13206: What’s The Right Size For Your [Show] Business?

Hey there, hero!

Do you get the number of auditions you want? On-camera, VO, whatever.

You good?

Or do you constantly pursue more? Is growing your audition stream an endless pursuit? The highest priority?

I think everyone is different. And there’s a trend in business that informs this. It’s variously called “10X-ing,” “adding zeroes,” and “blowing things up.”


I don’t personally want more auditions than I am getting now – I’m good with my current level. But some people would question why I’m not pushing like crazy to “10X my business.”

I’m good. I feel like I’m at just the right level. I don’t need more.

But that’s me. What about you? Is the size of your [show] business a metric for your success? Your self-worth and self-image? With “bigger” equal to “better,” and that you will never have enough opportunities?

How to do you feel about your level of opportunities? What pressure do you feel? What would ultimately make you happy? Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. As a stay-at-home dad with a baby and a toddler, I experience overwhelm regularly just caring for my family. There was one week where I had three on-camera auditions, two in the same day, and it made me think I might need to take a step back from on-camera work. I quickly said to myself, “No. You just need to make some self-care adjustments like turning down an audition or two.” My overwhelm subsided quickly. I have a rich, full life outside of acting, so having a manager, and a couple on-camera or vo auditions here and there are the best fit for me right now.

  2. Such a great message, David. And such a great question. It’s a continual re-evaluation, particularly as I get older. I loved that you put it out there. Thank you.

  3. Great questions and discussion. I spent many years in management, working 70 -80 hours a week and still had my own theatre company because it was the theatre that kept me sane. Oh and I also was raising a son, all by myself. I can honestly say; I NEVER want to do that again. This is similar to the question: “Are you working to live or living to work?” At this point I would like to grow a business that meets my financial and creative needs and enjoy the journey… Thus my commitment to Voice Over work. Thank you for helping to remind me of why I came to VO Heroes to begin with.