The Awesome Plaque At The Entrance Of The Audition Space

Hey there, hero!
So…I got a call back to the audition I had the other day.
And as I walked through the door, I noticed a plaque that I’d probably seen 100 times, but never stopped to read and take in.
I was a few minutes early, so I had a chance to really see it. And I took a picture of it.
I think you’ll find it very performer-friendly…and useful.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
well hey there hero it’s David H
Lawrence the 17th just got back from a
call back from an audition that I had
actually just the other day I think I
made a video just before I went out for
it so of course wearing the same
clothing for a callback that you do for
an audition always and you know
callbacks are always a lot more relaxed
for everybody involved because you’ve
already shown that you should be there
you should be involved that you get it
and so I got there actually a little bit
early traffic wasn’t nearly as bad as I
thought it would be and I noticed
something as I walked in that I probably
looked at hundreds of times as I’ve gone
to this this you know this audition
space which is a pretty common space for
people to be at in Los Angeles and I
looked at the sign by the door and this
sign was like a love letter to actors
and it looked like this it said
congratulations you are one of 36 actors
chosen for your role today fYI you were
selected from a pool of six hundred to
three thousand submissions for this role
so please do us yourself and your fellow
peers a few favors one be prepared to be
on time three be professional please
realize that this is a great opportunity
that many actors will not have please do
not take it for granted and as I looked
at it as I read it I realized just how
fortunate I am to be a performer to be
an actor to be a voice talent to be part
of a community that is for the most part
very very supportive and caring of each
other I mean here is a gate keeper to
our future work letting us know you got
here you’re good we’re glad you’re here
and notice yes this sign does say make
the most of your experience don’t blow
it off don’t be unprepared be a
professional do what you can to take
advantage of what is a fairly rare thing
but know that it begins with a word
congratulations right and it lets you
know that there’s
going to be competition but you’re here
and we’re glad you are and you were
hand-picked to be in that group from a
lot more people and I think somehow this
600 to 3,000 that’s that’s listed on the
sign I think that’s actually low for a
lot of auditions that the initial group
that agents will put actors up for
because man I’ve seen casting directors
say that sometimes they get five six
seven thousand submissions well let’s
just go with three thousand right you’re
one out of a hundred or so that’s pretty
good and you’re there and you want to be
prepared you want to be on time you want
to be professional that’s pretty
straightforward but the idea that this
is a gift they’re not saying hey we’re
giving you a gift don’t look a gift
horse in the mouth what they’re saying
is you did it you did what you needed to
do to get here you did what you needed
to do to be a part of this initial round
of are you going to be appropriate for
the storytelling of the project and so
you went from the talent pool of
wherever you are here in Los Angeles
it’s anywhere the estimates vary but
it’s anywhere from one hundred and fifty
thousand to two million people who
self-identify as actors now certainly
there’s type and there’s gender and
there’s race and there’s age and there’s
all kinds of things that could get you
you know filtered out but you get there
and you have this sign waiting for you
you know it’s just it makes you feel
valued it makes you feel valuable it
makes you feel loved it really does I
mean when I look at this and I think
this is how much somebody cares about
doing the right thing for their project
and only the people that are invited get
to read this sign right so tell me what
you thought when you saw that sign pop
up on your screen leave me a comment
below let me know I’d love to know
you know the callback is yet another
around of
of getting you know people into the room
that are even more than right for the
part that they are possible possible
books for the part so possible casts so
it’s always lovely to watch this process
happen and for those of you that have
been booked on things you know this is
the journey that you’ve travelled to get
here so enjoy it be professional about
it be prepared tell me what you thought
and you saw this pop up and you started
to read it somebody loves you and that’s
your production partners I’m David H
Lawrence the seventeenth I thank you so
much for watching and I will talk to you
I’ve seen the same before and it makes me happy too. It reminds you of the accomplishment and the importance of celebrating the significance of being in the room. What I also love about this message is that it reminds you that YOU are supposed to be there and it’s common when an actor walks into an audition lobby to see a bunch of people there and start doubting why they are in the room. I feel like that sign puts it back into perspective that you are supposed to be there. Another sign I love is over at HBO casting which is a Stephen Sondheim quote from the musical into the woods. “Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor”. I love musical theater so it just makes me smile and I took a picture of it as well. It’s a good reminder to seize the day.
Love that sign. I think it should be in every casting office across the nation. By the way, my wife was watching this one with me, and she likes your shirt.
Please thank her for that!
Great message. I don’t think I’ve ever auditioned there or if I did I was present enough lol to see this plaque. I’m sharing it on twitter. I met you once David and you took me to lunch with great advice and thanks again. Anyway I’ve moved bk and forth from TX and bk out here in Hollywood My non-actor friends or newbies or in between stages ask me about this biz sometimes and this is a good message to share. Have ocasionally auditioned for a higher profile role and didn’t book it and this makes me feel better.
I think 2019 marks a year of bravery. I don’t know that I would class it as heroics, but there is definitely a new sense of bravery to get out there and try new things. And not surprisingly it’s met with some degree of success. This is a good place.
That’s cool. They should have something like that at every audition space.
Beautiful David! Thanks!