To Temper Your Rage, Try Offering This As Well

Hey there, hero!
If I may, a polite suggestion.
If you find yourself unable to resist the urge to complain about something…
…to rage about an injustice, set someone straight on their misinformation, or simply bitterly complain about something you have a clear opinion about that you know is right…
…at least include something in your rant that could be considered a solution.
Here’s what I mean.
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
well hey there hero it’s David H
Lawrence the 17th and I was presented
with something recently that made all
the sense in the world and I wanted to
share this with you we live in a world
where people are no longer required by
society to be polite and we’ve talked
about this in other videos where you
know hey let’s make being gentle and
polite cool again and to a degree people
have responded to it but you know I’m
not going to turn the world around and
and you know together maybe we can but
I’m not gonna do it all by myself but in
this particular case just one little one
little thing can make a difference I was
recently at a an event where things got
a little heated conversation got a
little argue II a little contentious and
what I saw happen was people just raging
at each other this happens all the time
it happens in real life
certainly it happens online certainly it
happens on social media and one thing
that I saw happen in this that kind of
diffused things and really helped bring
the conversation back to you know a
heated level but a more normal level was
instead of just raging instead of just
really bitching and moaning and just
complaining and raging and and and
trolling is to do one little thing offer
a potential solution you can be as
incredibly exercised about something as
you want but if while you’re stating
your feelings and your position and your
thoughts you also supply a potential fix
or solution or something that helps them
a situation rather than just straight
Planes it always makes a difference it
gives people something to think about
other than the divisive nosov The
Situation’s a how could that work I
don’t know let me think about this for a
so as we’re you know as I’m recording
this it’s around the holidays as we’re
heading home to the holidays sometimes
dinner conversations can be a little
contentious potential solution you know
hey I really feel strongly about this
and here’s what I think could work God
does that make all the difference in the
world it makes all the difference in the
world and I’m wondering if this is
something that you already employ or if
this is something that’s new to you or
if this is something that makes sense to
you let me know in the comments below
I’d love to know and if you’d like to be
on my list you can scroll down you can
get on the list I hope that helps I’m
David H Lawrence 17:00 thank you so much
for watching and I will talk to you
Great suggestion! Thanks for all you do, David! And, have a very merry Holiday! <3