What’s The Best Gift I Could Give You?

Hey there, hero!
As I’ve done these videos each day this year, I’ve often wondered if they’ve been useful to you.
And you’ve reacted in an extremely receptive way.
So now, let’s take this one step higher.
As we celebrate one of the biggest gift-giving days of the year, tell me what you’d like.
As I plan for the new year and the on-going videos I’ll create, what would be a home run for you? What would you like to know about?
What would be a wonderful gift to you?
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
well hey there hero it’s David H
Lawrence the seventeenth and here in the
United States and around the world it’s
holiday season either the very beginning
of it we’re in the middle of it maybe
towards the end of it and the gifts that
I’m getting and have gotten all year
long from the reaction to these videos
have been amazing this has been such an
amazing experience for me and it’s
coming to its daily clothes but we’re
going to be moving into a weekly format
that is a little bit easier on you and
your attention span I feel like I took
up an awful lot of your attention this
year and yes it was a challenge for me
but I think it was also a challenge for
you so I think we’re all looking forward
to a little bit less and if you’re by
the way if you’re watching this video
you’re going what are you talking about
there were 365 videos during the course
of 2019 that I wanted to put together
one a day and we managed to do it so far
we’ve got a few left but and that’s what
brings me to my point as we move from a
daily video to a weekly one I kind of
feel like I want to pay attention to
what it is that I provide to you it’s
always going to be of service it’s
always gonna be of use to you as a
performer either as a voice-over talent
or as an on-camera talent but you know
how when somebody says to you hey what
do you want for your birthday or what do
you want for Christmas or what do you
want for Hanukkah or what do you want
for you know Mother’s Day or Valentine’s
Day I want to ask you what would be the
best gift that you could get from me in
terms of information in these videos
what would be a homerun for you what
would be something that you would go
okay I’m gonna make sure that every
Wednesday I’m gonna watch this because I
know I’m gonna get something useful
because we’re gonna do these once a week
on Wednesday and I’m just looking for
what you think would be the best use of
your time it’s gonna be the same format
you know videos that are between five
and eight minutes or so and I’m
wondering what
you would like what would you like as
that gift so my question is what would
be the best gift I could give you with
the information that I put forth in
these videos is it about performing is
it about business is it about marketing
is it about life is it about all those
things let me know in the comments below
just let me know what you think would be
great for you what gift would you like
and I will do my best to to give you
that gift I really appreciate the time
you spent with me this year we still
have a few to go and I’ve got a lot of
things that I didn’t get to this year in
terms of ideas for these videos some of
them will come out next year some of
them may never see the light of day I’m
not sure but it’s been great and it’s
not over yet but I would like to know
what you’d like to have going forward so
if you could do that for me just leave a
comment below if you’re on vo heroes
comm if you’re on YouTube or wherever
you’re seeing this video and you’re not
on vo heroes comm follow the link in the
show notes for this video to get there
that’s really where I read all the
comments ok I appreciate if you want to
be on my list to get these videos
ongoing if this was forwarded to you
scroll all the way down to the bottom
and you’ll see a little box that says
get on the list if you’re on vo arrows
comm I’m David H Lawrence the 17th I
thank you so much for watching I’m off
to an audition I don’t usually look like
a like guy from another planet so I will
see you tomorrow.
Tips on how to get out of ones head during a read
David there is a lot of information out there for VO Artists. Sometimes I feel its almost too much. It would be a difficult task to try to curate all that stuff. What I found interesting was the personal narrative you brought to your videos. They were about your health, your daily interaction with somebody that triggered a thought, an article your read. But it was the personal that got my attention. I am still interested in learning the craft of audiobook narration and voice over work but I would like to see it through your eyes. At the same time to be honest with you I was less interested in your take about Ted Talks or articles your read about the power of something. I got lost with those, not sure why but they didn’t grab me. Your ability to make it personal is key for me, and why as a voice over or acting talent I should care about your personal “authentic” take. The fact that the videos won’t come everyday is a relief to me because I became obsessed with not missing any of them. But in order to live my life sensibly I took shortcuts, like fast forward through your opening music, set the video to around 5 minutes in to see where you were going, then fast forward every 20 sec to see if its going to hit me. Sorry for that. But many I listened to the end. So I don’t know if this will help or not but thank you for this great effort and thank you for your honesty and good will to people especially those of us just starting this journey. Merry Christmas.
Performance training and/ or demo dire tion
First of all, I would like to wish you and your’s, VOHeroes and all, a Happy Holiday Season and Health, Happiness & Prosperity in 2020 and beyond.
Thank you so very much for all your time, effort, thought and love you poured into doing these videos all years…You are awesome!!!
I’ve been following you on vo2gogo since 2011 and now on VOHeroes and, over time, I have found innumerable things helpful in one way or another. So keep doing what you have been doing, it works!!!
Tim Tippets again.
How to break the ice and get that first VO job. I’ve a small edge as I was an AM radio announcer (DJ) for the Country Top 40. I also have many pro level contacts on LinkedIn with studios, agents, & VO pros. What’s the next step? I think that would be very helpful.
David, the Best Gift you’ve given to me this year is the gift of your presence in these daily videos!
And the Best Gift of 2020 will be more of them:)
You asked for input about content preference that would be most helpful in the upcoming Wednesday videos – performing, business, marketing, life, or all of the above. I can say, without hesitation, please count my vote for all of the above.
I appreciate you so much for everything you do to educate, encourage, and inspire your students to reach their next level of success! Thank you!
Here’s to an Awesome New Year!
Hi David,
Thanks for all your guidance through these videos in 2019. The 365-day Challenge seemed an enormous commitment at the start of the year – and here you are just about there. So, thank you again and very well done!
For me, the issues I guess would be more on script interpretation and self-direction.
Wishing you & yours a super 2020 – and looking forward to all those 2020 Wednesdays.
As long as you continue to be the Authentic You that I’ve seen in these videos and heard in all of your classes, that will be gift enough.
Could you do more of the business side? What type of accounting software to use and what would the categories be? I am trying to break into audiobook narration on a fixed income, so I will be doing everything myself until I am able to make enough money to get me off SSDI. Thanks, David, I hope that you find the time to do some business side of VO.