What A Lovely Thing To Discover: Praise From CourVO

Photo by Xan Griffin on Unsplash

Hey there!

(JUST A FEW HOURS LEFT: Registration closes for the ACX Masterclass tonight at 9pm PT. This is the class you need to create a vibrant and professional audiobook narration business with Audible on ACX. Click here to register now.)

I always ask the people that come and take my free Getting Started in Voice Over class where they heard about it.

It’s nice to know who’s out there referring people to my class.

And just yesterday, I got a lovely first time answer, and one I didn’t expect.

Link to CourVO’s site: https://courvo.com/2018/12/the-challenge-of-finding-a-worthy-vo-coach.html

Hope this helps!



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  1. I really liked your Free Starting class, not just because it’s FREE, but because YOU actually respond to each homework assignment and give great feedback( especially in helping “break’ the former Announcer style of commercial presentation! ( I’m still trying to get that ‘Bank of the West’ thing perfected!!) As a result of your FREE coaching, I’ve been following you and Dan O Day( who I purchased O Liners from back in the 70s in my radio days) and decided to take the plunge in your ACX Masterclass! After last night’s webinar about the upcoming class- I’m excited and can’t wait to start!!! Thanks for your ‘believable’ style, David!

  2. From one really solid vo man (Couvo) about another – YOU; I absolutely concur!

    I’ve had all kinds of good teachers and coaches in a lifetime of dance, stage and now, vo training. Some are better than others for various reasons, but I’ve found that if you really pay attention to your instincts, other people in the industry and ask solid questions, you can manage to find the best coaches for your personality and needs.

  3. Me too Duane! I was stunned when there was homework in the free getting started class. But when David provided feedback to my submitted homework I kept saying to the screen, “You know this is free, right?!??” It was helpful and I learned a lot. I keep telling you, David, along the lines of what CourVO says, you’re unassuming, shoot from the hip and yet encouraging style really resonates. My VO coach has you listed on her resource list and I think finding vo2gogo has been one of the best nuggets she provides on that list! Looking forward to the ACX Masterclass!!

  4. I run for the hills when a coach gives a quick webinar online only to tell you to get more information you have to take a $300 class on a single subject. So apparently that was the purpose of the webinar. I don’t see that with you.

    I also took your Getting Started class and loved it. I was so nervous when I had to send in my MP3 of the :15 bank spot. You were so kind and uplifting with your personal comments and suggestions on how I could improve. Every day I listen to your One A Day video and can’t wait for the next one. Thank you for taking the time to share your expertise with us.


  5. In my initial research I found coaches/companies charging very large sums of money for what seemed like very little training. I was skeptical of them right away. After looking at a number of options, your program offered a very large amount of training for a reasonable price. A successful VO friend of mine also highly recommended you. Add all that together with our phone conversation, and the phone conversations I had with your students, and I was sold. A good coach should offer all of that, be easy and fun to work with, and be a successful working VO talent. Your friend Dave is totally right about you. Thanks for the video David.

  6. I have taken probably too many VO classes with many coaches. Glad to say most were pretty good, even the mediocre ones had some benefit. But none were as complete as your course, most do not have the follow up that you do, and almost all were significantly higher priced than you.