Don’t Be Worried. Simply Own Your Space On Stage.

Hey there, hero!
A couple of upcoming events I want you to know about, and today’s video ties in to what you’ll learn at these events.
This Wednesday, November 20st at 9:00 AM PT, 12:00 noon ET, I hope you’ll be my +1 at Adrian Salisbury’s launch party for the course that helped me look great on camera, Pro Video Academy.
Then, this Thursday, November 21st at 10:30 AM PT, 1:30 PM ET, I’ll be interviewed by the lovely folks at MemberMouse, my membership plugin of choice, to talk about how to kill it as a performer on camera.
And…a recent session with a voice talent reminded me of a crucial skill to get really good at if you want to show all the gooey goodness of your authenticity and authority, whether on mic or on camera.
I’ll be diving deep into this concept on Thursday (and that session is totally free, and they’re not selling anything), but I thought I’d share it with you first.
Register for Adrian’s launch party:
Register for MemberMouse’s online session:
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
well hey there hero it’s David H
Lawrence the 17th and this is going to
be a busy busy week for me there’s a
couple things happening in the next
couple of days I want to tell you about
before I get to the content of this
video but it ties in and first on
Wednesday November 20th 2019 there’s
gonna be a big launch party for
Adrienne’s Salisbury’s Pro video Academy
if you’ve ever wanted to figure out how
to look better on camera he’s the guy
that taught me how to set up my
equipment and my lights and my camera
and he’s really great he’s such a sweet
guy he’s over in the UK he’s got a great
manner about him he teaches really well
he’s doing this launch party at 9:00
a.m. on Wednesday the 20th and it’s free
it’s online but you got to register for
it and so the URL to go to is vo heroes
dot-com slash party very easy to
vo heroes comm slash party I’ll give you
links below the video here and then on
Thursday I’m gonna be doing a live
interview with member mouse which is my
membership plug-in of choice for those
of you that have websites that have
membership plugins or if you don’t even
know what a membership plug-in is it
really doesn’t matter because what we’re
gonna be talking about is on-camera
presence they’re gonna be interviewing
me about how to look good on camera it’s
kind of the compliment to what Adrian’s
doing on Wednesday with the equipment
and the lights and the sound and stuff
they’re actually going to be talking to
me about how to look good on camera what
to do with your hands what to do with
your eyes how to just be you how to be
authentic and how to be authoritative
and for that all you have to do is go to
vo heroes comm slash Mouse so vo heroes
comm slash party for Wednesday the 20th
at 9:00 in the morning Pacific time and
then on Thursday the member Mouse event
is at 10:30 in the morning Pacific time
so I’d love to see you in both places if
you’d like to go and just get some great
some great information there’s no
obligation they’re not selling you
anything on the
the member mouse thing Adrian’s gonna
tell you about his new live Academy but
you you know there’s no obligation at
all I’d love to see you both places so
vo heroes comm slash party for Wednesday
morning to register for Wednesday
morning at 9:00 and then vo heroes comm
/ Mouse to register for Thursday at
10:30 with member Mouse and you can ask
questions and you can it’ll be great
I love it now one of the things that
struck me in both cases is that one of
those things that hold us back when
we’re talking about performing on camera
performing on mic actually came up in a
session that I did that was a bonus
offering that I offered with Tim
audition ready online course I talked to
one of the people that bought it and we
were talking about how he’d gone through
his his audiobook work and started
taking out breaths and taking out long
pauses and what he ended up doing was
kind of cutting off the the the effect
that you get when you let things land
and what I want to talk to you about
today is letting things land and owning
your space and being confident about
owning your space so there’s this
concept of owning your space when you
walk into a room and you’re shrinking
back you’re kind of you know in the you
know you don’t want to be you know you
don’t want to be offensive you don’t
want to be that guy that that pushes or
that woman that you know is loud and
abrasive you’re just kind of like
hanging back that’s not owning your
space and that shows up in a number of
different ways owning your space
appropriately not being overt and loud
and so on but just owning your space and
speaking when you have something to say
politely and respectfully but not
shrinking back from that or when you’re
doing work on camera and really owning
the space not being timid with your
voice and down here and oh I really
don’t want to be seen or when you’re on
mic when you do work that
needs to have import like he then
removed the knife from the sheaf and she
noticed the sharpness of the blade
that’s something that you want to let
land that’s provocative that’s new and
different and if you shrink back from
that or if you cut that pause right
after what you’ve done you’re going to
blunt the effect of what’s going on and
you’ll blunt the effect of you being in
a meeting or being on stage or being in
front of the camera and really owning
the material so what I want you to do is
know that you’ve chosen to be a
performer so own that go with that
really own your decision own your choice
don’t shrink back when you make a
statement or you do a line that needs to
have import and heft let it hit and then
don’t shorten that space afterwards with
an editing move that would then blunt
the the effect of that so this whole
point of owning things means that when
you say something on camera on mic and
it’s something of import something of
importance or something of intrigue or
something of quality let it land let it
make an effect let the audience absorb
what’s going on if you said something
live on stage that shocked the audience
you’d have a moment and then you’d hear
you won’t hear that with listeners in
audio books or with commercials or
anything else that you might do but you
still want to have that effect so don’t
shorten that space after you have said
something that needs to land and needs
to have it own your space let me know if
this makes sense to you because I have a
feeling that maybe I could explain it
better I don’t know I’d love to know
though tell me if this makes sense to
you tell me if when you’re doing your
audio book work you kind of think to
yourself oh I don’t want to take up too
much of the listeners time so I’m gonna
I’m gonna hurry through this yeah don’t
do that
remember you’re getting paid by the hour
even if it’s royalty share your because
the longer the book the more expensive
it is you’re getting paid by the hour
so take your time own your space let me
know in the comments below if this makes
sense to you let me know if you have any
questions about it it’s one of the
things we teach in both the voicing
fiction and voicing nonfiction classes
within the vo Heroes courses and it’s
something that I think makes you better
on camera as well if you just let things
land and don’t shrink back from owning
your performance if you’d like to be on
my list I’d love to get you on the list
scroll all the way down to the bottom
and fill out the form we’ll let you know
when these videos come out and hopefully
what we have to say is is helpful to you
I hope I see you at the party on
Wednesday and the event on Thursday
remember it’s vo heroes comm slash party
to register for Adrian’s
video on-camera party on Wednesday
morning 9 o’clock Pacific and it’s vo
heroes comm / MOUs to register for the
member Mouse event that I’m gonna be
appearing at and being interviewed at
talking about on-camera presence on
Thursday at 10:30 in the morning on
November 21st got that great I’m David H
Lawrence 217 thank you so much for
watching and I will talk to you tomorrow.
I love it when you tell me in the live workouts to let something land. It always adds so much to the read. At the same time, I’d like to develop the skill to know when to let things land. I’m sure it will come with time and practice.
I struggle with doing this mid-paragraph, but sometimes I just HAVE to leave that space, it gives people an opportunity to think through what they’ve just heard. Wishing you well for both your events this week, I know you’ll totally nail both of them and lots of folks will be helped!!
Great advice for life. Own your space and say what you need to say with confidence at all times, on and off the mic.