Two Phrases To Lead Life By, Plus A Bonus From Judge Judy

Photo by Carl Nenzen Loven on Unsplash

Hey there, hero!
I was recently reminded of a couple of interrelated phrases that aren’t meant to be preachy.
Just pretty accurate…and comforting.
And then, as a bonus, Judge Judy presides with a third.
Hope this helps!
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hey there hero I’m David H Lawrence the
seventeenth and one of the videos I did
earlier in this year I about my my
lovely circa notebook that I keep all my
notes in for these videos that I’m doing
this year and I’ve had one set of notes
sitting there for a while and I’ve been
trying to figure out why they kept
nagging at me why I really wanted to
share them
I haven’t actually come up with a great
reason but I just feel good when I think
about these two particular historical
quotes statements and as I was watching
Judge Judy the other day because as you
know I do she said something that kind
of tied them both together so I just
thought I’d share them with you and and
just get your thoughts on them as to why
these are so interesting to me so the
first one is this phrase that goes along
the lines of the words you speak become
the house you live in I have talked many
many times in these videos in coaching
my clients with choosing our language in
a way that supports and promotes success
as opposed to denigrates or minimizes or
makes us feel less of a person the words
you speak out loud become the house you
live in it’s a quote from Hafiz who was
a persian poet and and philosopher in
the mid 1300s that’s when it’s
attributed to have been said and it
really is amazing how prescient he was
about the power of words about the power
of what those words can do and what
those words can destroy and so when you
think about the things that you say the
things that you say about yourself when
you’re self effacing when you’re
denigrating when you’re when you go oh
I’m not that good idea
please select those words carefully they
can have a lot of power that isn’t
obvious and isn’t measurable but they
can be either supportive or destructive
and so if you want to build a great
house to live in use great words to
describe your progress to describe your
thoughts your dreams your fears your
potential solutions
so that’s one and one that goes along
those lines is is a quote from Rousseau
from the mid 1700s in Switzerland and it
goes a drunken mind speaks a sober heart
and we’ve had plenty of celebrities who
have celebrities and non celebrities who
in a state of drunken stupor have said
some things that really reveal maybe the
thoughts that they were keeping to
themselves what comes to mind is Mel
Gibson when he was arrested went on this
anti-semitic or bent people that are
high people that are are under the
influence of some substance or situation
that removes the barriers that removes
the the the brakes on what we might say
and how we might say it and I’m not sure
that that’s necessarily true that you
know whatever we’re thinking gets
loosened up when we get drunk and weak
then just say it I would hate to think
that the human beings in general are as
absolutely wicked and creepy as they
sometimes are when they’re drunk abusive
and dangerous and yeah I would hope that
that’s not the case but I I have a
feeling there’s a ring of truth to this
so the words you speak become the house
you live in
and a drunk mind speaks this over hard
and then I was watching Judge Judy the
other day and she’s talking to this
defendant who is making up the story as
she goes along absolutely and and the
the the plaintiff was basically just not
saying anything Judge Judy didn’t you
have to say I do look like you’re losing
here sir keep your mouth shut
didn’t have to do that he just was like
just listening okay and Judge Judy said
something that kind of tied these two
together and made me realize how lucky I
have been in my life to be surrounded by
people who almost always tell me the
and that that’s my my goal you know
if somebody says hey do these jeans make
my ass look fat there is a chance that I
might lie but for the most part I I
really try to tell the truth whenever I
possibly can and it’s for this reason
this this thing that Judge Judy says
from time to time and that is if you
tell the truth you don’t have to
remember anything you don’t have to
remember the details of the stories that
you make up along the way so if you
simply tell the truth it’s a lot easier
on you and she of course is quoting Mark
Twain who said if you tell the truth you
don’t have to remember anything she says
it usually like if you remember the
truth you don’t have to remember the
lies that you said or the things that
you made up or whatever and man I mean I
hadn’t thought about how much easier
your life could be even when it’s tough
to tell the truth I’m not talking about
little white lies but I’m talking about
things that could be dangerous to
yourself or to others if you told the
truth you still have to kind of face
these things eventually and it’s amazing
how applicable that is not only to our
own lives to the lives of those people
around us but to our politicians and to
the people who support them and to the
people who persecute them and to the
people around the world who compete with
them the people that we have to deal
with as a nation and as individuals our
fellow workers our peers our production
peers etc so all these things kind of
just made sense to me and I just wanted
to share them I don’t have any big
reason for doing it other than it makes
me feel good to know that I’m not
fighting against these things I don’t
have to worry that I find these to be
sort of Pollyanna ish or or too
difficult to maintain but I do wonder
what you think I’d love to know if these
are things that resonate with you if
these are things that you make watch
words in your life if you struggle with
these things if you just find it easier
sometimes you just like not worry so
much about whether something is truthful
or not I’m not asking you to you know to
to admit to that but I wonder sometimes
if these things are a struggle for you
so let me know in the comments below
below this video if you’re watching on
vo heroes
calm you’ll find a comments box I’d love
to know what you think about this and if
you want to be on my list and find out
when these videos we’re doing them once
a day for this year when you want to
find out when they come out and what
we’re talking about go ahead and join
the list by filling out the form in the
box that says get on the list I’m David
H Lawrence’s 17th I thank you so much
for watching and I will talk to you
Fortunately, no woman I’ve ever been in a relationship with, including my wife, has ever asked me the “does this make me look fat?” question. There’s just no way that this can ever end well for any man, no matter what you do. IF my wife ever asks me that question, I’ll just adjourn to the guest room for the night, because that’s where I’ll wind up anyway.
“O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!”
—Sir Walter Scott
Great advice. It all goes along with the mindset part of VOHeroes which I think is very important. I’ll have to remember that first one, I like it a lot. Thanks for the video David.
I worked with a guy who said when you get drunk you “lose you’re chooser” … say things, behave without thinking, so he chose not to drink.
What’s down in the well comes up in the bucket…
In vino veritas.
Oh what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive.