Lessons From NFL Coaches: Find it, Face It, Fix It

Photo by Joshua Allwood on Unsplash

Hey there, hero!
Sometimes, the best lessons in life come from competition.
Whether it’s in business, academics or…sports.
I found something the play-by-play guys attributed to a coach worth repeating – a true distillation of my definition of success.
Link to register for the VOHeroes Pro Membership VO training: https://www.voheroes.com/2019
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
and I’ve made a ton of dough with a
character that I play that was inspired
by the play-by-play announcer for the
Cleveland Cavaliers Joe Tate and I call
him Mike Breath everybody but and and my
girlfriend hates when I do that voice
she absolutely despises it but I’m doing
it for my art I’m doing it for my
clients I’m doing it to make a point on
anyway I was watching football and this
is sort of the second in a series it
wasn’t something that a coach said on
the air but it was something that a
play-by-play announcer attributed to a
coach in a pregame interview that I
found absolutely inspiring and it’s not
unusual for coaches to be inspiring I
mean I’m talking athletic Coaches I
certainly try as a voiceover coach to be
inspiring to my clients but this was
just really inspiring to me because I
just spent the whole week talking about
success and my definition of success
which is doing more of what works and
less of what doesn’t if I said it once I
said it a hundred times during the
getting started class and it’s what I
try to fuse into every class I teach
when it comes to the vo heroes Pro
membership and when I heard what the
coach said I’m like yes perfect it’s
what he said was basically somebody
asked him a question about you know this
went wrong this week or last week what
are you gonna do to to take care of it
this week and he said look our mantra is
find it face it fix it and that was
great it’s alliteration it’s actually
consonants but it’s alliteration it’s
single syllables find it face it fix it
there’s so much about it to like and
it’s perfect in terms of what’s really
effective in moving forward in getting
better and even getting started you know
I sit there and we’re welcoming in new
students to the to the membership this
week to the vo
Hiro’s membership and one of the
questions that I asked when they first
join is what’s your biggest challenge
when it comes to voiceover and in
various ways they’ve said determining
what I need to fix so finding it before
fixing it but even when you find it you
can be like whoa that’s a little too
much ah maybe I’ll do that later maybe
yeah you know can we like go get some
lunch and then come back and maybe
tackle it then find it face it fix it
it’s easy to say not so easy to do
sometimes and my biggest tip for you in
that when you’re faced with that moment
when you can choose to take action or
that moment we go maybe I’ll sit on it
maybe I’ll sleep on it maybe I’ll think
about it maybe I’ll maybe I’ll go Mull
it over like if you’re thinking about
you know studying with me in the the vo
Heroes membership I mean it’s not a
great price this week we got great
bonuses but you can still sit there and
go on money and what else do I have to
do and you know I’ve thought about it
but can I really do it you know what’s
the future gonna be like for me and then
there’s also the opposite which is the
fear of missing out you know if I do
this what happens to other things that I
wanted to do or if I don’t do this what
am I missing all of these things are are
you know swirling around in your head as
you think about it and I say if not now
when and why then if not now why then
you know we’ve talked a number of times
in these videos about the immediacy of
the future that you don’t know what the
future is going to bring or is going to
hold and when faced with action or
inaction a bias toward action what I
call a bias for action is to me always
preferable over inaction now there are
plenty of people on the planet who have
made great livings doing nothing I have
a friend in Portland Kevin
who his last name is Sabbats and it’s
become a verb in our in our group of
marketers he savages everything and by
that he kind of waits you know and if
the problem is still there maybe he’ll
think about it but usually problems take
care of themselves he is an outlier he
he is somebody who is an exception to
the rule right you make the rules for
the forest you make an exception for the
tree Kevin’s the tree I think in most
cases it’s really helpful to have a bias
for action seize the moment get it off
your plate and then move on because it
could be a domino effect if you fix that
you could fix a whole bunch of other
things as well or stop things from
happening that you don’t want to happen
you never know but I think I always
think action is better than inaction I
think the phrase find it face it fix it
is a great way to put that I’d love to
know what you think there’s a comment
box below this video tell me what you
think I’d love to know is this something
you struggle with is this something
that’s easy for you is this something
that you think about you go yeah Wow or
when I was talking about it did you go
wow he is like in my head what is he
doing in my head let me know in the
comments below if you want to join my
list and be notified when these videos
come out there’s a box you can fill out
called get on the list at the bottom of
the page please do that please watch
this @vo heroes comm you can watch it on
youtube if you want to but the
conversation is on vo heroes com I’m
David H Lawrence the seventeenth I’m off
to find something face something and fix
something and I will talk to you
You’re in my head! Looking forward to discovering what might hold be back in the world of VO. BTW: heard a coach once say, “practice makes…PERMANENT!” Yup, keep doing something wrong over and over and…there you are.
Weekend blessings!
I’m looking forward to having you as a coach to Find It and point out How to Fix It. I promise to do my best to Face It!! Thanks for this.
Out of my head!!! It’s not safe there! That’s where I am at.
Glad I took the first step by becoming a Pro Member.