0084: “You Are One Of The Variables!”



Show notes:

Hey there, hero!

My buddy Bob just called me, and on occasion, he says something brilliant.

This was one of those times.

He said “When you’re looking at how successful you might be at something, don’t forget: you yourself are one of the variables.”

Brilliant. And worth remembering when you start looking at how long it will take you to make the money back that you spend on training. Want to know how long? Wouldn’t that be great to know…but who can say given all the variables in the process, including…


Here’s the link I talk about in the video (that I’ll be removing after Wednesday night at midnight) for the payment plan offer for VOHeroes Pro – a 4 month payment plan that goes easy on your cash flow:


How do you handle the personal responsibility you have for your own success? Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. Great pod cast David. I don’t think I can afford $3,000 right now, but I do wan to eventually. There’s so much info to learn. But your videos are great.

  2. Hi, David!
    I was just about to head out on my workday, but thought I would listen to your podcast beforehand. Glad I did. 🙂 This is a topic to which I think I can genuinely contribute. Even though I’ve spent a large amount of time with audio production, performance, technology, etc., in my lifetime, the little I’ve learned from, and about, you makes me feel very much like a neophyte. You’ve had a career, success, and continual work that I deeply admire and envy. But, for my own part, the worldly experience that I have “cultivated” over my lifetime is BUYING training–live classes, webinars, books, audio recordings…more content than I care to remember; more “investment” than I care to admit to myself. Not just voice and live acting classes, but training that promised a cool, new skill that would assuredly enhance or completely change my life (massage therapy, a FOREX computer trading system, and online-help authoring software are a few things that come to mind).

    We are all “variables,” indeed. I’ve been at all ends of the spectrum regarding the variability of COMMITMENT, which I think you were really getting at. With some courses, I behaved very much like the student you referenced in your story, who only took three lessons in your whole lesson plan. Note that, when I dropped MY purchased courses, I did NOT bad-mouth the course in question, after giving up; I simply gave up. Sometimes I soon realized that information–or the goal, itself–was useless and I walked away, cursing myself for the impulsiveness of the purchase. However, there were a number of times that I dove in with gusto, worked diligently to learn what was taught, but then gave up when the going got tough.

    Out of all these trainings and courses, there were many who did propose a timeline for mastery and success. I recall, for example, the owner of my first voiceover school telling me of my potential, and promising (several times over several years) that I was “just about six months away.”

    I’m sharing all this, because I want to tell you (and so that you’d know I’m not fresh off the turnip truck) that you your program offer something truly precious and unique. Talking with a dear actor friend last night, I was touting the tip of the DH Lawrence/VOHeroes iceberg I’d gotten to experience thus far. I’ve been SO impressed with the detailed instruction in just the introductory courses I’ve completed thus far; the breadth of voiceover avenues that await me in your advanced modules; the real-world “commerce” training (that is absent, by the way, from just about every “career prep” course I’ve ever taken); and the oh-so-wonderful gift of the “mindset” component, because it’s clear that you understand the fragile psychology of the performer and that helps immeasurably with the self-doubts and other struggles that will inevitably come.

    One of the life lessons I seem to be continually working through these days is battling the “Why couldn’t I have learned/started/encountered this many years earlier?” thoughts. When I can avoid that thinking and simply focus on gratitude and the present moment, I’m simply glad that I encountered you, joined your program, and started (again) down this path.

    Thank you, again, for creating this.

  3. An example of how I have been a variable in something would be my martial arts career. I went 6 days a week for 9 months and went up in the ranks very quickly. The variables of my life, and my own motivation, could have made that happen differently. I am now a 5th degree black belt, the rank of Master. I could have not stuck with it for 28 years, but I did. Thankfully my variables have been conducive to my martial arts journey.

  4. Hi David,

    Yes! It totally makes perfect sense.
    I understand I am (we all are) part of this important variable in becoming a successful voice talent.

    I have another variable…is having the right mentor support. There’s a huge responsibility & variability in which my engagement in doing my part to do the challenging work, to plan, execute, and finish. Making sure I am accountable in scheduling time for my future in this great endeavor. Watching, reviewing, taking notes, rewatching to get it right, if needed. Sharing what I know.

    Need help with a checklist to make sure I’m progressing and completing tasks. Writing & calculating how much money I’m spending on gear, equipment, classes, etc., compared to the ratio of time and effort in preparing actual recording time, marketing myself (big one), producing a quality professional Vocal product and landing gigs, getting hired, getting paid.

    I am in your hands…

    Always with 🙏🏼 gratitude,

  5. Wow! So good! I completely agree that I am definitely responsible for my part in this. I have taken on things in the past that were too difficult and gave up before giving it a chance. But then I have also persevered and pushed through (i.e., self-taping auditions) and reaped a good return on my efforts. I am ready to commit and do my best in this journey with you! Thank you!