13196: Serenity: Practical Applications For Performers

Hey there, hero!

It seems like almost everyone, at some point, gets the urge to become a performer.

They look at the fame, the money, the autograph seekers and just how easy it is and those are just their first four incorrect assumptions.

Maybe you made some of those. Some rules you thought were true. Some shortcuts you thought might work.

And then, they, and you, were likely introduced to actual harsh reality. Ugh.

Building a performer’s practice is filled with mirrors and smoke and distortion fields, and once your assumptions are challenged, and you realize that there’s a lot of hard work and some amount of luck involved in changing things up, you might need some serenity to accept that.

And maybe, that you simply can’t change what can’t be changed, even though you thought it could.

Have you experienced this? Anything you thought was true but wasn’t? How did you handle that? With serenity? Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. this topic is so very timely, I woke early this morning to a situation in my business that this very much applies to. So, thank you .
    Like many others we are of an age where a Paradyme shift is taking place. you mention that quote probably come from the 30’s or 40’s…My son recently pointed out that I need to start adding the century mark in there as many younger people will not automatically go to ‘1930s or 1940s’ or even “1930s or 40s”. We are just used to that, but so many we talk to now are going to say the 30s and 40s have not happened yet. Silly ramblings in the AM.
    Because of limited life spans, any falcon alive today was born after the turn of the century, they are all Millenium Falcons. okay I quit

  2. The Wisdom to know the Difference, resonates. I am learning so much everyday and trying to apply.

    Thanks for bestowing us with all your knowledgable gifts!

  3. I am one who has known the wisdom from the Serenity prayer for a long while now. I have found that most times when I’m stuck, its because of my own attitude about things than it is about how things are. I can accept the things that are out of my control. I am working on what I can control, which is inside my own head.
    As always, David, thank you for the timely reminders and the food for thought.