Christina Just Took Creating Your Own Content To A Whole New Level

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Hey there, hero!
If you’ve looked at the VOHeroes Pro curriculum, you’ll see that there is one complete course on Creating Your Own Content (and a whole bunch of others that show you how to create your own content in particular categories).
One of my VOHeroes, Christina Hourihan, actually took what I taught her, and created something very, very cool: The Opera Doll.
In this video, I do my first unboxing, and it’s just awesome.
Link to The Opera Dolls:
Link to the Creating Your Own Content course:
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
oh hey there heroes
I’m just opening up this package that I
got from one of my clients Christina her
han she has this is so cool hang on one
second here she has a new product talk
about creating your own content I’m very
excited about this note says David
thanks so much for supporting my new
little company I couldn’t have done it
without your audacity training Christina
Christina Horan is awesome she’s a
coloratura opera singer and she has a
new company called the opera dolls and I
got one of the very first ones I didn’t
tell her I was ordering it just paid for
it and I’m opening this up in front of
you I got Adele who is I love Adele and
I thought well I’ll get a Dell Plus
Christina does the voice for Adele oh
look at that isn’t that cute and it’s
got blonde hair and the instructions say
to take it and unzip it and pull the tab
out so I’m I’m unzipping the back this
this is this honest to god this is with
her permission so I’m unzipping the back
does the unzip happen hold on hold on
sorry for looking I’m just looking for
the zipper okay
unzip the back wait a minute I think I’m
gonna I’ll be right back okay there we
go I got it I had to I had to take the
back of the dress down a little bit to
get the zipper fully down and then I had
to take this little this little tab out
it was for shipping to keep the battery
from going down so now you and I are
gonna be the very first to hear Adele
saying I’m supposed to just like squeeze
her belly and she will sing for us and
it’s actually Christina singing wait
isn’t that great gosh that’s awesome I
was I was watching a this is just so
cool you have no idea how happy I am
right now I’m not I’m not the biggest
opera fan in the world
I’m just not I you know I think it’s
beautiful I think it’s lovely I don’t
understand the words usually so I need
to obviously add that to my repertoire
of things that I adore but what I do
adore is this this this doll Adele of
that one of the three opera dolls and
the fact that Christina and two of her
friends got together and created this
company and created something that is so
cool culturally and that takes advantage
of the skills that she has both as a an
opera singer coloratura opera singer as
well as a voice-over talent she used
audacity to record this which is great I
just think this is awesome I think this
is really really cool this is really
and it is one more thing that
illustrates that you don’t have to wait
for somebody to give you permission to
to do work in our business to do work in
our field I mean she’s selling these
online she’s she’s recorded the stuff
she went and found a company to build
them for her and do the chip and all
that sort of thing I just think it’s
great I’m really proud of her I’m really
proud of you Christina I know you’re
watching so I’m really proud of you this
is the kind of thing that I talk about
when I say we can be if we want to be we
can make the decision to be the master
of our own destiny to a degree obviously
there’s lots of things we can’t we can’t
predict what could happen but what we
can do is give ourselves every
opportunity for success and this is one
of them so it’s the Opera Dolls calm
again the Opera Dolls calm and if you
want to get Adele or who else’s know
this is Adele wait a minute I don’t have
the list you can find the list over at
the website I put a link for the website
below this but I have my own my own
Adele and I’m really really excited
about it I’m David H Lawrence the 17th I
thank you so much for watching and I
will talk to you tomorrow.
Christina, this is awesome!
That’s amazing! Very cool. Congratulations, Christina.
Absolutely Inspiring to see and hear the Adelle Doll! As a fellow voice over talent conservatory trained singer, and one of your students since 20o6, I have full appreciation for what Christina has created. She has taken controll of her career and I pray she’ll experience continuous income from this doll for generations to come! Congratulations!
Thank you, Theresa! I’m so glad these resonated with you, fellow singer!! I wanted to think of a way to use this music training that was outside the box!
Well done! Inspiring!!!
Thank you, everyone, for your kind words! Much appreciated!! 🙂
That’s great! Way to make your own content Christina! 🙂
Brava, Christina! Brava.
You’ve got the razor, now come the blades. You can create a line of different songs customers can buy. Ideally they would be downloadable by the customer—if that’s not possible now you can consider it an upgrade.
You could slipstream it into production and offer an upgrade path for current owners. You could even come out with a second line of dolls that would take the downloads.
Remember, Gillette didn’t make his money on the razors.
So glad you shared this! I think it’s a neat and clever product, and I hope she and her fellow singers do amazingly well. 🙂