Why Giving Yourself Some Simple Homework Can Be Life-Changing

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Hey there!
When I hold my monthly business-building sessions with my clients over Zoom, there’s one slide that comes up during the session that I think is the most powerful.
It’s a list, that I call the 3-2-1 list.
But it’s a list with a very important physical feature. Here’s what a 3-2-1 list is, and what that one feature is that makes it so powerful.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
and I wanted to follow up on the
previous video that I did on the
difference between knowing and doing and
kind of replacing the joy of
implementing what you’re learning with
just learning more stuff and playing it
safe and not having to take the risk of
actually doing something so what do you
do about that what is it that you can do
that’s easy that’s achievable you know
short of rejiggering your whole life and
uh pending and going by god I’m gonna do
it which rarely works well I’ve got an
option for you and it’s something that I
share with my students and clients every
month with the pro curriculum when we
hold our pro connect
lyova session once a month we’ll all
jump on skype and instead of talking
about how to do commercials and how to
do audiobooks and how to do documentary
narration and how to do all the other
art forms of voiceover what we actually
talk about more than anything is
building our business and the mindset
that we have for doing things so it’s in
there that I always talk about something
called three to one homework so what is
three to one homework well three to one
homework and that’s the actual slide
that I show every month three to one
homework is a little tiny process that
gets you over the hump that that helps
you understand what it takes to actually
put – what you’re learning to use
implementing what you’re learning so the
three m32 one is what are your three
biggest priorities so you want to write
these things down you want to take a
piece of paper or put do it in a text
file whatever you want to do write them
down what are your three big priorities
and in the case of our Pro Connect live
session we talk about for the month but
for me I do this every day
my three big priorities for the day
write them down and when you write them
down leave a little tiny room for the
two in the one right so three biggest
priorities give yourself some space and
then you want to write down the two
action steps that you want to take for
each priority and I want you to not just
write down the action steps but I want
you to put a little check box next to
the left-hand edge of each one just so
that you can check it off as you do it
and I’m going to talk a little bit more
about that in the next video and then
the third one I always just sort of do a
double check I don’t actually write this
down although I did in the beginning so
I I think it might be a good idea for
you to do that so three is the three
most important priorities two is the two
action steps for each one and then one
is the reason you think each one of
those priority steps each one of those
priorities is important because we can
give ourselves busy work all the time we
can just fill the room with busy work
and it’s kind of what we do when we go
and take another class rather than
implementing what we already have and I
did want to follow up on that a little
bit this is a this is a great little
blueprint for getting going and you can
get overwhelmed if you go well if three
steps work what about nine steps you
know if three priorities are good about
nine priorities just three just three
especially if you’re gonna do it like I
do it which is on a daily basis it’s
something that I do every single day and
I am in the process of sort of honing
and refining this in terms of where I do
it I’ve been doing it in a physical
notebook but between steena and I we’re
keeping things in my Trello database and
if you don’t know what Trello is maybe
I’ll bring that up and show you in a
future video let me know if you want
that to be the case but that’s it three
two one three biggest priorities two
action steps for each one of those
priorities and then one reason that you
think that priority should be on the
list that it’s important I hope that
helps do you guys use something
like this or is this new to you let me
know in the comments below this is like
a brand new concept to you because you
can do this in like five minutes two
minutes it’s really really easy and now
you spend the month or the week or the
day or however long you do this just
referring to that list and if it turns
out that one of those things isn’t as
important as you thought it was or
something comes up and you have to take
the place just write a new list just
create a new list or just change what
your list is I hope this helps if you’d
like to join my youtube channel and get
notified when these videos come out go
ahead and click on my head there if
there’s no head there’s a subscribe
button somewhere on the page if you want
to see the latest video I’ve done go
ahead and click on that frame and
YouTube will play it for you I’m David H
Lawrence the 17th I thank you so much
for watching and I will talk to you
You should have a business that reads, “I think, therefore I eat”
I love this! Helps me not get overwhelmed and actually complete some tasks I’ve been procrastinating! A new to me technique I’m implementing right now. Thank you!
Great idea. Very useful. Yes, I’d like to know more about Trello and how you use it. I’m testing Cozy now and searching for the best organizational tool for my business. Thanks
I have heard of other similar systems (like have one physical, intellectual, financial, spiritual goal per day) but this is the simplest and most workable. I will use it. Yes, interested in Trello.