How To Know If You Need To Change, Or If You’re Making Work For Yourself.

Hey there, hero!

A client asked me today if she should get a new microphone. She also asked if she should change her stage name. And she asked if she should try a new computer.

I get these types of question a lot.

And usually, it’s out of frustration that things aren’t as successful as you want.

So, I do a survey: is this just something to fill the time? Or is it more?

Just a reminder that AMA II, Electric Boogaloo is in a few days, so ask me anything, in the comments, via email or however you like.

Hope this helps!



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  1. Nailed it again, David! I try to catch myself before I spin too off base with trying to make things happen. I’ve done the work, I’ve taken the course, lets do it!! But then I have to stop and remember that things take time….life is not a microwave, it’s a slow cooker and things take time. Gotta keep remembering where I was a year ago, even 6 months ago and where I am now. Every step forward is a win! Have fun in Vegas!!

  2. I appreciate your clarity on why you are changing your equipment. I found that I was in that trap of finding the “silver bullet“ to bring success. I’m finding the only success is to stay consistent, trust what you have as working, and perfecting the craft. Thank you for the great education you are providing through VOHeroes.

  3. Thank You for clearly explaining “do more of what works and less of what doesn’t”. That might not have been what you intended, but that’s what I heard today. >;^)

    For your AMA II: How do I figure out what really “works” for me (so I can do more) and what doesn’t (so I can do less).

  4. I knew a casting director who colored her hair a different shade every two weeks — because she was SURE that would mean more work. No. Everyone recognized it for what it was: She had deep insecurities and she thought the PERFECT hair color would solve all the issues in her career, which were many and varied. Because the people she worked with recognized this as a psychological issue, she was in real danger of losing clients she had carefully cultivated over several years.

    As you said, such changes can be makework. What’s worse is, significant changes for no genuine reason can backfire horribly, as they did with Ms. Haircolor. In the case of VO, changing your mic could change your sound in a bad way, which could push away some of your clients. And so forth. My attitude is, do what you do best, just be ready to ride out the inevitable highs and lows of your career — as everyone has to do, no matter what their chosen career path. You never hear a surgeon saying, “Hey, y’know, if I changed the scalpel I use…”