Want To Grow? Don’t Go It Alone.

Photo by Cori Rodriguez from Pexels
Hey there!
Many of the skills we learn are those that try to help us become self-sufficient. To be able to handle challenges by ourselves. To say “I’m self-made.” Somehow, that’s become a badge of honor.
I’m here to tell you that it’s fun in the beginning, but you’ll never get where you want to go by shutting yourself away from others. And the only way to move forward past your own level of expertise is to do some awesome team-building.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there it’s David H Lawrence the 17th
and today I want to talk to you about
independence versus dependence versus
cooperation versus team-building all of
that kind of wrapped up in one we often
are exposed to articles YouTube videos
pieces of media that attempt to give us
skills that make us more competent all
by ourselves we don’t have to rely on
anybody we don’t need anybody we don’t
need any support we don’t need any
outside influence we can do this all by
ourselves and there’s something to be
said for being able to be independent
there’s something to be said for being
able to solve problems on your own and
able to survive on your own and able to
cope with emergencies on your own
especially when you’re on your own when
you’re by yourself when you’re looking
at ways to increase your ability to be
successful and your growth as a
performer as an entrepreneur as a brand
maybe you’ve created a business I can
guarantee you that you will reach a
certain point where you can’t grow any
more or at least any faster if you don’t
start to include other people and those
other people don’t mean you have to hire
a team that’s one way of doing it right
but getting involved with peers just
discussing what you’re doing with peers
mentors people that have been where you
are have gone on to other things can
share with you some of their successes
and some of their challenges and how
they solve those challenges coaches and
teachers and yes staff interns I can
tell you that when I was growing my
business it didn’t get any bigger until
I started to add other coaches a virtual
now have to I now have five coaches
other than me I have to tech people
actually three tech people and I
wouldn’t have been able to build my
businesses without those other people
and the thing is when you plan for
things it’s always so much fun to bounce
those ideas off of other people we’re
about to do a huge reboot of my company
this year and sharing those ideas with
my team has been really really rewarding
networking is a skill building
relationships is a skill that is really
valuable it’s not only valuable in terms
of other people having input and and
assisting you with moving forward but
just in terms of creating relationships
in all areas vendors and customers and
suppliers and team members and advisers
and so on
building skills being in a class with
somebody as opposed to being in a class
by yourself I always tell people when we
launch vo to go go every year find
somebody to go through this with you
because it’s always better to talk about
these things bounce things off of other
people than it is to just sort of sit
there in isolation and hope to hell that
you’re getting it right that you’re
getting what you need right execution
reworking when something isn’t working
even celebration is a lot more fun when
there are other people involved you know
what I mean
I remember the first big win that I had
when it was just me you know I think I
went over to Gordon Biersch and I don’t
drink beer I grabbed a glass of wine and
I sat there and I thought huh this just
might work you know but I noted how it
was kind of lonely it was kind of like
you know I’m the only one that knows
about this right so it’s become a lot
more fun now that I’ve added people in
my life and added people to my crew and
added a lot more clients and you know so
the whole idea is don’t try to stick it
out by yourself if that’s all you’ve got
I understand
but if you really want to start to build
and accelerate that growth of what
you’re trying to do take a long hard
look at adding more people to your
sphere of influence and to those that
you influence right and let me know what
you think about that have you kind of
stopped when it got to the point where
you maybe needed to talk about having
somebody added in your life either a
staff member or a partner or even a peer
you’re concerned they’re gonna find out
about what you do and maybe it’s not as
good as you think or they’ll steal stuff
from you or who knows what is it that
stops you what is it that made you add
people to your world right let me know
in the comments below if you’re watching
this on youtube go over to vo2 gogo calm
the link is below this video if you’re
watching on YouTube and leave your
comments there because that’s where the
conversation is sane and managed and
everybody’s nice and I like it there
there’s lots of cool tools for you there
too if you want to join my you know
subscribe to my channel on YouTube and
get notified when these once-a-day
videos come out we’re gonna do it all
throughout the year that’s the challenge
is to do a video every day including
today even when I’m not available I’m in
the process of getting shoulder surgery
and so I’m taping this a little bit
ahead of time taping that is so 80s
anyway if you want to join my youtube
channel go ahead and click on my face
there if there’s no face there then look
for a subscribe button somewhere below
this video if you want to see the latest
episode click on that frame youtube will
play it for you I’m David H Lawrence
xvii thank you so much for watching and
I will talk to you tomorrow.
MeetUp groups are a great way to connect with others in the biz. I have learned so much from my VO MeetUp peeps! Plus it’s great fun to get out of the booth and socialize, pick each other’s brains, help those who are just getting started, etc. I was in two great groups in the Seattle area, but moved to Spokane last fall. I was amazed to find out how many people there are in VO in Spokane when I started the MeetUp here. Very encouraging when I thought I would be all alone. Try it!
I look forward with great anticipation to the day when I have enough work to justify hiring people! For now, I need to build my business based on an investment that is relatively…mmm…conservative. My accountant is already concerned that My business may be declared a “hobby”!
Good questions. I had employees in the past and they did me dirty so now I don’t trust the process of bringing people into the fold. I realize they weren’t the right people and that was a different time but there is still that lingering feeling. I work on it daily and hope as my business grows again I’ll have the opportunity to bring the right people into my world. I love these daily videos. They are fantastic. Thank you.
From advice and support, to sharing in my excitement, it was wonderful to share my recent victories with my friends, family, and VO family. Thanks for the video David.
Speedy recovery David! 2 things, first, your “taped” reference near the end is so appropriate today. I just saw that with “New Coke” being featured in the 3rd season of “Stranger Things”, Coke is bringing that back for a limited time. Everything old is new again, like your shoulder! Second, I get the team support thing for sure but kind of opposite that is the virtual assistant. You’ve mentioned that a few times. Would you please do a video on how that looks in your life? I think that I might benefit greatly from something like this and want to hear how you use this type of service. Thank you!
Networking Groups that are web designers, graphic designers surprisingly was a great group for Me to be involved with. Web designers like the idea of adding voice to a site–I’m sure Me pitching the idea at the monthly meeting helped too. lol. Great encouraging words today david!