The Right Notes We Can Play That Make People Want To Listen

Hey there, hero!
I recently gave you some of Julian Treasure’s warning flags about how to drive people away when speaking to them from his amazing TED talk (linked below).
Let’s look at the opposite side of the coin, and what things look and feel like when people are truly engaged and listening to what we have to say.
There’s more than one in there that should be very familiar to you.
Link to Julian Treasure’s complete TED Talk:
Hope this helps!
Raw YouTube Captioning
hey there hero its dividend Torrance the
17th and one of my favorite TEDTalks
ever was won by Julianne treasure back
in 2013 he was speaking at tEDGlobal
and the title of the talk was how to
speak so people will listen and as I
started watching it I know this is
really interesting and then as I started
watching it even further it got really
exciting and really applicable to what
we do as pros I give you a link to the
TED talk in the bottom of the show notes
for this video on vo heroes com I urge
you to go watch it we’ve talked about
his seven deadly sins and what they mean
not only to the public at large but to
what our role in the world of
professional voice-over is all about and
sort of getting the negative stuff out
of the way he moves on in the talk to
talk about the positives and he actually
gives it a spin and an acronym called
hale h ail and the H stands for honesty
the a stands for authenticity the I
stands for integrity and the L stands
for love and yes these all have
applications to lovely embraceable you
know drawing in your audience kind of
conversations but what about in our
business right in the previous video we
talked about lying the opposite side of
that coin is being honest about what
you’re capable of doing what what
languages you speak well and you know so
if somebody says hey I’ve got a Spanish
speaking spot you know you’re not
relying on one year of junior high
school level Spanish to say yes I can do
so being honest about what you do and
being honest about your limitations
being honest with yourself about what
you need to do to improve the a of
authenticity man does that sound
familiar to you it’s one of my three A’s
you know authenticity Authority and
agility but authenticity is huge it’s
the thing that we push back against when
we think we have to be a better version
of ourselves you know when we we get all
ready to be on microphone
stuff you know that just gets rid of all
the authenticity in our conversation and
our voice in our performance it’s huge
it’s what draws people to us and keeps
them watching what we do and listening
to what we do integrity look if you
can’t do the job if you can’t get the
job done by the time you need to don’t
lead a client astray and say you can and
then plan on making excuses if you have
to that’s just that’s just you know the
having the integrity in this business is
what sets real pros apart from people
who end up getting pushed out not
getting work I mean think about the
people that are the most successful if
it turns out they don’t have integrity
as we found in the last few years their
careers are down the chute you know and
when you find out they do have integrity
I’m always shocked that people are so
he’s such a nice guy he’s so like honest
and when he says he’s gonna do something
he does it he has integrity it’s like
how do you think they got to where they
are in our business by having integrity
right and then finally love that can be
a very sort of you know Birkenstock
Northern California kind of woowoo thing
but love has a very industrial thing
associated with it as well your whole
body feels differently when you’re in a
positive loving state as opposed to that
tense clenched negative ah this business
sucks I’m never getting any auditions
I’m never getting any work I’m never
getting any you know if instead it’s
like I’m still a work in progress what
can I do to help you you know these are
not necessarily ideas of sexual romantic
love it’s just affection and joy and the
ability to enjoy yourself you know the
word and joy is actually a compound word
that means instituting joy and joy
yourself like enable yourself and joy
and so when you have that approach of
love as opposed to the approach of you
know and just as a little side trip I
find myself feeling this way when I go
to New York
city I just feel like the city is so
dangerous sometimes and I’ve had some
experiences there it’s hard for me to
insinuate a feeling of love but I
noticed that right when I land at JFK or
at LaGuardia I noticed that and I go
okay all right okay you noticed it now
do something about it you can do better
so H ail he talks about it in the in the
treta in the talk in the in the TED talk
Julien Treasures talk how to speak so
that people will listen what do you
think of Hale what do you think of his
his acronym of honesty authenticity
integrity and love what do you think of
that let me know in the comments below
and let me know what challenges and
struggles you have of getting there you
know it’s not easy to do to be you know
to be that good all the time it’s not
it’s hard sometimes it’s hard
I found myself struggling recently at an
event that I went to so I know it’s hard
but let me know in the comments below if
you want to be on my list and notified
when these videos come out we’re gonna
continue to look at Julian treasures TED
talk because there’s so many cool things
for us as pros in the next couple of
videos as well you want to know when
those go out go ahead get on the list
there’s a box below fill out the form
and you’ll be on the list I’m David H
Lawrence the 17th I thank you so much
for watching and I will talk to you tomorrow.