Our NarrateYourOwnBook.com training course, designed for authors who want to be the voice of their own books, has a lesson in it that shows them how t…
The number one answer to the question I ask when I'm trying to gauge a student's concerns about learning, "What are you most worried about?" is so int…
If you're as big a fan of language, expression, narration and audiobooks as I am, and if you care about proper usage and what is required to do your o…
Taking care of ourselves is paramount - as actors, voice talent, writers and other creatives, we don't have an office infirmary and an in-person suppo…
Taking care of ourselves is paramount - as actors, voice talent, writers and other creatives, we don't have an office infirmary and an in-person suppo…
Taking care of ourselves is paramount - as actors, voice talent, writers and other creatives, we don't have an office infirmary and an in-person suppo…
I'm a weird artist. When I'm designing a performance, I work toward something that I can rely on, in a character, in business, in life, and then, if I…