A Sneak Preview Of My New Look And Feel

Hey there, hero!
Things evolve.
People evolve.
Philosophies and frameworks evolve.
And yes, so do video production workflows.
Here’s a sneak peek as to what’s ahead.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there hero it’s David H Lawrence the
17th and you know I’m really excited
about this new gear that I have and if
you’re looking at this and thinking wow
this is like really crappy David have
you noticed yes when we first started
doing these videos
it was back in January January 1st I was
using the crappy FaceTime camera in my
macbook it’s the one area where Apple
could do so much better if they wanted
to they could make cameras that were
even better than the ones that they did
it they it’s in your phone it looks
great in your phone why can’t it look
great in the bezel of your MacBook
anyway this is what we did for the first
probably week and a half two weeks of
videos and then I got sick and tired of
it and I’d wanted to change to the CDC
922 X webcam so that’s exactly what I
did and this is what the videos have
looked like since we made that upgrade
so the equipment we started with
FaceTime been using the same microphone
the whole time using ScreenFlow the
whole time then when we switch to this
webcam the Logitech c920 which I loved
and but there was there was a part of me
that thought I can still do better I
looked around at some of the other
people that were doing online videos the
people that were doing regular business
communications the fact that when I work
on Zoom it kind of looks kind of goofy
and I thought I can do better than that
and certainly with facebook lives and
with YouTube lives as part of the you
know the world that we live in today I
wanted to do better with that so just as
a real quick preview here is what the
new gear will look like and here is the
new look kind of I’m set up in my on
camera auditions studio
and this eventually will go upstairs in
my normal recording space that you’ve
been seeing for the last you know 300
videos or so but we’re gonna turn things
around there’s a whole bunch of other
stuff coming and it’s gonna be great but
I want to thank coach max for helping me
out get into this far Adrian Salsbury
and the folks at primal video Adrian
does the pro video academy and primal
video has the primal accelerator and
both of them have been really helpful to
me the new equipment that I’m using is
the Lumix g7 which is a SLR camera with
a prime lens which is why things go out
of focus and things behind me are out of
focus and I look a little bit better and
just everything about it is gonna be
even even more exciting when we when we
actually finish playing with things and
testing things and seeing things I just
wanted to give you a little a little
upfront piece we are going to still do
some work on it so you’re gonna be
seeing videos from the old set up the
previous set up for the foreseeable
future but then at some point we’ll
switch over so I just wanted to give you
that I thank you so much I’m David H
Lawrence seventeenth thank you so much
for watching and I will talk to you soon.
This is great, David! Love seeing the comparisons.
Q: Do you use the LUMIX for your self tape auditions? And if not, what do you use? And, what is your light set up like for the new look?
Basic three point lighting with diffuser LED panels, and yes, I’ll be using the lumix, even tho it’s totally overkill for self tapes.
Nice!!!! Love the new look and your personal journey into your next steps. Leading from the front once again. Thanks for sharing this David. I also recently upgraded my on camera audition gear. Nothing like what you have but a big improvement on the lighting set up for my camera. Congrats! Looking forward to seeing more of your new studio upgrades.
Wow! The difference is AMAZING! Looking forward to how everything looks and sounds once you’ve finished adjusting/tweaking it all. Great work thus far!
Love the new look!!!! Looks great!!! 🙂
David, You are inspirational in your fearless search for the best tool for the task. While I love the lighting with the new set up the sound isn’t quite as loud or warm. No one else seems to have mentioned it but it hit me right away. I’m not sure exactly what is different but you don’t sound as close and intimate as you do with the second/current set up. Thanks for your videos!
Yep…that’s the temporary setup at work – the audio will be better once I get it up into my main studio.
Cool! I like technology updates. Looking forward to the final setup.
Wow! It looks amazing. And, I loved seeing the comparisons. Thanks for your continued pursuit of excellence in all things.
Very cool. I learn so much from you. Thank you.