Please Unsubscribe From This List. But Don’t Do This One Destructive, Lazy Thing.

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Hey there!
I don’t ask for much, but here’s a simple request.
I completely understand if you want to unsubscribe from this list. I don’t want anyone on my list that doesn’t want what I have to offer, or doesn’t find value in what I have to share.
But some people are mistaken, or uninformed about how to properly do that. Or, just plain lazy. Or, have more nefarious intentions…
…if they do what I describe in this video.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
I’d like you to do me a favor please
unsubscribe from this list whatever list
you’re on if you don’t want to keep
getting stuff from me I don’t want you
to be on the list
if you don’t want to get stuff from me
I’m not one of these people who’s like
oh I’m gonna hide the unsubscribe button
and do everything I can to keep you on
the list I only want you here if you
want to be here okay but there’s one
thing that you really should understand
about people who create content because
you might be creating content sometime
in the future you might create a podcast
or you might want to put together a
little mailing list to tell people what
you’re doing with your career or like me
try to provide them with useful
information that will help them with the
things that they’re trying to accomplish
so provide a service right but in the
end I do everything I can to make sure
that only the people that want to be on
this list and only the people that want
to watch these videos are on the list
and are watching the videos when you
first sign up for the list I don’t trust
that you’ve spelled your email address
properly I make sure that you get an
email back when somebody signs up for
the list I make sure they get an email
back that says hey I know you sign up
for the list but I just want to make
sure so if you wouldn’t mind click on
this link to confirm that you want to be
on the list so it’s called double opt-in
because I could put anybody’s email
address in a form and sign people up for
a list right you could misspell your
you could misspell your email address
and then the emails that you’ve signed
up for go to the wrong email address
people do that all the time and so I
want to make sure that that’s clear now
once you’re on the list if it isn’t what
you want or as some people have said
because of this daily challenge that I’m
doing this year too many videos or too
many pieces of email I completely
understand that I take that into account
when I’m deciding what I’m gonna do with
my future stuff I want to hear from you
and when you unsubscribe from the list I
would love it if you would give me a
reason there’s an opportunity for you to
give a reason why your unsubscribing
from the list some people very nice
about it you know I just I’m trying to
winnow down my inbox and you know what
you’re doing is great but you know I get
it you’re trying to help I just don’t
have time to watch all the videos or I
don’t have time to read all the stuff
it’s fine with rehearsal Pro a lot of
people will put a note in there that
says I’m not acting anymore or I’m I
don’t use an iPhone or an iPad anymore
I’ve moved on to some other device I
understand I get that occasionally
people are rude but you know I’m not
gonna I get it people are having a bad
day and that’s that’s you know I
understand I understand but there is one
thing that people do that I beg you I
urge you I strongly request that you not
do if you want to unsubscribe from any
list not just mine but any list
unsubscribe don’t mark the email that
you got as spam
now you say to yourself well what’s the
difference it’s gonna get me off the
list anyway who cares well here’s the
thing if you unsubscribe then you’re
basically saying I don’t want to get
this anymore and you’re not saying
anything about me as a sender of content
as a creator and a distributor of
content you’re not saying that I did
something wrong in sending you that but
when you mark me as spam you are and you
could think to yourself well wait really
what does it matter it’s just it’s the
all this it’s all six of one half dozen
to the other but it isn’t if you
unsubscribe that’s one thing but if you
mark me as spam or if you drag me to the
promotions folder or to your spam folder
if you do anything that implicates to
your email client to Gmail or attending
but anything else that I am a spammer
and that’s what you do when you do that
that actually does go on my permanent
record it goes back to my my email
provider which is Aweber they mark the
fact that you have said I’m a spammer
and it lowers my overall deliverability
it also goes back to gmail and Gmail
goes huh so this guy’s sending out email
but people are marking it as spam and if
enough people do that they start to
lower my deliverability so you not only
get off the list but you also make it
more difficult for me to send email to
the rest of the people on my list that
really want to be on my list and I don’t
think that’s fair do you I mean I’d love
to know what you think about this one
final thing if you mark me as spam you
don’t get the joy of telling me why
you’re getting rid of me while you’re
unsubscribing where you can if you just
simply unsubscribe you can give me a
reason right so it may feel as though
it’s the same thing that it’s you know
it all goes down the same pipe and who
but the truth of the matter is is that
just because you don’t want to get
information from me any longer you don’t
want to get emails from me any longer
you don’t want to you know be on my list
or or see my videos or be aware of what
I’m doing that’s fine but don’t smack
in the face on the way out was something
that isn’t true I’m not a spammer I go
to great lengths to make sure that the
people that get information from me are
getting information that they want that
they’ve asked for that they’ve even
confirmed a second time that they’ve
asked for it and that if they don’t want
to be on the list all I have to do is
click unsubscribe but the lazy dragging
to the spam folder or marking as spam
because it’s the same
who cares it’s an icon of the spam or
it’s the eye of the link to unsubscribe
what really doesn’t matter right so know
that it does matter and know that if it
was you sending information out to the
world or making a podcast or doing
content creation that if somebody else
did that to you I don’t think you’d like
so this news to you is there something
that you didn’t know about before it was
news to a friend of mine recently when I
was talking to her about spam versus
unsubscribe and she’s like whoa who does
ooh who cares it’s you know these people
and I’m like well I’m one of these
people would you want that to happen to
me would you want that to happen to you
tell me what you think about all this
leave me a comment below if you’re on vo
– go go comm if you’re watching this
anywhere but there go over to vo – go go
comm because we’ve got all kinds of
great stuff for you there and if you’d
like to jump on my list if you’re
watching this video and you’re not on my
list click on my head and the subscribe
system will send you a confirmation if
you’d like to see the latest video I’ve
done go ahead and click on that frame
and YouTube will play it for you I’m
David H Lawrence the 17th I thank you so
much for watching and I will talk to you
Wow I didn’t know any of this. I learned something new.
Great points. And I do think it’s rude to mark a list I have subscribed to as spam. There are some lists, however, with legitimate political or social issues that subscribe people without asking when you sign one of their petitions. When I happen to see one of these in my spam folder I gratefully delete all, knowing that I won’t have them cluttering up my inbox where I have to delete them individually. I never thought of the implications. Useful video. Thank you.
David I am confused because I didn’t think there was anything wrong with Gmail promo tab, because gmail made that distinction. I have many newsletters and the like that appear in that tab that I did sign up for, so I guess I don’t see how that is prejudicial. Yours don’t but I sometimes even end up having auditions ending up in that tab and had no idea there were ramifications one way or the other. Let me ask you this, I was contemplating unsubscribing from the emails because I have subscribed to your channel. But if I did that, would I no longer get Rehearsal Pro emails?
Being on the list gets you everything, including the videos, so if you want all the information I send, stay in the list.
So yes, this was interesting to me. I knew that marking an item as spam would make my *client* program learn it and filter future emails based on that, but didn’t realize it would report back to my provider. Good info. Thanks.
Wow, I had no idea that’s what happened. Although I never put anyone in spam anyway
A true spammer will take that unsubscribe request and know that your email address is a good address and never stop sending stuff to that address. The problem is that we often have no way of knowing if the sender of the email is a spammer or not. I have learned this the hard way and eventually found myself simply calling an emailer a spammer because I got tired of having my unsubscribe requests being ignored.
Now that I’ve said all of that, please David, DON’T take me off of your list. Thank you.
Fascinating, David. Tx for shedding light on this. I understand Tom Johnson’s frustration. But at least now I know to only use the spam option as a last resort — and I also understand why I once got a warning from my email provider when I’d sent out a MailChimp announcement …
David, Thank you very much for the information. I never knew that. I don’t mark something as spam unless it is span e.g. the adult dating site or viagara site that sends me emails I NEVER asked for.
Do you have any recourse for this situation to establish to your provider that the person confirmed that they wanted the emails from you?
May I share this video with my friends on Facebook? I am not sure they would know the difference as I didn’t.
Thanks again!
You can share any video I do with anyone you want. I thank you for that. And no, there’s no recourse…there’s no way for my email list service provider to tell if someone really considers you a spammer, or they are just being lazy.
Thank you for saying I can share the video.
That is unfortunate you have no recourse. Seems a little one sided!
Thank you again for the one a day videos. I so look forward to watching them.
Thanks, David. I guess I never even thought of marking an email as spam if I don’t want to receive it any more. Really good to know how it all works!
Thanks, as always, David. For the record, I DON’T want to unsubscribe from your videos, but if I did, there’s no “unsubscribe” button on this page. To unsubscribe, I have to close this page, go back to your email and know enough to scroll down and look for the “unsubscribe” link in small print at the very bottom of the page. I acknowledge that the “lazy” label can often be truthfully applied to people like me, but when a problem like this appears it might be more useful to think of us as just not very tech-savvy and to keep looking for ways to make things as simple and intuitive as possible. Hope this helps.
I enjoy reading your emails whenever I can . I seriously regret having spent so much money elsewhere for largely ineffective training. Having seen the real world difference between your training and others, I now know that this is the most comprehensive training available, as far as I can tell.
Thanks David! I had no idea; however, I have NO wish to be removed.
I always unsubscribe from lists when I no longer want the emails, but I didn’t know about the consequences to legitimate lists if they are simply marked as spam. Thanks for the video David.
I did know this, so I’m careful to unsubscribe if I no longer want to receive email.
There are two circumstances under which I’ll mark an email as spam. One is when someone puts me on a mailing list I don’t wish to be on without my permission, and they don’t include a method of unsubscribing. The second is when I select unsubscribe more than once and the emails keep coming, so I call, and the emails keep coming, and I write, and, and…you get it. I guess someone in the office dropped that ball!
I love what you send. Sometimes I get backed up on watching and just save them to binge later. There is so much value in your work. Thank you for everything you provide. I learned a lot about getting off other lists. Good to know.
Heck David, you’re like my coffee in the morning — I won’t dream of unsubscribing — can’t imagine what I would do without your encouraging ajnd enlighting info each day.