Big Changes Are Coming. Can You Handle That?

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Hey there, hero!
I’m making some wholesale changes in my gear and my approach to these videos and other production that I do.
And everything is changing all at once.
Am I nervous? At times. Excited? You bet. Fearful? A bit.
My question for you is…how do you handle upheaval?
Just a reminder that AMA II, Electric Boogaloo is just a few days away, so ask me anything, in the comments, via email or however you like.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
I’m wearing the work uniform the white
v-neck t-shirt don’t wear this on camera
and I’m marveling at sort of the symbol
of what’s coming up for me in the next
week or so this is my brand new
Panasonic g7 lumix camera part of the
reason that I put these videos together
this year was because I wanted to get
better at doing them I wanted to get
better at the speed with which I could
do them the you know the the quality
level of the finished product and so on
and I had an opportunity to take a class
from a guy by the name of Adrian Sal’s
very great guy out of the UK called ECAM
live academy and I was looking for a
front-end for Facebook lives because
I’ve been thinking about doing more of
those and you know be live TV very
finicky doesn’t always work the way we
wanted to dan and I have done that a
couple of times and it just hasn’t
worked out really well and in general
this look and this feel this very sort
of theater look where it’s bright me I’m
bright but my background is very dark is
something that I wanted to work on
because I look at how others look on
camera and I think one of the
limitations although it was a great
increase in quality from the webcam of
my macbook one of the limitations is the
fact that I’m using this c92 2x so what
was fantastic
within two weeks of the beginning of
these videos at the first part of the
year is now something that I’m looking
at you know increasing the quality on
and again this is what we do in our
careers we make little tiny changes here
and there we shave and we adjust and we
hone and we were fine this though is
going to be a big big change and I’m a
little nervous about it but I think it
has to be done first of all the MacBook
that I’m using which I recommend to
everybody who does voice work has been
discontinued by Apple
and so part of the boxes over there the
stack of boxes over there is my new Mac
Mini which is going to be what I’m going
to be recommending as part of my group
of recommended gear for the future and
this is tough this is like a wholesale
change the Mac books coming out the c9 –
2 X cameras coming out the webcams
coming out I don’t have to worry about
this multi port adapter dongle anymore
because the Mac Mini has all kinds of
ports on it the lights are gonna stay
the same although I did order some new
lights just to see how they work and you
know other things are gonna change as
well plus a brand new operating system
on my Mac my Mac itself I’m gonna be
going from what I’m now using which is
High Sierra again trying not to get too
ahead of myself in terms of operating
systems and I’m going right to Catalina
with the new Mac Mini so a lot of things
are gonna change I’m not gonna be able
to use level later anymore so I may have
to come up for a new thing for that and
we’re working on a couple of options
although the level 8 er guy Bruce is he
says he’s working on something as well
so who knows what’s gonna happen all I
do know is that over the course of the
next couple of weeks maybe sooner maybe
later I’m gonna be making some big
changes and I’ve had an opportunity to
reflect on what that feels like just to
notice what that feels like there’s a
little bit of trepidation there’s a lot
of excitement there’s some humor in it
because I think about you know some of
the things that I’m gonna have to give
up and some of the things that I may
have to accept about this
mostly it’s anticipation I really want
to see what I can do top my game as much
as possible when it comes to not only
making these videos but recording them
in a way that makes sense and is also
beneficial to you and so when you’re
facing a change like this know that
there going to be some good things some
bad things you know when I changed from
vo – go go – vo heroes it was a very
similar feeling like
oh my god I mean I know what works and
what doesn’t work I know what I have to
fix I know what I want to make better
but I don’t know any of the unknowns
that are coming down the pike same thing
with that camera same thing with the new
I just don’t know and it’s not to be
done lightly but you get to experience
me being at the front of the cavalry and
taking the arrows ahead of you so that
you know when there’s an issue with
audacity or when there’s an issue with
my mic or something revolving around
Catalina or a Mac or the camera I’ll be
able to share it with you if it matters
at all I wonder though how you handle
big upheavals in your life do you put
them off as long as possible do you do
you embrace them with vigor do you I I’m
gonna I’m oh I’m a pioneer I’m gonna
tell me how you handle it cuz maybe I’ll
learn from maybe I’ll get some wisdom
from you in the comments below let me
know what life is like for you when
you’re facing a huge change let me know
and if you have any advice for me I’d
love to know that as well you want to
get on my list and knowing these videos
come out I’d love to I’d love to have
you there just go further down on the
page if you’re watching on video heroes
calm and fill out the form for getting
you on the list it says get on the list
so it’s kind of cool I’m David H
Lawrence the seventeenth I thank you so
much for watching and I will talk to you
Sorry. No wisdom from me. I don’t do well with change or upheaval. It can put me in a paralyzed funk making it difficult for me to move forward. I eventually am able to move on. It is hard for me to jump in right away but ultimately I am able to put my toe in the water and get going.
Everyone (and I mean both hardware and software manufacturers) is saying to stay away from Catalina for now. DAWs aren’t working correctly and interfaces aren’t either. I know that you use Audacity. Look at their web site. It clearly says to NOT upgrade at this time.
Hang on to your old equipment for awhile because it sounds like you’ll need it if you need to record something.
I am willing to change things if it’s for the better. Change for the sake of change is a waste of time. Some of what you talked about is over my head so I can’t comment on them. I’ll take your word for it that you product will be better. And if it makes you happy than it’s all good.
Funny to reflect on this with you. I was interested to realize that if it’s a life change – births, marriages, deaths, career, friendships… I embrace it, because I have the confidence that I will know enough to move forward and learn what I need to know as I go. For a tech change – computer, camera, phone, website, etc. I have to drag myself kicking and screaming, because the opposite is true. I don’t have confidence that I will know what I need to know or that I will know how to learn it or have trusted advisors to ask. It usually goes alright, but it’s very unnerving and I experience more anxiety than in hindsight I needed to. I look forward to seeing your process as you go through it and getting some tips on how to do it!
Hi David! A few Questions 1)When I downloaded the latest version of Audacity on a DELL Laptop in the fall, I recall reading that one of the improvements included Levelator being already built in to the Audacity software, eliminating the need to go through the steps to export a wav file, and transfer it to Levelator for processing and converting the output file as an mp3. The instructions said, simply edit and save your file in mp3 format. Was the information false? Please advise.
2) Which version of MacBook is sufficient? 3) What is your opinion of adding the FocusRite Scarlet 2i2 (3rd Gen) USB Audio Interface with the Audio Technica AT2020 plus USB mic?
It’s not Levelator that’s installed along with Audacity, it’s LAME, the MP3 encoder. I prefer the plain MacBook (no fan.) You can’t add a Focusrite to any USB mic – that box is for non-USB studio XLR-connected mics. Hope that helps!
What do you think is the best camera to use for self tapes? An iPhone?
That’s what I use. An iPod Touch actually, but only because I have one separately. I’d use my iPhone if I didn’t.
Thanks for the advice, David!
I connect with this video this 100%. I’m in the middle of mega changes as well. I started upgrading this year and some of the changes haven’t gone as planned. Brand new equipment not working as it should. Things not working together. Paying for stuff that isn’t doing what it is supposed to do. Ugh! Frustrating! I know I’ll get through it and I try to do it small steps at a time because of these issues. I never buy the first of any new item but did this time and so I’m on the front end of having to troubleshoot for the company. Disappointed but learning to not let it run my life. I’m just move on to things I can fix while the tech people figure out what the deal is with their stuff. I may just have to return one item and use a placeholder until they solve the issue on their end. Also, building 3 new sites this year. My brain is spinning as I learn WordPress and all that goes with it. Oh well, that is tech.