
all of these things are things that I
use and that I recommend I’m not just
putting things up there so that people
can click on products and buy them
anyway hope that helps if there’s
something that you see that you want to
know what I use how I use it what I use
it for please let me know send me an
email or pop me a message if you’re a
pro and like that and I’m wondering if
what you’ve purchased from Amazon or
other places that I’ve recommended has
worked out for you let me know in the
comments below or it hasn’t worked out
for if you’ve had problems with it maybe
I got need to go look at something else
or make a an article that shows you how
to use what I use I don’t know but do
let me know let me know in the comments
below if there’s anything that I can do
to help you if you want to get on my
list and know when these videos come out
please jump down to the bottom of the
page on vo heroes
and get on the list that’s what the
headline of the block says just fill out
the form and you’ll be on the list I
appreciate it I’m David H Lawrence the
17th I thank you so much for watching
and I will talk to you tomorrow .
Awesome! I’ve been wondering about this. Glad to see it on VOHeroes 🙂
Great info. Thank you. 🙂
Hi David,
Just checking over your “my gear page” on VO heroes- Nov. 2019. I know you were touting a mac mini in your work. Any thoughts about the new mac mini 1 – the pros and cons for VO actors. Any problems with using Audacity and MacOS Big Sur? Thank you in advance for your reply.
As soon as I’m finished testing my new MacBook Air M1 (with Apple Silicon), I’ll likely be making some changes to My Gear – it has no fan, so it’s the likeliest candidate. It’s just software compatibility that I’m concerned about.