Just Because You Can Do Something Doesn’t Mean You Should

Photo by Andre Mouton on Unsplash
Hey there!
Bruce Andis commented on one of the Fallacy videos I did, and reminded me of this one.
And it’s a really big one, because once you understand it, you can use it to your advantage.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
and for today’s video
you have Bruce and this to thank or
blame or give credit to actually it was
a comment that he made on one of the
other videos that I produced in this
series one on fallacies that prompted
today’s video he said hey David don’t
forget there’s one other fallacy you may
have forgotten and that is just because
you can do something doesn’t mean you
should and he’s absolutely right
just because you can do something
doesn’t mean you should there are lots
of things that we put in our way when we
create a process for something that may
or may not aid us in getting to the end
result of that process easier or faster
or better we think that something is
worth doing but we don’t really test
that hypothesis or we just simply don’t
know and when presented with an option
that might be better we go oh no that’s
ok I got this
just as a goofy simple example I didn’t
know that you could option drag in
and that has saved me a tremendous
amount of time because I was open to
Stewart Goofy’s suggestion that I could
speed up my process for doing these
videos even faster if I knew that and
you know if it’s one of those things
where you go no no I’ve been using
BBEdit for a long time you know and you
kind of push back on it that you know it
could possibly prevent you from taking
advantage of something that would be
awesome and the other kind of sinister
side to that is that people who don’t
get really great training who don’t have
a good idea of an ear for what they do
or an ear for what’s good or an ear for
what’s not so good can still get in this
business you know there’s no license
required to be an actor
be a voice-over talent or to be a
performer of any kind you know usually
the audience will tell you whether or
not you have what it takes
they’ll applaud for you or they’ll
ignore you or they won’t show up for
your stuff or they’ll boo you or who
knows what they’ll do but there are
times when there isn’t direct feedback
and so people still continue to do what
they do maybe not to the best of their
ability or the best of what is needed to
be competitive in the marketplace
one of the main examples of that is
audio book narration if you want to go
on a CX go on a CX don’t need training
don’t eat anything you just need to be
able to use a computer you want to start
narrating audio books you go for it just
because you can do something join a CX
doesn’t mean you should join a CX
because you’re not going to be
successful it may lead you to jump to
the conclusion that it was the the the
industry’s fault or nobody nobody has
got any decent projects or you know
audibles it’s a racket AC X’s or I’ve
heard all kinds of excuses but the good
news is is that most of you that are
watching this I would say a good 99
percent of you that are watching this
can use this fallacy of just because you
can do something doesn’t mean you should
to your advantage
here’s why I bet you can do this and I
bet you should do this and by this I
mean performing storytelling narration
commercials scripted comedy scripted
drama on camera you should do this and
because you’re good at it because if
you’re watching this video it’s kind of
a self-selected group of people that
kind of know what they’re doing and want
to get better at it and are open to this
whole idea of improvement because you
can do this you will reach past that
noise floor of all those people who
shouldn’t be doing it
it makes it tougher because in today’s
ideal world of disintermediation and you
know breaking the mold and redrawing the
lines and everyone should be able to
play and democratic entry to market you
know that just creates this thick noise
floor people who even though they can do
something shouldn’t do it and you’ll
need to get past that floor but it’s so
much sweeter when you show you can do
something really well and you should do
something so my admonition to you today
is yes there are plenty of things that
you can do that maybe you shouldn’t do
but what happens when you come upon that
one or two or five or ten things that
you do really really well and that make
you really happy and then make you money
and help you provide for your family and
give you the satisfaction of being a
performer whatever category it’s in
because you can do this I’m here to tell
you you should do this
okay both sides of that coin thank you
Bruce I appreciate it very much what are
your thoughts on this you know anybody
that maybe shouldn’t be doing this ever
tell yourself I can’t do this and then
figure out how to do it hmm
leave me a comment below let me know I’d
love to hear what you have to say about
all this because this entails so many
different things in how we approach our
business this whole idea of want and can
and might and should and will and do
right I’d love to know what you have to
say about that leave me a comment below
if you’re on vo – go go comm if you’re
not go over to vo – go go comm we got
lots of things that you can look at and
you should look at because they’ll help
you be better at your career if you’d
like to sign up for my youtube channel
go ahead and click on that head there if
there’s no head there my face go ahead
and find a subscribe button somewhere on
the page here is where you’ll find the
latest video just click on that frame
and YouTube will play it for you I’m
David H Lawrence xvii thank you so much
for watching and I’ll talk to you
David, you are such a mensch. I’m glad you’re getting some value out of a little pointer, but you really didn’t need to give me public credit. This is why people specifically seek out your guidance in an often callous industry.
I love Bodalgo. (Stay with me, here.) It’s not just because I have gotten work through them, but for all the ways they give me feedback. I know whether an audition has been listened to, whether it’s been shortlisted, and sometimes the solicitor of an audition leaves encouraging comments. I recently went back through all the shortlisted auditions I did, and from them, I did something “you’re not supposed to do for yourself,” so I’ve been told. I created my own new Corporate Demo, and honestly, I think it came out great! Not only does it sound great (no, I’m not biased!), but it shows my range, but more importantly, it let me see that I have the chops to do this kind of editing and production. So now I get to add another line-item to my product offerings: demo production! 😀
I get caught in this …. just because you can do this, doesn’t mean you should do this… because I have skills, experience and talent in doing something really well, I get asked to do things….just today it happened again. And, because I feel that because I can do something really well for them, then I should do that thing I was asked to do… not that I have the extra time to fit one more project into my life…learning to say, “not this time” has been difficult for me…and then I feel guilty for not giving that help….
David, you made my day — not because you mentioned me (well, yeah, a little because of that), but because I happened to be sitting on the couch with my 18-year-old son when I played the video. I bask in your reflected glory!
Great video, by the way. I liked the way you twisted the fallacy to show the other facet. Slick.