One Step At A Time

Hey there!

So far, I’ve seen lots of videos, articles, blog posts and more on how to make a great New Year’s resolution. Here’s one basic thing you need to make your New Year’s resolution(s) stick.

Hope this helps!



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  1. Thanks for this. Appreciate you embarking on a year of daily steps. I began walking the streets of Fuji city barefoot two years ago. The results were unexpected and, sometimes, quite interesting. Moving step by step can take you to places you don’t expect to get to. As you say, it is important to take that first step.

  2. Thank you David! Your certainly up bright eyed and bushy tailed. I took your class many years ago and signed with DPN, Random house and Deyan. I’ve read a few audio books etc based on the knowledgeable advice you gave in a $40 class which has made me thousands.

    I appreciate your solid advice and work ethic. I will enjoy watching you thrive towards your weight goal.

    I’ll keep watching. A lil long. More direct. I think it’s amazing you have helped so many artists and keep on being a wonderful service to the community.

    Thank you

  3. This is going to be awesome — FYI — just finished my first book for the year — another Tantor Western — thanks for always being there for all of us in the voice acting and on-camera industry — Happy New Year!!


  4. I’m not necessarily a resolutions person, but I am able to put my mind to something and “just launch” -so to speak.
    I have put a lot of effort and energy into my VO career – and admittedly, would love to do even more, but life has its own challenges with some responsibilities and requirements I can’t ignore…
    That being said, I’ve taken the challenge to **do what I can each day**, to propel forward.
    I’ve committed to producing a podcast, with a goal to publish at least once a week. I got the nudge from my voice coach, David, and I am going to continue doing the work – why? Because I committed to it and it’s not only a reasonable goal — but I LOVE voiceover and being in the studio. It’s my version of “me time”.
    New Year Resolutions should be something that being you joy in the journey.
    I look forward to more videos from you, David!
    Happy 2019!

  5. Yours is the first video of 2019 I watched, David, and you captured the essence of my goal for this new year. The challenging thought for me was that I will figure it out as I go. Rather than continue to listen to the self doubt, I’m going to trust the creativity that is in me to bring me through those obstacles that may seem insurmountable. Thank you for continuing to inspire and encourage.

  6. Love this advice! One step at a tough me. I just started exploring the world of Voiceover last year. My hope is to fix nelly get some traction and move this train forward. Love your website and advice!

  7. Hi, David! Happy New Year.

    Golly, that is one lofty goal. I have no doubt that you will accomplish it given your track record. This would be a major task for most folks but I have some idea of what you already have on your plate—as well as how much you give to others, and honestly didn’t think you had much room left in a day.

    I really shouldn’t be surprised, knowing how much you are driven and personally rewarded by helping others—after a lifetime of public service, I know well the satisfaction and personal rewards that can bring.

    My personal resolution for this year was to continue to invest in my career and grow as an actor and grow my business. So, in addition to moving forward (one step at a time) implementing the program(s) you and Dan O’Day and my other coaches have helped me build, I have jumped feet first into the VO2GoGo Pro pool.

    So I, too, will not only have have my work cut out but plenty of opportunity as well. See you tomorrow…

    And the next day… and the next….

  8. David, thank you for such great advice! I’ve always been a ‘cradle to the grave’ person – sinking down into the mire of how many things I need to do to achieve a goal – that I’ve often sat down instead of taking that first baby step!! I need to remember that ‘yard by yard, life is hard, but inch by inch, life’s a cinch’ and get off my duff and plant one foot in front of the other and just DO that first step and be satisfied that I did it, without worrying about how many more steps I may, or may not have to take!!

    1. Hey, Jannie – love your attitude! Can I steal your “yard by yard” line? I love it! And yes, let’s just make a commitment to DO a step towards our goal every day, whatever it is! Happy New Year!

  9. Thanks David,
    So at least I watched & listened to this!
    I haven’t even got the mic on yet! ? After that what would you suggest be my first step please!

    1. Ralph, I’m not sure what you’re talking about in terms of what first steps you need advice on – but if you’re talking about the fact that you are one of our new 2019 Pros, and you don’t know what to do first (even though you have a Welcome Kit that takes you through the first steps), I’d start with the first class, Mastering Home VO Gear, ASAP (before you try to set up your mic, as that class will show you how to do it, step by step). Here’s the link for that:

      If you’re talking about something else, please post your question in the ProConnect Live Facebook group you’re now a member of. Here’s the link for that:

      And if I’ve missed your question completely, remember that when posting here or in the facebook group, the more details the better – and the easier it will be for all of us to help you.

      ANd although this link was in your receipt when you signed up, here’s the link to your VO2GoGo Pro welcome kit:

  10. Hi David, thank you for this video! It is right along with the things I was just journalling this morning for my dreams and plans for this year. A confirmation of sorts, and so encouraging. I so appreciate your many words of wisdom, not only in this video but all the other gems you have communicated since I first discovered you and vo2gogo. Looking forward to tomorrow’s video. Thanks so much!

  11. Love this! Thank you as always for a clear summary, a call to action, inspiring thoughts, and gentle, kind support. I look forward to listening to more of your videos. All of them!

    I support you in your desire to eat more healthily and lose some weight. A few years ago, I confronted the suggestion that after two children, I was just going to be 40 pounds heavier for the rest of my life. Friends assured me I didn’t “look fat.” I’m tall, and I can “carry the weight.” But I decided to try. A very practical scientist assured me that there was nothing special about my situation stopping me – that anyone who takes fewer calories in than out can lose weight. So I ate mindfully – each bite. Every time I was about to eat something, I asked myself if it would help me towards my goal of losing weight. It was surprisingly easy to identify high calorie foods and stop eating them. I intuitively developed habits that I’ve seen written about, such as stopping when my hunger felt satisfied – even in the middle of a meal. And so on… I lost all the weight I’d put on, and I’ve kept it off for years now.

    This mindfulness I developed around eating seems similar to your suggestion of taking one step. And then another. And then another. I love the image.

    My big challenge comes from the fact that I am very project oriented. I will work with great concentration and perseverance to finish a project, whether for a day or for months. But when there’s something with no end goal – like posting a video a day, studying something, practicing (that’s a big one – derailed my piano playing for sure!) I have little to no discipline. I welcome any ideas you might have around that.

    And again, a big thank you. I wish you and everyone here a wonderful year filled with everything that brings you happiness!

  12. David!
    As usual, you got me thinking and strategizing on this beautiful January 1st. Your commitment and honesty always inspire me and I’m looking forward to your daily videos. Thank you for sharing yourself.
    How lucky we are to have you in our lives!

  13. I just love you David H. Lawrence XVII. A couple years ago I saw Meryl Streep at a Q&A talk about how, with some roles she’s taken on, she would work and work and do what she needed to do to get ready for the project but would continually doubt that she could do it and she would say to her husband, “How the hell am I EVER going to do this??” and his answer to her was just what you say here, “Just start!” She said she always comes back to that simple imperative that to accomplish any goal we set, we need only to start and then our journey will guide us as to what’s required of us to move forward. That’s where choice comes in. I have so many goals this year I can’t even count them, but one of them is to commit to my own office hours each morning, during which I find I accomplish so much more than if I don’t. Thank you for declaring and sharing your own commitment to JUST START! And HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  14. Hi David! Great video,as always I think you are full of little “golden nuggets” of helpful knowledge. As far as resolutions go, I think that a lot of people (including myself) get overwhelmed with just how many things they would like to accomplish in the next year, and that’s why they choose not to make a resolution at all. But I think specificity and simplicity are key words in taking these baby steps that you mention. There are so many things I want to read…podcasts to listen to…blog posts to watch….you’ve helped me come up with my resolution in this video alone. So for the next 365 days, I’ll be coming along with you. My resolution is to watch all of your videos, and comment on each one. That simple. I love it already! And I’m excited to hear more from you each day.
    Thanks and here’s to making 2019 our best year yet.

  15. I love this, David, and look forward to your daily videos! Though I made some major strides in 2018, I have been feeling overwhelmed with the amount of stuff I feel I need to do in order to really set myself up for success. Having the permission to take it one step at a time makes it feel doable. Thank you!

  16. This is a great resolution and I am sure they are going to be enlightening to listen to, David, so first off, thank you for your giving! My biggest challenge is taking that first step with so many things, (online classes, practicing, organizing) but this morning, as I watch this first video of yours (abiet late), I am going to start to transfer my sound studio from the middle of my office into my closet. I’m looking forward to better sound quality, my office space back to normal and to all of your daily videos…step by step.

  17. I appreciate your discussion about the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Your observe that the destination a thousand miles down the road can overwhelm. You’re spot on. That’s why it’s so much more profitable (and psychologically healthy) to focus on the process and not on the outcome. Besides, who knows where the journey will take you? That thousand-mile-down-the-road destination may be a poor second place finish to something else discovered along the way.

    Love your stuff, David, and your transparency. Keep up the good work.