Don’t Be Worried. Simply Own Your Space On Stage.

Hey there, hero!

A couple of upcoming events I want you to know about, and today’s video ties in to what you’ll learn at these events.

This Wednesday, November 20st at 9:00 AM PT, 12:00 noon ET, I hope you’ll be my +1 at Adrian Salisbury’s launch party for the course that helped me look great on camera, Pro Video Academy.

Then, this Thursday, November 21st at 10:30 AM PT, 1:30 PM ET, I’ll be interviewed by the lovely folks at MemberMouse, my membership plugin of choice, to talk about how to kill it as a performer on camera.

And…a recent session with a voice talent reminded me of a crucial skill to get really good at if you want to show all the gooey goodness of your authenticity and authority, whether on mic or on camera.

I’ll be diving deep into this concept on Thursday (and that session is totally free, and they’re not selling anything), but I thought I’d share it with you first.

Register for Adrian’s launch party:
Register for MemberMouse’s online session:

Hope this helps!



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  1. I love it when you tell me in the live workouts to let something land. It always adds so much to the read. At the same time, I’d like to develop the skill to know when to let things land. I’m sure it will come with time and practice.

  2. I struggle with doing this mid-paragraph, but sometimes I just HAVE to leave that space, it gives people an opportunity to think through what they’ve just heard. Wishing you well for both your events this week, I know you’ll totally nail both of them and lots of folks will be helped!!