My Six-Point Guide To GSD In 2020

Hey there, hero!
In these videos this past year, I’ve tried to give away the best I’ve got.
Things that have worked for me time and again, and things that have stunted my growth and needed to be excised.
And why I do this is that I don’t have as much time left on this Earth as I did 10 years ago, but more time left than I will have tomorrow.
I’ve decided that 2020 is going the be the year that I get stuff done that brings me joy, and protects me financially and emotionally.
And if you’re with me on that as a goal, here are six things I think you might benefit from that I’m planning on doing.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
well hey there hero it’s David H
Lawrence the 17th with the penultimate
video of the one a day video challenge
for 2019 and I figured what I’d do is
let you know about some of the plans
that I have to do what I’ve been talking
about a lot during this year and that’s
increasing my chances of success I went
through a lot of different things this
year tried a lot of different things out
things like the Ivy Lee method and the
you know the ebbing house forgetting
curve and all kinds of things and I’ve
been putting a lot of them to use and
some of them have stuck and like you
might expect some of them didn’t so much
and that could be because I didn’t try
hard enough but it likely is because it
just didn’t work for me and what I’ve
done is I looked back through all those
things and I looked at the things that
I’m still doing that I had been doing
and it really did stick with me and I
made a list and maybe this will help you
I don’t know I don’t know I can only
just share what I think is going to be
most effective for me in the upcoming
year and my goal is to get stuff done
I’ve got a lot of things that I want to
do and mostly the reason like I put in
the show notes is I’m feeling my
mortality you know I’m feeling like I
have certainly less time than I did you
know at the beginning of the decade last
year last month I’m closer to when I’ll
be leaving the earth and I have more
time now then I will have had at the end
of this coming year at the end of this
coming month or at the end of this
coming hour and so what am I gonna do to
maximize those things without making it
feel like it’s a struggle you know the
things that really help your
productivity best are things that not
only help you get things done but also
give you joy while that’s happening and
so that’s what I wanted to do and that’s
why I created this list so the very
first thing on the list is making a mess
I don’t need to be perfect about all the
things that I try
the things that I do do the things that
I execute I do want it to be
professional but it doesn’t have to be
spit polish perfect to be effective so
making a mess having some things left on
the floor picking up some pieces and
making it better that’s not such a bad
thing and it removes the pressure of
being absolutely perfect so number one
I’m gonna make a mess yeah little tiny
mess I can’t really make all that much
of a mess it just bothers me
number two is I’m gonna fail forward
more failing forward failing quickly
failing with the expectation of learning
from those failures you know I’ve said
many times to myself to you to others
that there’s a lot of value in failure
sometimes more value than there is in
success and so failing and noticing what
went wrong what didn’t go exactly as
planned what I could do better
what kind of worked but could work you
know in a more structured way failing
and seeing why I failed that’s big so
number two failing forward number three
I’m going to use the tools that I
already have instead of getting new
tools unnecessarily for a while there I
was you know anytime somebody would come
out with a new plugin for WordPress I’d
be like yeah I can use that sure and you
know appSumo is a big reason for that I
love appSumo but they get you the he
sure get you and I feel like this year
was a year of simplification this past
year and of really looking at what works
and what doesn’t and you can see the
difference in how quickly
vo heroes calm responds to you versus
how vo – Go Go which had ten years of
bloat responds to you and so I’m going
to continue that in the coming year so
number three stick with the tools that I
already have and don’t add unnecessarily
to my toolkit number four I’m gonna
narrow down all the processes that I
investigated throughout the year – the
ones that really work for me and that’s
kind of what this list is all about but
I’m gonna really examine I’m gonna
actually spend a couple of hours and go
through every
and look for what you know this is kind
of like the highlights and these are the
things that really stuck out for me but
that’s what I’m gonna do so I’m gonna
narrow down all the processes that I
tried this year maybe I didn’t do so
well at them maybe there was a reason
for that but I’m really gonna examine
that and see if they can be useful and
if not I’m going to do what Marie kundo
says and say thank you very much for
your service and off you go into the
universe so that’s number four number
five I’m going to spend less time
thinking about what I’m gonna do and
more time doing what I’m gonna do now I
don’t have a big hurdle to jump here I
don’t feel like I spend an unnecessary
amount of time thinking about things as
opposed to doing things but maybe
there’s a way I can make that better
because I do have a body of
decision-making behind me that has
worked out pretty well and this was a
year of experimentation and challenge
and so on so I’m gonna do a little bit
less than that that will help me because
instead of just thinking and maybe and
hmm should I and I’ll just do it you
know there will be bigger decisions that
I’ll spend a little bit more time
thinking about and smaller decisions
that I won’t spend so much time thinking
about because we tend to spend a pattern
of time you know I really don’t want to
do something until I’m absolutely sure
so I’m gonna do a little bit less than
that and a little bit more just doing
things and seeing what happens maybe
failing maybe making a mess maybe using
tools to do the things that I bought the
tools to do rather than thinking about
doing the things with the tools that I
bought that are supposed to help me get
the things done that I’m supposed to do
with the tools that I bought anyway
number five gonna spend less time
thinking about doing things and more
time actually doing those things and
finally number six very familiar to me
maybe it’s familiar to you I’m going to
make sure that once again in 2020 I do
more of what works and less of what
doesn’t so when I actually get to the
point of doing things I’m actually going
to make sure that they are things that I
really think will be productive for me
and not necessary
joyless or just basically uninteresting
things and also things that don’t work
things that even though I know clearly
in my head they don’t work I still
sometimes think why doesn’t this work
let me try it one more time so I’m gonna
do more of what works number six I’m
gonna do more of what works and less of
what doesn’t so one through six I’m
gonna make a mess I’m gonna fail forward
I’m going to use the tools I already
have instead of adding more tools
unnecessarily I’m going to narrow down
all the processes that I investigated
this year – the ones that really work
for me and I’m gonna spend less time
thinking about things and more time
doing things and then finally number six
I’m gonna do more of what works and less
of what doesn’t and those are the six
points that I’m gonna concentrate on
this year in a couple of days we’re
gonna have our very first weekly video
tomorrow tomorrow will be the last video
in this series and there’s a part of me
that’s pretty melancholy about that but
then there’s a part of me that’s really
happy and feel accomplished about that
so I’m gonna put all these things to use
beginning Wednesday January 1st 2020 and
we’ll do our first once a week on
Wednesday cast on that day and we’ll see
what happens tell me what you think
about these six six steps I’d love to
know if you think these will be useful
for you or maybe you have something else
you’d like to contribute your six steps
I don’t know leave me a comment below
this video I’d love to know I’m David H
Lawrence the 17th I thank you so much
for watching and I will talk to you
These 6 steps are great, I’m going to incorporate them into my 2020, thanks!
I’m going to miss these daily Videos…..but on to weekly!
Thank you David for these daily videos, for sharing your thoughts ideas and experiences throughout this year. This last one with the 6 items to address to further your own and maybe my career all ring true . I have been doing some of them for awhile – particularly addressing ‘just do it’ and put mess and failures in their respective places. I’m learning to live with them by re-evaluating them in my mind as ways and means of improving my general approach to accomplishing and accepting tasks warts and all. For awhile now I have printed on my process/production sheet that I have for each audiobook, “Don’t let perfection get in the way of good” In some minute way this helps to put my work and self in perspective. I am me- uniquely me and if I am being asked repeatedly to continue working then I must be doing something worth being paid for! but As you more tnan likely know ,that isn’t always the case– there’s always that little nagging voice saying “Yeah but..” All of your videos that I have seen ,in some way or other have contributed to clearing the rubbish from my mind ,workspace and general life and also helps quieten the “yeah buts”. 😉
I agree that Time(as you touched on at t he beginning of this video) is the element that influences the need for simplicity in our lives and makes us realize keeping it simple and straightforward is the way to go- being a bit older than you I am equally aware of this . Also it is important in recognizing that we are not all that important in the grand scheme of things.I find this perspective to be quite reassuring!!! All this points to me as being an imperfect but mostly good individual who enjoys her work( and life) as much as possible and is generally willing to improve even at this stage of the game (hence the mess!!!) . Ramble over! Happy New Year to you and all your team Here’s to a Healthy,Happy and prosperous new decade -2020 here we come !
Thank you! I hope you really love the next video, the first of 2020. I’ll dive deeper into some of the points you have here.
Best video of the year! Just golden. Thank you for this list. I’m going to use these tools too. Thank you.
As always, USEFUL! 2020 will be incredible and I wish you much more joy and success always.